Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Our Strange, Stuck, Aries Weather

Uranus will turn retrograde - or appear to turn backwards - on Tuesday 6th November 2018 - which is a strange end to the year and an odd start to 2019. Why? Flashbacks! Yet a revolution in your life is almost over.

Our Strange, Stuck, Aries Weather

So you’re reading your horoscope, right now – on this website. And you’re feeling weirdly motivated but stuck, too.

Just when you should be making quite a radical move, life is stopping you. Just when you should be taking everything you have been doing since 2011 – and furthering the experiment – the universe is getting in the way. Welcome to our strange, stuck, Aries weather which is on repeat from 6th November 2018 and ushers in the New Year 2019 too.

This is rather like hearing a series of telephones ring with messages for you, about a brand new start in your life – but when you go to answer, the phone just keeps ringing!

ipla37uj2dw 600x400 - Our Strange, Stuck, Aries WeatherMarko Pekic photo

Our Strange, Stuck Aries Weather and Your Horoscope

If you have a stellium in Aries in the First House (an unusually high number of factors) then you’ll already know this backwards / forwards story is about your image, profile, name, reputation, appearance or online identity. Your personal birth chart can tell you that.

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Even without a full personal birth chart, you can still see the way the wind (isn’t) blowing at the moment, just by glancing at your Solar Sign horoscope which is based on your Sun Sign.

ARIES Image. Profile. Name. Title. Appearance.
TAURUS Secrets. Subconscious. Mysteries. Depths.
GEMINI Groups. Friends. Teams. Networks.
CANCER Career. University. Volunteering. Caring.
LEO Travel. Publishing. Web. Education.
VIRGO Finance. Property. Business. Charity.
LIBRA Partners. Exes. Enemies. Relationships.
SCORPIO Work. Body. Routine. Lifestyle.
SAGITTARIUS Children. Lovers. Youth. Babies.
CAPRICORN Home. Family. Household. Property.
AQUARIUS Communication. Media. Web. Writing.
PISCES Cashflow. Values. Property. Business.

When Will Everything Move Forward?

Uranus rules the internet, as it is associated with electricity, new inventions and new technology. In fact, it was the years when Uranus was in Aquarius (groups) that the worldwide web got its proper public launch and the massive social media networks we have today are evidence of that. If you are wondering when everything will move forwards, you are really looking for the day that Uranus goes direct on January 7th, 2019, when the replay begins.

Uranus will go across Aries 28-degrees for all of January giving you the ‘last chance to have a last chance’ with its revolution in that area of life (above) which has told such a long and complicated story in your life, for many years. In fact, a lot of it happened online. Did you know Uranus rules rejection? You have had The Rejection Dance for a very long time, hearing the ‘No’ word from people,  being ignored, overlooked or finding others distancing themselves from you. At the same time you have been busy rejecting who/what seems false, wrong or outdated to you! Thus, the dance of ‘No’ meets ‘No’ and from this, comes the constant churning sensation you have experienced.

Gemini people have rejected people within their groups, but also been rejected by them. This has gone beyond unfollowing on Twitter. It’s substantially changed Gemini social lives and social circles over the long-term. Cancer people have found the Rejection Dance in their career, over many years. They have pushed away from their job or chosen field, but also been turned down, undermined or sidelined on particular projects, or with specific roles.

Aries Weather and Chiron in Aries

On Tuesday 17th of April, Chiron entered Aries. That’s historic. Chiron is a symbol of extreme experimentation! He was, among other things, a music teacher in the ancient world. Our most famous image of him, shows him teaching the lyre – even though he is half man, half horse. Chiron was the centaur who tried everything from herbal medicine to archery, and he confronted and challenged everybody who came across him.

So, in the areas of life you’ve seen (above) you will find Chiron asks ‘Can you get away with this? Dare you get away with this? Who says you can’t get away with this?’ At the same time, though, please be aware you have Uranus Lag. This all feels like ‘new, new, new’ but it isn’t actually. Not yet! That comes on March 7th 2019 when at last, Uranus leaves Aries for good. Probably for the rest of your life.

If you are a Sun Libra person and you’re single you will be relieved to know that. Being rejected by your former or potential partners during this long cycle, but also turning them down – or turning them away – has made your life so complex, because you are all about partnership. This may have been professional as well as sexual partnership. Two has not been your magic number because of the Rejection Dance! Yet, from March 7th 2019, it’s over.

What remains is Chiron the teacher. You will be taught how to get away with the impossible, the outrageous, the unthinkable and the audacious with former, current and potential partners from that point. Uninterrupted by constant churning.

The New Moon That Wasn’t – April 16th, 2018

We had ‘the New Moon that wasn’t’ on April 16th, 2018 because although things feel like a fresh start, with those areas of your life above, you were in flux. If you are a Leo, for example, and you had Uranus in your Ninth House of websites, blogs, foreign people and places – you may have been pursuing some new plan or idea in that area – but the wheels got stuck.

No matter what your sign, mid-Aries 2018 was so misleading! It was like being told ‘Thunderbirds are go’ and ‘All systems are go’ and they not,  because the electricity was not plugged in. We had a Mercury Retrograde at that time, along with Uranus preparing to go retrograde.

What you thought would be a radical change, liberating, freedom from (something or someone) was not. If you are a Virgo, for example, this would have involved your bank, income, debts, house, apartment, charity, possessions or business. This is still a process in motion.


Are You a Premium Member?

If you are a Premium Member, please keep reading your exclusive extra content every week as I will track this Aries weather for you and show you where it’s going.  The Chiron in Aries cycle is very important, so is the strange behaviour of Uranus in Aries. If you are a Sagittarius person, for example, this has been about your children (if you are a parent) and you need to know! In general, though – expect a Back to the Future moment from Tuesday 6th November and right up until Uranus finally, absolutely leaves Aries on March 7th, 2019, you will be dealing with unfinished business. The Rejection Dance was never truly over. The Revolution with all its new freedom and exciting independence, has been interrupted. Yet – it will come. And once you are past March 7th, you can well and truly say you have done, all that needed to be done. Chiron in Aries can then teach you the rest.

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147 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica, fabulous article as always!

    I have an Aries stellium and have just done some family tree digging around and have made initial contact…but everything still feels up in the air, especially since I have kept this secret from others around me until I know more… Will anything come of these ‘new but old’ family contacts? Thank you! xx

  2. Hi Jessica,
    You’re always right. :))
    I have many planets in Aries (& Taurus), and I do feel like I’m on the brink of something and very much looking forward to all of it happening, but I also feel like I’m stuck and I don’t know how much longer I can take the wait. :/ Years of it actually. In business, and love.
    Probably first to be affected is my Venus at 4 Aries, but I also have MANY other planets at 3/4/5/6.
    Any of your thoughts on this are very much appreciated.
    Thank you!!!!!

    1. Not always right – wrong about Trump winning – but then he has given us two different dates of birth. And two different times. (It may have been the horoscope for a Brooklyn plumber for all I know!) Okay, so you are also being affected by what I am calling P.C.T. which is Pre-Change Tension. You are like a car spinning your wheels in the mud. The light goes red, amber, green, amber, green. Actually the weird astro-weather is doing you a favour because you are going to make some breathtaking changes by 2020 and you do need to take a deep breath and go into some detail, in an honest conversation with yourself, about what you are going for and why! This needs an awful lot of figuring out. Thus the spinning wheel feeling. It’s actually useful.

  3. Enlightenting as always, could you please glance at my chart to see where and why the delays are continuous issue with finding a job and my love life, please? I read my sun sign as told but revolution you mention since 2011 has effected my marital status, job status and general floating through life. I have gotten a divorce, lost a long standing position and have no real oppositions for a realationship or a good paying job in sight (not that I haven’t been desperately searching). Am i still being effected by Saturn and Pluto? Anything’s sign of hope?

    1. You have Saturn in Leo and I can’t help noticing your email address which I assume is your business. Wow. That is a hard business to choose if you have Saturn in the Fifth House of children! Your best bet is to join more groups and reboot the groups you are in. These could be social media, real-world, Mumsnet, netball teams, Goth bands…the lot. You come alive when you feed into groups and make new friends, and also deepen the old friendships. In fact, friends and people power will come to mean more to you in your life than a bad marriage ever did. You will see the full truth of this from Christmas 2019 but start now. Community! It could lead to an awful lot of what you want. Why am I seeing Native American Indians?

      1. Thank you for the reply, my email address was a business I was attempting to start but never did. I can’t even befin to imagine what the Native American reference could be. I was just assuming with my nodes in Libra/Aires as well as my Rising that something significant and by that I meant good would change, SOON. I’ll be out on the streets otherwise.

        1. Might be time to get a new e-mail address now that Mercury is moving normally again – it will help with everything else. You won’t be out on the streets. You do need to be open to something new and different with the family. If you stay open to the idea that your family (or perhaps a household of flatmates) could be the spinning dime upon which everything turns, the universe could serve up something really useful for you, in terms of home life, from the middle of May onwards. Ditch what you used to expect/anticipate/believe/know and try – if possible – to leave a wide open space for even the most unlikely new elements to come in. Use a journal or notebook if you need to. It begins with that.

  4. Hi Jessica many thanks for another amazing article.

    May 3rd is the day of the local elections here in England – polls close at 10.00pm. Is Mercury moving forwards just an hour earlier going to impact these elections at all, or will it be too late?

    I am strongly Aries with 5 factors in my first house – and I’m standing for election to become a councillor in the local elections on May 3rd. I’ve only actively been involved in politics for a year and things have moved fast – it’s been a fantastic ride and an absolute blast! It’s given me a new lease of life. I see it as an adventure, so I don’t mind if I’m not elected, I just think if not elected, my adventure will take me down a different path.

    I have no idea what could return or be resurrected on the 4th May, – especially on a volcanic level! Strange or coincidence it’s the day after the election?

    How will I be affected – because of the dates I’m thinking politics, but should I be looking elsewhere?

    Thanks again

    1. Thank you. Mercury is obviously the ruler of the internet (communication) so I do wonder what Cambridge Analytica may have to do with this weird local election timing, as he is up to his old tricks as people go to the polls. As a strong Aries you are a classic political animal who believes in fighting the good fight. You are going to relaunch, basically. Your relaunch will be based on how much you identify with ‘me’ as opposed to ‘we’ which is your party, I assume (unless you are an independent). You might even say your new year starts here. The trick with your chart is to show people that you are the brand. And you are the face of ‘the good fight’ whatever that is. I am sure you know that a lot of politicians and actors train by talking to the mirror. That will work very very well with Chiron in your First House this year! See how you look to others.

  5. Thank-you for yet another insightful article, Jessica. The invaluable information you are kind enough to share helps me manage and cope better with the overwhelming anxiety I sometimes feel.
    My relationship with my partner (born on 25.03.61 in Bendigo Aistralia) and with my daughter (born on 12.07.92 in North Dandenong Australia), as well as my job hunting endeavours are all being drastically affected by the Aries weather. Would you be kind enough to give me an indication of what the future holds in all three areas of my life please.
    Merci d’avance.

    1. What you have here is a classic case of pre-change tension (PCT) which you are experiencing as Uranus is ending his stay in Aries; Chiron is ending his stay in Pisces; Mercury is still going back and forth in Aries. Essentially you do need to make some changes and although nobody really likes doing that – unless they are at the end of their tether – it would be far better for you to start making some notes about what is possible. Actually you will find that either/both daughter and partner want to make their own changes in 2-3 weeks from now and of course this will affect your own life. There is really no point in hanging onto the familiar just because you feel you’re risking particular things. Look at the stakes. Really, what do you actually have to lose by trying a few things out here? That’s one way of looking at it. Like all electrical storms, the mid May ‘storm’ of Uranus entering Taurus builds in electricity so the atmosphere may feel very tight and stretched. That’s normal so allow for that. Relief and release will come eventually and that’s when you really do need to shake a few things up.

  6. Hi,
    Thanks for informative article. Does the new moon in Aries still remain a good time for starting new things & take advantage of all this newness coming our way? Or, it might be wiser to hold off till May 5th?

    1. If you can start any time at all, you may want to wait until after 3rd May. If you’re in a hurry, you can ‘begin the begin’ now, but be aware that you’ll be fighting cross-currents coming the other way, for the next week or two.

      1. Ok, a side-questions since I am still learning. How do I know which house is my north node in? I know it is north node Taurus but I don’t know which house.

  7. I have sun in Virgo , but a lot in Leo and Scorpio with Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn . . Nothing in Aries but my face and body have transformed , and I am studying Counselling Diploma. Im updating my nursing skills or I have done I should say . My personal life has been a roller coaster since the day I was born . I have nothing in Aries but can you shed any light for me regards my husband 2/1/1961 or my mother 8/3/1936 or my enemy 13 /7/1937 ? please Thanks very much ,

    1. Your Sun in Virgo side will love that you are updating your nursing skills. It’s your path. Your enemy becomes empowered when they feel they are winning over you. They never win over you. You are too classy for that. Stay out of the game and if you can block this person online, then block them. Sometimes you have to make it really clear that the boundaries are up. If you remove your interest in them, you will cut the game. The game relies on two people and you can resign from it. It’s too boring. You have other things to do. Why am I seeing a dog in your reading? I like this dog a lot!

    2. Thanks Jessica my mum 8/3/1936 has a dog DIGGER who i saw the other day for the first time in two years he recognised me and sat on me with love ha ha I once took him for a long walk and gave him water from my bottle and half my sandwich ,hes loved me ever since . My Mum wants me to have him , but he would eat my cat Merlot I think !

      1. That’s the dog. Think about the cat-dog relationship. My cat Henry, who my webmasters know very well, was a ginger tom who became good friends with both of the dogs he lived with. Digger might get on with Merlot. You never know.

  8. Hang in there. Bacchus makes stunning patterns in May. You’re just getting the frustration of (*&%*&F^ Mercury Retrograde Shadow. This planet is now on his third loop!

  9. Hi Jessica – very interesting article. Thank you. Only IC Aries 4 but I have several factors at 28 – Ceres 28 Pisces and Jupiter 28 Gemini and Cupido 29 Virgo. Just wondered what your thoughts are on this? Many thanks/

    1. Uranus will conjunct your natal Ceres at 28 Pisces in the Twelfth House in 2018 and also 2019 before departing forever. A radical change which permanently alters the way you reach compromises over what is secret, submerged or unseen will also affect the way you use the internet and the way you work. Of course if you’re on Facebook this is really about the corporation possibly using your data!

      1. Is Uranus going back into Pisces this year? I can see rom the ephemeris tht Uranus goes back into Aries but can’t see it in Pisces – sorry, bit confused 🙂

        1. No, Uranus goes into Taurus in May, then it retrogrades back into Aries for a few months, then we begin the Uranus in Taurus cycle proper, next year – 2019 – for many years to come.

  10. Hi Jessica ,

    I have been waiting to buying tickets for an overseas wedding even though I’ve seen some terrific deals. Do you advise waiting till May?
    Thanks Baroona

    1. Baroona, Mercury Retrograde Shadow is in Aries so it really depends on your birth chart. If Aries rules your Ninth House of overseas travel, you’d certainly buy your ticket with the fine print in mind – and insurance.

  11. Hi Jessica,

    So many good articles this week! This one is right on point. I was moving along nicely and seem to have slowed right down this month. “Stuck” is exactly the word I was using in my head, and then I saw your article using the same language.

    I have six factors in Aries, including a natal Chiron. I am about to break free of a restraining business relationship, but I am having a lot of anxiety about how things will go for me financially on the other side. I may try to reinvent myself in the same industry, or just take some down time and figure out what to do next. Can you give me any advice or see anything money-related that might help? Thanks! Michael G

    1. Thank you Michael. I am sure you know I am a psychic medium and sometimes my guides urge me to write a chain of posts about one particular topic, and right now that is May 2018. The revolution. Anxiety about finance is really Taurus and Scorpio in your chart and you have Saturn at 23 Taurus in the Second House so you hold fear about money, property, possessions, business, taxation. We all have Saturn somewhere and you have it there! Read more about Saturn to understand how he works in your chart, and particularly Saturn in Taurus in the Second House. There are two things going on here. First of all, as a Sun Taurus too, you will need to change the habits of a financial lifetime starting in a small way in May 2018 and rolling hugely from 2020. Be open to what comes. Be as flexible as possible. No strongly Taurus person ever wants to hear that, but let me give you an example. The last time we had this transit, starting in 1934, extending past the heavy Taurus weather that began the war, people had to learn to grow their own fruit and vegetables. To go without a lot of dairy and sugar. They had to learn how to alter their entire thinking about property prices, because London was being bombed and nobody could put a price on that Kensington mansion any more. The outcome of that war was that some people had never been so healthy. Women who left the cities to volunteer as Land Girls (even if you look at photos today) were glowing from enforced fitness, natural food and no chocolate. In London, anyone who took a risk and bought a bargain in a bomb zone – and got away with it – was very wealthy by the Sixties. We are not going into a war. We will scent something like it in the air, but the astrology beyond 2020 is about one world government, not one world conflict. In a roundabout way, what I am trying to pass on, is that ‘forget what you knew/what you had’ and just do what you can, with what comes. Starting in 2018 for many years to come, you will be astonished at the biggest world economy shifts in your life. It’s really important that you let go and allow some of your old walls to crumble a little, before you rebuild them. You will always need to be safe with Saturn in Taurus, but Uranus in Taurus will help you to see that old structures, ideas or attitudes you held for your entire life may need to be questioned. On the Aries side of your life, you will relaunch and become your own brand. Whatever you are fighting for or against in your life, you will take on in the most personal way. As I don’t have details for your business partner, I suggest you use your Astrology Oracle to see what is possible there.

  12. Hi Jessica-Of all of your Aries articles this is my fave so far! I have a new job opportunity coming up and I’m even more excited about it after reading your blog posts. My question has to do with my love relationships. It sounds like there will be a sea change occurring at the end of April. Would you expand on what this means for me? Will the romantic door that shut on me last April open again, for real? I have large Aries, Libra, and Gemini stelliums, Gemini sun sign. Thanks so much!

    1. You will have the best opportunity in 12 years to reconcile with your former lover or be with a brand new partner, starting in a small way at Christmas, and then rolling like a snowball in 2019. Just do what you want to do. Feel all the feels. Proceed as you wish. Yet, as the Christmas trees go up around the world, you’ll see a small but precious present under the tree and inside is what and who you want.

  13. Could you please glance at my chart to see why there are continual issues with finding a suitable job and suitable partner? My relationship just ended with a Leo (7/28/54), who cheated with various women. With regard to the job, nothing ever seems like a good fit. Most recently, I was given a tentative offer for a new job, but I’m very unsure of taking it.

    1. I am so sorry your Leo ex-boyfriend cheated with other women. What a bastard. I have to say, a bad Leo is a narcissist who thinks he is a cross between King Henry VIII with his six wives, and King Charles II who could never commit. Anyway, the less said about him the better. He will have his karma from 2023, for many years. Your job situation is interesting. Let us look at this tentative offer. Is this a holiday from the real world? Is it some kind of escape from the everyday? If so, this (or a job that is all I’ve just said) will be on offer from May across the middle of 2018 and again in early 2019. I am sure you know you have a big Leo chart signature. It is in your Fifth House of parenthood. You don’t say if you have children or not, or if you want them (or not) but the answer to your question about continual issues in finding a partner is ‘motherhood.’ Someone in your family tree, going back a generation or two, had massive issues about being a mother and there may have been the loss of a child; too many children (leading to poverty); infertility; difficult adoption; illegitimate children. You know, I never use the word ‘bastard’ when I write about astrology and it just popped into my head. I do think that somewhere in your family tree (Leo IC) you had an ancestor who struggled with being a mother. Maybe your own mother did. The reason you keep falling in love with people who reject you, or whom you reject, is that you are conflicted about what you want from the world of children and babies. When there is no clear thought on that, sometimes the way to keep everything unresolved – static – is to want the wrong man. When you want the wrong man you will never have a standard pregnancy/birth/parenting path. Have a look at all the Leo stuff in your chart and really dig into it. On the job front, seriously, this new role or project mid 2018 or early 2019 is like a vacation from ‘real.’ It can only occur once in your life.

      1. Jessica thanks. You are spot on about the interconnectedness between motherhood and my relationship problems. With regard to the job, can you elaborate? Is it a good thing or bad thing that the job may be an escape or vacation? I’m so torn about the job. It’s far away in a place where i know no one. I just don’t know what to do. Seriously confused. By the way, no I don’t have kids.

        1. I’m glad you’ve seen why the relationship story is about motherhood. Only you can say if the job is a good thing or a bad thing. It really depends on how you feel about not living in the real world. Do use your Astrology Oracle to zero in on what is happening, if you feel confused. I use these cards myself whenever I need to get some clarity.

  14. Hi Jessica – As always, I love reading your articles. Thank you for the time you put into these…
    Right now everything feels in flux. My partner (born 26/03/79 in Adelaide) seems so incredibly stuck with everything. Our relationship is very up and down but we can’t seem to let each other go, but only seems to have time for work. We had so much drive last year to climb a very big mountain together but it’s just been stuck for the last 6 months or so. I have every plan to move back to my hometown towards the end of the year as I’m not happy with my job, nor with my current city. Daily life just feels so hard.
    Is this going to get any easier? I worry about May “weather” and what Uranus is going to bring…

    1. Thank you, I appreciate what you say. You are one of my readers with those classic 0, 1, 2, 3 degree patterns in her chart so essentially you are waiting for the electrical storm. You can’t let your partner go. You dislike your job and city. Please don’t worry about Uranus in Taurus. It’s just change and you need it, to live your life to the full. I’m not just saying that. Uranus, when he hits your chart, can be like a huge electrical storm and it can feel as if you are starting over, but if you are smart enough to stand back from the situation you will soon see just how trapped you were – or how trapped you were going to become. When Uranus moves across 0, 1, 2, 3 Taurus in stages, starting May 2018 and recommencing in early 2019, you will be shown where you have to go, what you have to and why you have to do it. It’s a fork in the road. If you take the wrong fork you end up stuck for years. Trapped, even. If you take the right fork (and you will) it may be like ‘The Great Unknown’ but as the Leyland Brothers knew back in the 1970’s, the road less travelled is the right one. Why am I giving you that example? Mike and Mal Leyland were the last thing on my mind but I have someone in spirit here for you and they insist I use that example! Ask the Leyland Brothers?

      1. Hi Jessica, thank you so much for your reply. Hmmm. The Leyland Brothers. I’m not sure what the reference is to but I’ll keep it in mind when the “storm” hits…
        Do you see us letting each other go?
        I mean, as I sit here… I’m turning 35 in a matter of weeks. My partnership isn’t stable right now, especially since we aren’t even living in the same city. I wonder (and worry) that I will never have a family. I truly feel like I’m the one left behind. Maybe I’ll just buy a dog and be done with it!! I’m not so much concerned with marriage. But I do want that stable, passionate partnership and to build a life with my person. For almost 2 years I’ve believed this man is my person. But he doesn’t seem ready for us.

        1. Whenever women talk about dogs I look to Diana in their charts, because she was the goddess with the greyhound. Sure enough you have Diana conjunct Aesculapia in Aquarius so actually you are all about friendship. Not so much one-on-one constant intimacy. You have fallen in love with someone who lets you be free, because you don’t live together. Owning your need to be independent will be very useful for you. If you have spent two years wanting a man who can’t give you commitment and closeness, it may be time to be honest with yourself about a great need for space – on your part. Have a look at Diana in Aquarius in the Eleventh House. Look at the paintings and sculpture of her, even. She is you. Don’t wonder and worry that you will never have a family, but do get to know yourself better. The art may trigger something. And don’t forget the Leyland Brothers.

  15. Hi Jessica, thank you for the very interesting article! I’m currently going through something in my job and feel exactly what you described ‘stuck’. I would appreciate if could have a quick look at my chart and offers some insight of how the current Arian weather is affecting me.

    1. You won’t be stuck for long! See that Mars at 0 Aries in your First House of title, reputation, image and appearance? When Uranus moves to 0 Taurus and makes what is known as a semi-sextile, in the middle of May, there will be the most electrifying and sudden few days in your life when you realise you have to ‘be’ your Mars in Aries. This means action. In fact, circumstances around you – the people, the organisation, your entire field, perhaps – will be jolted. This opens up a space for you to assert yourself, and that is putting it politely. You could ignore the moment but the issue would not go away – it would be back in early 2019.

  16. Jessica i have been a member for years now, you are always right on! i am in awe of your talents. you are blessed. i would appreciate if you can help put a little clarity on my chart. i am so mad at myself that i missed the 2018 waiting list… I am a taurus sun, asc in leo, many aries stellium in my chart. My son is 18 years old autistic, a leo … at home with me. i feel stuck and i dont know where to start, many ideas, lots of debts, marriage trouble.. the past years i have seen it all, deception rejection …i just need to see clear, so i dont loose my house after the divorce. thank you very much

    1. Thank you. You will not be stuck for long. Starting at Christmas 2018, there will be opportunities to study and learn, online but also out in the world. A special group of people will be involved and you will make one or two very good friends in this virtual classroom, or this series of workshops. You could even take formal study. You are strongly Sagittarian and need to find out more about this side of yourself. This is also the last year you will have to spend so much time and energy on your son, as the North Node in Leo is on the way out and by 2019 you will have closed the karma with him. It’s all about karmic debts and credits this year, and how to settle them with him. But you will.

      1. Thanks with all my heart Jessica. how i would like to understand this karmic debts… strongly saggitarian! no wonder that i never felt like an arie or a virgo eventhough i have so many planets and asteroids in those signs… Yes, you are wonderful. everthing you said here is true in my life, i will be waiting for those wonderful friends!

  17. Hi Jessica, I really hope you can help me understand why I have no real enthusiam to progress my new business. After leaving my husband last year I can’t seem to get past it even though it was my choice and he has since moved on. Struggling…I hope you can help me here. Many thanks for your time and wisdom

  18. Thanks for another insightful post Jessica. Only recently discovered you and loving your words. Deeply resonates. Would love to ask about my chart and this Aeries weather. I’ve just had my third baby end of last year and have had lots of stalling with a book I’m working on (and with my biz in general over the years). Hoping to launch an ecourse this year as a soft launch before a bigger launch early next year. Also rebranding my website etc end of the year. Wondering if anything jumps out at you re my timing. Also lots to clarify on the home front … step children and a Leo husband who works away. Hopefully some changes in the work away arrangement soon! Thank you!

    1. Thank you. I’m glad you found this website. You will love 2019 as Jupiter (abundance, opportunity, growth, expansion) goes through Sagittarius and your Ninth House of books, education and the web. You are strongly Sagittarian and have a stellium there. You will notice things warm up wonderfully near Christmas this year and by next year, you will have one door after another open to you. Foreign people and places will be part of the journey and you could either take the holiday of a lifetime in 2019 or seriously consider moving. Do hit Search to read more about the Ninth House as it is a major part of who you are, and what you do, and it will be your priority next year.

  19. Hi Jessica
    I ve struggling with an intense breakup with a cancer male since Jan of this year. It’s been and still is a very tough time for me and consuming my thoughts daily. I would appreciate if you can have a look at my chart and tell me what am I to expect during April/ May? Any chance of reconciliation? As you well said this has taken over my daily routine
    Thank you

    1. You will be set free from the middle of May and liberated from who/what makes you feel so hamstrung. The Cancer male is trying to find his power through his romantic/sex life and unfortunately you were caught up in his quest for control. It’s not good to be obsessive, but do trust the Uranus in Taurus cycle to help you move on. In general, the next few years will find you astonishing yourself, as the last thing you assumed would happen, a few years ago, is exactly what will happen. The trick to this new cycle is to promise yourself that you will reject who/what increasingly seems so out of date or just plain ‘wrong’ and have the courage to make your own discoveries and pursue a groundbreaking new approach to love and sex. Experiment and explore.

      1. Thank you so much Jessica… the thing is that I find our connection to be priceless (and even him) never experienced like it in my life.. and the relationship ended because I have a daughter from my previous marraige and he is finding it hard to accept.. I’m trying to move on and accept it but I’m finding it really hard as deep down I feel that it is not going to end this way between us. Am I wrong? Is there a chance that we will reconcile? Thank you Jessica

        1. Reconciliation is so often what we long for, but you would really need his chart, and also your daughter’s chart, and even your former husband’s chart – because this is about all of you – and particularly your child. Rest assured that whatever/whomever is required to set you free and change your life is coming. You’ll see major signs in May, June. Expect the unexpected with a former, current or potential partner, but if you want to be liberated from old, stuck ways of doing things – it’s nearly time.

  20. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for your reply… I can’t seem to reply to your comment. But do you think this is going to spell the end of the relationship? Despite all of my efforts, it’s consuming me on a daily basis…
    Any insight you could give would be so appreciated!!

    1. Hard to say without the other person’s chart, I’m afraid. If you feel obsessed and don’t wish to be, use your Astrology Oracle cards to see what you can do about that. Try a Romeo and Juliet reading.

  21. Hello Jessica, this article on Strange Stuck Aries etc seems so on target-
    I have an unexpected conflict now going on for months w my youngest adult child born in 1990s -this child has Capricorn stellium -will it remain fractured or any future repair seen? There is a 3rd person in middle of conflict who benefits from our estrangement.Any thoughts will be appreciated, thank you- Kathleen Riley

    1. Apollo at 19 Leo and Pluto at 9 Leo in the Fifth House of your birth chart (parenthood) are at work here. They are being triggered for the first time in many years, Kathleen, as the North Node goes through Leo and passes 19 and 9 on the way. I am sure you know that Apollo describes how you lead the next generation, and Pluto shows how you try to take control. Your youngest adult child has a karmic connection with you now being brought to life, as the North Node shows debts and credits from years gone by, as well as previous lifetimes. This is the last year you will ever have such pressure, but it is important that you do all you can to repair things and leave them in a good place. A lot of light will be shed on the situation from late July through late August as the Sun also goes through Leo and your Fifth House and will illuminate and expose all the issues. You may also want to hit Search to look up Leo and Fifth House.

  22. Wow! What a power packed informational article. Now if I can just make sense of how this is and/or will affect me. I don’t see any current correlation to the “Communication, Web, Media, Writing” you mentioned, although I’m sure I must be missing something.
    I do have several Aries factors and also wondering about Uranus ( my ruling planet) along with my rising sign at 1 Taurus coming in to play.

    Can you please shed any more light by looking at my chart? Thank you for sharing your knowledge and gift to us all.

    1. Thank you. Fortuna and Cupido in Gemini in the Third House of your chart do suggest the internet (or maybe offline communication, like public speaking). At the same time, in the other house system I use for you (Solar Sign) you also have the strange, stuck Aries weather in your Third House. Have another look. If you’re on Facebook, for example, it will be about that – the privacy enquiry now taking place.

  23. 

    Hi Jessica, I really hope you can help me understand why I have no real enthusiam to progress my new business. After leaving my husband last year I can’t seem to get past it even though it was my choice and he has since moved on. Struggling…I hope you can help me here. Many thanks for your time and wisdom

    1. You are in transition from your old Capricorn side (all about success and status, which includes being married, as well as having a particular career) – into your Aquarius side. If you look at your chart you will see you have Jupiter at 27 Capricorn, Saturn at 23 Capricorn, Salacia at 15 Capricorn in your Tenth House of ambition, position and mission. You are going through a cycle not possible in over 240 years where Pluto, Saturn himself and eventually Jupiter and Ceres will all cross Capricorn at 15, 23, 27 and force you to take a long and serious look at what success means to you. Give yourself a ton of time and space because this is going to take you through to Christmas 2019. Then, from January 2020 you realise it’s all about friends. Friends and groups. The community. Nothing could be further from where you started out, but that’s fine. You’ll be very happy. Right now you are sorting out Capricorn and your Tenth House so look those up, and also look up Aquarius and the Eleventh House because that is where you are headed. Everything about yourself and your role in life, and your goals in life, is being tested very slowly and thoroughly by Saturn and Pluto and only the essential things will remain. Everything else will fall away and that’s going to help you lose a great deal of unnecessary baggage so that you are energised and ready for the new life story to be written from Christmas 2019, which deepens from 2023. You will be astonished at how one network of people can change your world – and yourself. People power could actually enable you all to change a small but important corner of the world as well. I can see a dark-haired man with a beard. Was this your ex or am I seeing your future?

      1. Oh wow thank you for delving so deep for me. I certainly will look everything up that you have mentioned…I know knowledge is power…The dark haired man is not from past…must be future 🙂 . Interesting my business is called “Harmonize Me” with alchemically Divinely inspired products in the form of sprays and essences etc called “Sage Me” “Harmonize Me” “Harmonized Heart” and “Light My Way’ sounds like I have been guided well for this journey. Thank you so much for helping me. I would love to send you one of my products as a thank you if you would like? Just let me know they seem to be helping people on so many levels. Contact me through my email if you with details where to send if you would like [email protected]

        1. You are very kind and your sprays and essences sound great. I spend my whole life travelling between Tasmania, Melbourne, London, Brighton and Dubai, though (and did I also include Dublin, this year?) so please don’t post me anything. Don’t sit around waiting for the dark haired, bearded man to appear – but he will turn up.

          1. 🙂 Hearing you and fair enough…and no I won’t wait around for the man lol shall be interesting though. Thanks for giving of yourself as you do. Many blessings for your journey you deserve them. Just sayin 🙂

  24. “Computers, technology, e-mails, telephone calls, schedules, electronics – below – may have something to do with it”

    Totally! My phone stopped sending email alerts from my work email a couple of days ago and I only just discovered it. When I opened my emails I had an offer to do some research for a client and important updates from a couple of other colleagues. Not a big deal really, but I usually double check my emails – so unlike me to let them slide for a couple of days without checking.

    1. Okey dokey. That is Mercury Retrograde Shadow at work, and although it’s so annoying for so many of us, it also buys you time to take a deep breath, review, rewind and rethink. After May 3rd you will be utterly sure of what you want and need, and what your priorities are, and then you can move forward.

      1. Yes, I was having a relatively easy Mercury retrograde up to that point! I’ve just got wind of an important grant application that I have to submit before 2 May – so I will try and leave it as long as possible towards the deadline. Also, my natal Chiron is in Aries, so I’ll be interested to see how it will affect me when it makes its return.

        1. Watch that Jupiter transit over your Neptune in Sagittarius. Sunday 11th November, Jupiter at 0 Sagittarius trines Minerva (wisdom) at 0 Aries and makes a stunning pattern to your Neptune in the Ninth House of academia. As I’ve mentioned in another reply, this is also about people and places which seem foreign to you, in your own country or overseas. November will change your life.

          1. This is amazing – I’ve received several signs that I will be going overseas – so this is wonderful confirmation – thank you! I do feel like a change would be a good thing.

  25. Hi Jessica,
    This article really hit the nail on the head for me. Wow, this month has been all about revolution, yet I am still feeling stuck. Like there is something grabbing my leg and holding me down at the bottom of the mountain. I think the intense friction was for the best learning-wise, and now I am working hard to bring my next up-leveled self into being with work and finance. It’s time to bring the big goals to fruition instead of toiling away ho-hum. Once this weather gets unstuck will I have sunnier weather in May now that I’ve been through this emotional rollercoaster of a month? I see my 28 Aries coming up a lot! (I also see a lot of my direct factors in your financial crisis #2 article, though I hope for us entrepreneurs this is a good thing!) Thank you for your insight! ~with gratitude xx

    1. That’s a really good way of describing it – as if something is grabbing your legs and holding you back. You have Minerva at 28 Aries and Ceres at 1 Scorpio. By rights, you should be relaunching your image, appearance, title, name, face or role as Uranus goes to 28 Aries and conjuncts Minerva. Instead you have been dealing with backward traction for weeks, as Mercury in Aries has been moving in a frustrating way. Even now, you still don’t have the right weather! Yet – it will come in a rush, after May 3rd, and in fact from May 3rd to 15th you could easily find that the most unexpected situation turns everything upside-down and inside-out, allowing you to ask the question ‘Am I free to be me?” The question will repeat later this year. There is a huge emphasis here on promoting, presenting, packaging yourself and also putting yourself front-and-centre; pushing yourself forward. I would call the whole episode (or the two episodes) revolutionary. You then move to Uranus opposing Ceres in May, June 2018 and that is going to take a lot of work. You’ll need to strike a deal with other people, large organisations (like banks) or the universe itself. Take a deep breath and learn as much as you can, as fast as you can, about what is going down. Hit Search and look up Ceres, Second House and also what I have been posting about Uranus in Taurus as you will be affected, across the middle of 2018 but also as 2019 begins.

  26. Hi Jessica, I’m hoping you can help me. I’m feeling without direction, I’m in 50’s and on my own. I’s been a really tough couple of years and I was hoping by now that I would now know where I was going and what I was doing. But I just can’t see. Is there any clarity you can provide for me? Thankyou x

    1. You have a whopping stellium in Libra in the Seventh House and need a partner. Not necessarily a sexual or romantic partner. I also need to tell you, that you have been through the toughest cycle for many decades, in terms of former, current or potential partnerships. Uranus (radical change, upheaval) has been passing through Aries since 2011, and thus opposing everything you have in Libra, in your Seventh House of pairs, couples, duets and double acts. You will be pleased to know Uranus moves out in May 2018 and is gone for good from 2019, so that constant feeling of not knowing will vanish. The time has come to explore many different kinds of partnerships, actually. I know someone with a chart similar to this, who has found ‘pairs’ outside her marriage. She is in a guitar duet with her sister. She also does community gardening with a platonic male friend – another partner. If you are not already doing your Libra side this way, it is time to begin. You don’t have to force these things. You have the South Node in Aquarius, the sign of groups, friends and community. If you join particular clubs, teams, associations, societies or similar – which comes naturally with that Node sign, as you have many lifetimes of being part of a group – you will find that you also (naturally) fall into pairs and duets with others. Get the rhythm of your chart restarted by doing that, now through 2019. You will be amazed at how many things fall into place. Look up the Eleventh House and Seventh House on Search as this is where you find your way. It will be very much easier now Uranus is changing signs, and once Jupiter moves into Sagittarius at the end of 2018 it will be a joy and pleasure too. You will be in a sexual and romantic partnership when the time is right. Don’t worry.

      1. Thank you so much Jessica for giving me some clarity here. Explains why I crave so much to be part of a community or group on the same wave length as me. I have just joined a musicians group which feels like a step in the right direction. I will read more about the Eleventh and Seventh Houses. I’m about ready for life to be easier and more joyful, ready to exhale 🙂 Thanks again for your generous help here x

        1. Musicians’ group – bang on – you intuitively knew what your chart wanted you to do. There will be more groups too and it will change your life!

  27. Oh Jessica, you have described my situation perfectly. Very promising and then nothing! frustrating…clients book in…then cancel. I am an Aries for sure. Hopefully this finishes soon…when do you think this improves? Thanks heaps, best Jos

    1. Assuming this has been happening in the last few weeks, you have been dealing with Mercury Retrograde in Aries and the cycle continues until May 3rd when the last ‘loop the loop’ has looped.

  28. Hi Jessica,
    I’m really hoping you can help me with my on/off again relationship with a Cancer man (7/14/72) of 2+yrs. Our relationship was completely unexpected. I thought for sure I had found my life partner…I still feel that way. We have been on/off for 2+yrs and everytime we are apart we either unexpectedly run into eachother, or one of us ends up contacting the other…we can’t seem to go our separate ways. He has recently decided he doesn’t want a relationship & once again we have parted. I feel as if our journey isn’t over, but I worry this is just wishful thinking on my part. Will you please look at my chart and give me insight into this relationship, as I love this man very much…but I worry it that I’m holding onto hope for something that may never happen.
    Thank you very much Jessica.

    1. Stacey, this is karmic in nature .The Moon at 14 Leo, Cupido at 19 Leo, in your chart are in the Fifth House of sexual relationships, pregnancy, babies and children. The North Node (past lives) triggered both of these placements in your birth horoscope when it passed 14 and 19 Leo and so you have been dealing with debts and credits together from a lifetime ago. Maybe several lifetimes. This is often the case when people can’t keep away from each other, or run into each other. Who knows what your history was together in another life? Perhaps there was a termination, a miscarriage, an adoption, or an illegitimate child. All of this would have been common in the 19th century or even the early 20th century. Is there a conversation you both need to have about pregnancy, stepchildren and the rest? Something to say? Try writing a letter to yourself about this. Then write a letter to him. Sometimes the act of getting things out into the open, on paper, can shift things. Further ahead, when Jupiter moves into Sagittarius in 2019 he will trine (make a stunning pattern) with your Leo placements and that will put a really welcome new focus on the role that children, godchildren, nieces, nephews or stepchildren play in your life. Jupiter also makes a great angle to your Libra placements in the Seventh House of relationships. You are also strongly Sagittarian so you’ll be tempted by the most amazing holiday and I do wonder if part of your destiny doesn’t lie in a different country.

      1. Thank you very much Jessica. If I may ask another question. Do you foresee a reconciliation any time soon? I’ve been trying to remain hopeful and keep the faith during this time. I have good days and bad…he is never far from my thoughts. It’s very odd, and new for me, to feel such a connection and love for someone (even during times of hardship in our relationship). I’m really feeling stuck (your post speaks volumes to what I’m experiencing in my life)…Im hoping you might be able to give me some insight as to what the remainder of 2018 will bring. Also, is it possible to tell if you see this man is a part of my long-term future.
        Thank you again for you kindness and insight. You are a blessing too many.

        1. Stacey you need to use your Astrology Oracle to find out if he’s coming back and if you are going to get married. The answer to your question is, children. Every single issue here comes back to the question of motherhood, pregnancy, stepchildren, existing children, fertility, adoption, termination and the rest. If you can answer those questions (it will be easier from the middle of May 2018 when Uranus moves out of your solar Fifth House of motherhood) you will answer everything else as well. It is not unusual for women to fall in love with a man who has no intention of coming back and no intention of marrying them – or anyone else for that matter – because it keeps them free and single. That might sound strange but it is pretty common with a chart cycle like this. If you don’t (deep down) really want a child you may fall obsessively in love with someone who will never be yours, so you never have to go there. This is just one example though and this is an intensely personal matter which I would not dream of intruding upon, so this is why I suggest you use the Oracle. I just have no idea what your background is in terms of previous pregnancies or the possibility of any. Or his!

  29. Hi Jessica.
    Will this stuck strange situation shift in regards to personal communication with my other. I am profusive and open with my communication. Seriously, I could be the Cancerian. He works 16 hours or more, everyday. Will communication again resume? Will it get better?
    If No. Then don’t answer me. It will be like Shroedinger’s Cat. I won’t know if you had too many enquiries to answer or the answer was no.

    Regards and thanks for all the great articles.
    Miss L

    1. Thank you Miss L. For the real Schrodinger’s Cat experience, use your Astrology Oracle and see what universes you could pop into with this man. An interesting choice for an Aquarius stellium person is always to have a friendship with a man first, and a sexual relationship second. I’ve seen a few charts like this where the ultimate path is not marriage and children, but a powerful friendship with the ‘romantic stuff’ almost as a throwaway option!

  30. Hello Jessica, I am new to the forum but have been your reader for quite some time. I was born on 18th of April, 1984 around 4 in the afternoon (as my mom says) but we do not have the exact time. Since September, I have been going through the hardest time of my life in terms of career and my place. Thankfully my health is fine. And since then, I had to change the country I live and am looking for a new job. So far, everything I have thought would happen did not. Recently, due to change of country, I had to end my relationship as we did not know when we would be back in the same city or even in the same country. My work and the place I live is closely connected so I am still waiting for a chance for a new job and a new home. This process is really hard on me and therefore I wanted to ask you if in terms of career, when I will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you very much for everything you are writing. You always found hope when I read you.

    1. Thank you. I’m sorry you have been going through such a hard time. You are actually in transition with your career in 2018, 2019 so no wonder you are feeling so uncertain about where to live and work. The reason for this is the transit of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn in your Tenth House, hitting your Capricorn factors, and then Jupiter and Ceres, before you get to 2020. Take your time and give yourself a lot of space and understanding. You can only have this cycle once in your life and this is it. You have big questions to answer about what success means to you. What does ‘making it’ in the world actually involve and does it really mean achievement, or is it no longer right for you? Maybe you want a different way to be successful at life. Figuring this out will take you through 2018, 2019 but I do think you could easily move (again) in 2019 as Jupiter will bring opportunities, breakthroughs and solutions in Sagittarius in your Ninth House of foreign places and people. Sometimes ‘foreign’ can mean across the country, of course. You have placements at 5, 7, 13 Sagittarius so when Jupiter moves to 5, 7, 13 you will have fantastic opportunities to travel for a long period of time, mix work and travel, or actually move for good. At the same time you will be given a special chance to learn, upskill, retrain or otherwise educate yourself. Enjoy this cycle which you will notice as a change in the weather, as 2018 ends, and then as a fantastic range of opportunities across 2019. Read more by hitting Search for Sagittarius/Ninth House. That is actually who you are, and where you are headed.

      1. Thank you so much for your long message Jessica. I really appreciate it and it makes so much sense. I guess I have to be patient and maybe stop being so depressed about this situation. Again, thank you very much. This really means a lot to me.

  31. Hi Jessica,

    This stuck, strange weather resonates with me as well!
    The need to move is on my mind but something is holding me. I have started my current job in 2011 so would Uranus leaving Aries can help me leave my current position too? Any insights would be great if you could have a look at my birth chart.


    1. Justina you have a cluster at 0 degrees in your chart so – yes – you are experiencing the ‘great wait’ for the shift of Uranus to 0 Taurus, which might explain why you feel things are on hold. If your birth time is strictly accurate, then the angles of your chart are also at 0 degrees, which makes the pattern even more sweeping. Uranus will go back and forth from 0 Taurus to 29 Aries, and then cross to 0 Taurus once and for all as 2019 opens. So you do have time to see how you might embrace change. I suspect this will be six degrees of separation, in terms of what is about to unfold with the banks, the economy, taxation, trade and the rest – which we will see across May, June 2018. This will likely put a big new light and a totally different angle on your job, which you began as the old Uranus in Aries cycle started.

  32. Hi, Jessica. I am loving the constant stream of insight, reflection, and provocation on your blog! It does feel like the world is on the brink of a phase shift — with an old system dying and a radical new one in the very nascent stages of growth. So much of what has unfolded in the last five decades is proving out to be unsustainable — from the surveillance-based internet to global hyper-capitalism, to the deteriorating ecological state of our planet — I am eagerly anticipating what new world can be built. Personally I have been feeling this sense of stuck-ness though, as I struggle to finish my doctoral thesis, heal from a divorce and selling my home, tend to my children and my new partner, launch a (very slow-in-coming) academic career… everything feels like it’s moving in slow motion but on multiple fronts. And I feel like there is so much trapped potential in my life at the moment — intellectually, financially, relationally — and wondering when and how I will be able to ground it all and manifest it, and how I can best contribute to this emerging new world order! My MC and Chiron are both in Taurus, Sun in Sag, and Mercury and Uranus in late Scorpio, and I’m way over-indexed Virgo too — so I feel like there must be some big phase change soon for me as well as our planet! But hard not to feel stuck and wandering around in circles. Any advice/insight/encouragement from your read of my chart and the coming weather would be much appreciated.

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words. I agree with you, that the old system is dying. We are literally not going to see this cluster in Capricorn (the establishment) for another 240+ years once it’s finished, and so this gathering cluster of Pluto, Saturn – then Jupiter and Ceres – in this sign, really is the beginning of the end. I have a feeling we’ll wake up on New Year’s Day 2020 and go ‘What was all that about?’ You may find that the macro affects your micro, too, so that the Capricorn heavy weather, which began in 2008, has had an impact on your academic career – or the end of your marriage. I just heard the word ‘altitude’ for you, clairaudiently, and we associate that with Capricorn the mountain goat who climbs to high altitudes. You do in fact have Vulcano at 21 Capricorn in your Tenth House of success and status, in aspect to Mercury at 20 Scorpio in your Eighth House of finance, property and business. Uranus is at 22 Scorpio, so close by. Pluto is at 20 Libra in your Seventh House of former, current and potential partners. In fact, you have a cluster within one degree of that Vulcano at 21 Capricorn, and this sprawling pattern in your chart is being triggered this year, by Pluto at 21 Capricorn, and then Jupiter at 21 Scorpio. Academia is a system and structure like anything else. In fact it is a genuine pyramid or mountain with its rules, hierarchy and establishment. You’ll be able to climb higher, go further and get to the top far more easily this year. It happens in stages. For example, on 2nd May Pluto at 21 Capricorn is right ‘on’ or conjunct Vulcano in your chart and Psyche is close by at 21 Scorpio. You may want to dig around the subject of Vulcano and find out more about this asteroid. He is part of the Venus family in astrology and is a symbol of powerful self-control and the harnessing of strong emotions. 2018 is a career reshape. No doubt about it. Answer your own questions about altitude, perhaps – how far to climb – how much of the top do you want to conquer? Not everybody likes dizzy heights. Some people love the thrill of conquering them, but this is your own personal Everest to climb. As Saturn and then Jupiter and Ceres also move to 21 Capricorn you’ll see the reshaping even more intensely. It will keep step with the transformation of the academic establishment.

  33. Hi Jessica,

    Pluto and Mars at 21 Capricorn today – Bill Cosby was convicted of sexual assault today.

    He has

    Sun 19 cancer
    Mercury 23 cancer
    Mars 20 Scorpio
    Jupiter 22 Capricorn R
    ASC 20 Aries
    DSC 20 Libra

    Time’s up for ‘America’s dad’ and hopefully these 50+ accusers he had will get some relief.


  34. Hi dear Jessica,
    I feel something is happening with my Natal Juno in 29 scorpione and Uranus transiting the same degree but now that I decided to ask you about this, I saw that you wrote before that 28 aprile Juno will transits to Aries too. Is there any more affected when my chiron on my birth chart is also on the same degree 29 on Aries too?
    I am trying to channel all the Uranus enegy these days, could you please give me more information about Juno.
    Thanks and best regards

    1. Haleh, Juno at 29 Scorpio is your lifetime pattern of repeatedly making big financial, property or business commitments. Juno rules ‘marrying’ yourself and ‘wedding’ yourself and in Scorpio in the Eighth House this is about cash or assets. Jupiter and Juno were actually married in mythology, so when he lines up with her, towards the end of this year, by all the laws of modern astrology you should have a rare, fortunate opportunity to make so much more of a vow, deal or agreement about the house, apartment, company, charity, possessions or money. Just before this you have Jupiter opposite Jupiter, which though uncomfortable, is also to your advantage. Watch those transits 27, 28, 29.

      1. Thank you so much for your time that share with us and help us to understand more about our life and our fantastic universe

  35. Hi dear jessica
    many tanx for spreading your knowledge generously.
    I have a hight range of Arise factors from 17 degree up to the end including venus & Mercury R, as I’v learned from you & your site so far, all the factors will be triggered in short term but I dont percept how could I be effected about my image, reputation & ….. as I am not a famous person.

    au plaisir de lire votre réponse , chère Jessica , veuillez accepter mes meilleures salutation

    1. You don’t have to be famous to have your photograph online, and references to you on Google. And that’s really what Uranus in Aries has been all about. If you’d told anybody before 2011 that within seven years they would potentially have their own video channel on YouTube, their own social media fan base and the rest, they would have thought you were dreaming. But every second teenager now has just that.

  36. If you are a Sun Libra person and you’re single you will be relieved to know that. Being rejected by your former or potential partners during this long cycle, but also turning them down – or turning them away – has made your life so complex, because you are all about partnership.

    Wow! That couldn’t be more accurate for me as a Sun Libra person. That particular dance of rejecting/being rejected by a particular person and agonising over why neither of us can stop beating a dead horse has been the theme of my 2018. Roll on March 2019!

    Thanks Jessica!

  37. Hi Jessica,
    I have read this article a few times today and I know that what goes on with us each individually depends on our birth charts. Can you have a look at mine and tell me how this is going to effect me. I know in the article it says Partners. Exes. Enemies. Relationships, there is no relationship presently if that helps at all, with no signs of one either (unfortunately). I would love to know you thoughts on this.

    Thanks so much

    1. This cycle is very much about your former lover, N and the need to sort out how you feel about marriage and also common-law marriage (de facto relationships) in the light of your separation some time ago. There will be closure and completion for good by the first quarter of 2019.

  38. I have Aries stellium with Sun Leo and what you wrote was 10000% correct! I was hoping for a breakthrough in April but everything just remains stuck. Although my paid and mostly unpaid job has some progress, it just isn’t enough. From mid-July is like hitting a wall with a Saturn boss. So glad to be on summer vacation now so I have some room to breathe but definitely will have a long conversation end of this month to set everything straight. I’m still building my image, reputation, me as a brand for my new career. Will I see some lights in the next few months before the end of 2018?

    1. Thank you, I’ll take 10000% correct! Your career is going to change very suddenly, without warning, and will take you in a radically new direction by 2019. It’s a revolution, actually. Enjoy the vacation because this peace and quiet won’t last for long. What happens will be quite unexpected and you will gain freedom and independence on a brand new level.

  39. Hi Jessica
    I have always been interested in understanding the nodes. I have my South Node in Aries at 22 degrees. It us all I have in Aries and I wonder if is has much meaning for me. I feel it is sort of like a useless tail hanging onto my life with no purpose 🙂 For want of an expression for it anyway.

    1. The South Node in Aries in your First House is your past life experience, probably in uniform, and perhaps in many different kinds of military action, from the navy, to the army, to the air force. It’s very funny that you call the Node a useless tail! The South Node is really ‘been there, done that, written the script, seen the film, read the book.’ There is often a sense of not wanting to do things again. So – when it comes to promoting yourself, being upfront, flying the flag or ‘wearing the armour’ (even if it is a work uniform) you may have no interest, or actually choose alternatives. In Ancient Rome, Mars (ruler of Aries) was the god of war and in fact, Roman legionnaires were all about the armour, the title, the reputation and the ‘front’ so who knows – maybe you were part of a Roman army. I’m fairly sure that a tail was part of a uniform for the British in the 18th century when they were fighting the Americans and everybody else! Have a look at that. Maybe you are unconsciously referring to your old red jacket from 1781. I am sure you know that armour from the Middle Ages also came with a ‘tail’ at the back. Military action on horseback may also be what you are unconsciously recalling as the horse’s tail would have been rather important to you for navigation!

  40. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for a great article. I’ve definitely been feeling stuck when it comes to relationships. Admittedly, it was never a priority for me but now I actually really feel that there is gap in my life that is stopping from feeling fulfilled. I feel a real need for a meaningful relationship and do like to think that there will be an opportunity for me to have a family.

    I struggle with figuring out what I need to do to move things forward so would very much appreciate any advice.

    1. You have Jupiter conjunct Bacchus at 25 Scorpio in the Eighth House of intimacy and money. So, you were born to be put in the right time, at the right place, to achieve something really great in the world of relationships and finance. Jupiter is all about doing it big – and Bacchus is right next to him, at the same degree. Bacchus was Jupiter’s son and he is a symbol of the deepest pleasure and hedonism. When transiting (travelling) Jupiter moves to 25 Scorpio later this year, you will be given the biggest and best opportunity in many years to pursue a sexual relationship which ticks all the Scorpio boxes. (Hit Search to read more about this sign and its rulership of the Eighth House of your birth chart). You have until November to engage in the promenade a deux. You can say no. People sometimes do. But it’s a terrific opportunity. Equally, if there is anything obstructing you from a passionate and complicated new relationship, Jupiter can clear the way – he often does this by shaking things up – but then the ground is cleared. You might want to check the Jupiter article that Jodi just designed and posted, a few hours ago, for more on the Jupiter in Scorpio cycle too.

  41. Dear Jessica,

    I have Chiron in 27deg Aries so I think I will be influenced by this Uranus return. Honestly, I can say I am quite tired by all this revolution as for my business. There are two years I have started my own business in the area of human ressources and couching. I am absolutelly sure that I have lot of experience and I can be really good in this field. But as you wrote , I feel everything is stucked. I had a lot of lets say proposition for a project or for a new client and then nothing happend.. is this Uranus influence? Or should I understand these situations as a message that I am not on a right path?
    How Return of Uranus will influenced me? It will be the same ? Or something could be different from beginning of this year?

    Thank you !

    1. The Sun at 27 Virgo and Bacchus at 26 Sagittarius are also part of this pattern with Chiron at 27 Aries. It is unusual to see chart factors at such close degrees so you have to look at them all in turn, when it comes to your coaching and human resources business. Let’s take it apart –

      The Sun is how you shine, show off, win admiration and receive attention. If you work very hard at your Sun sign and house, you do this brilliantly. If you don’t put in the work, it shows and it can be very hard to deal with. Virgo is about service and duty to other people. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of language, communication and the internet. Virgo is also the ruler of the Sixth House of daily hard work.

      Bacchus is about what you enjoy. In Sagittarius in the Ninth House of education and academia, you obviously enjoy coaching other people. It is also about foreign people and places and the ability to speak more than one language, but also communicate fluently in other languages too.

      Chiron as you know is about self-promotion in the First House of image. You are the brand. Put all that together and you should be able to see that although you are here to pursue foreign people and places by teaching or perhaps by learning, none of it can happen without utilising your Virgo side which is all about very hard work on a daily basis. In other words you can’t promote yourself and sell yourself to the marketplace online until you have mastered the art of communicating with people whose language or nationality is different to your own. Unless you can do that you should probably save the Sagittarius/Ninth House enjoyment for holidays abroad and focus harder on your own city or country and that language of choice, both written and spoken. Hit Search to look up the Ninth House, Sixth House and First House as they are all connected in your chart.

      1. Dear Jessica,

        thank you very much for this insight! I think I have all fo what you decribe – I am hard working even many of my close friends think, I shouls slow down. As for my Sagittarius side – it is absolutelly right- I love travelling, easely make contact with foreign people, make new friends. I learn easly foreign languages and I have worked for foreign company for many years in TOP management where I used to speak french daily. But then I was put down after 10 years of hard work by my jealous boss and I experienced bad psychic harassement from his side.
        I think my pbm is that actually I have all needed qualities to be good at what I am doing, but I have great doubts in the same time about me, which came from all these previous bad expetrience. So there is a fear to present myself as a professional in a public.
        Hope that my birth chart save for me some strong support from universe in the months which come:-)

        Thank you for all, Jessica.

  42. Thank you for that Jessica.
    Interestingly, many years ago an astrologer told me I had many many aspects and my ancestors died by sharp objects (swords). She was amazed at the amount of aspects. Not that I know what I am talking about or really what that means except that my friend who also went had very few and the astrologer made reference to the amount I had as to the amount she had. So to get to my point, I would not be surprised if I were indeed a soldier. I do still have a breast full of war monger type feelings when it comes to wars. Every fibre in me gets built up for the heroic efforts and the even the poor soldiers who have no bravery, as that then is such an act of bravery to continue. I can say that the better part of Aries still abides in me somewhere.
    Thank you for elucidating me, I love the lessons.

  43. Hi Jessica,
    I’ve been a long time admirer of your wisdom. I’ve pretty much lived on hope and a prayer the last few years, and my soul is just quite exhausted of all the rejection – in love and professionally. Even in dating, I’ve not had a 3rd date in last 2 years of really making an effort. I’ve been rejected by guys before they even know me much, whom my friends would expect quite the opposite from. It’s all been quite hard on my self-worth. When do you see this improving? Hope you get a chance to respond. Regards

    1. I am sorry you have tried so hard with men and never been given a third date. That must be very difficult to go through. Saturn at 27 Libra and Pluto at 26 Libra are in your Seventh House of love, sex and marriage. They are conjunct by one degree – so you have Saturn conjunct Pluto in the Seventh House. Your Ascendant at 28 Libra is very close by, so it’s a triple conjunction. Very unusual! Saturn describes the defences you build to make yourself feel safe about love, sex and marriage. It’s rather like feeling vulnerable or threatened and protecting yourself by creating high walls. Pluto is really about wanting to have total control – to dominate people and situations – usually because of the most passionate feelings, but also because of a natural need to use your power. The Ascendant is your image, reputation, appearance and profile. Put all that together and you can see why it’s time to go deeply into your real feelings about weddings and husbands, divorce and separation. Find out what you create in your life to make yourself feel secure about that. Whatever you are doing, you wear it like a badge. Give yourself the freedom of being able to choose from the many, many different kinds of ways there are to mate and relate. Libra and the Seventh House is about how two people can make it work together and it may take some of the fear away if you realise it does not have to be X, Y or Z. You have been through a very tough cycle, with Uranus transiting right opposite at 26, 27, 28 Aries. (Aries and Libra are opposite signs). This comes to a complete end on March 7th 2019, but it may help you if you realise that you can only have this cycle once in your life, and you are literally at the end of it. You have been dealing with men who are essentially about instability, freedom, independence, unpredictability and ‘bottled lightning’ – they have been acting out Uranus for you. Life will calm down considerably after March next year, but you do need to look at the way Pluto, Saturn and your Ascendant in Libra have worked for you so far, and consider different ways to handle them long-term. Hit Search to find out more about them, and also the Seventh House. If you have been using dating websites then every time you put up a profile picture and an advertisement for yourself, you are essentially advertising Pluto and Saturn in Libra in the Seventh House so you need to look at that.

  44. Thank you so much for this article Jessica.
    I have been stuck in a relationship loop since 2013 .. on off on off now almost not even talking !!
    I feel very betrayed by the secretive Mr Virgo (24/9/63)
    Is this karma
    Will it be finished with sooner or later next year?

    Luv your work
    Aries S

    1. The issue is karma and it concerns the babies you did/did not have, your own children if you have them, and his children if he has them. The karma ends in November for you. For him, there is a long road ahead to massive choices about parenthood, which will not end until 2023. So the whole story is that, really. It is hard to stop the stuck feeling on Nodal cycles but it’s coming, in 3-4 months.

  45. Hi Jessica
    Thank you for this article. I have four factors in my first house and one of those is my north node at 27 degrees. Everything about my future has been stuck. It’s like looking through a keyhole and seeing what your future is but not being able to unlock the dam door because its stuck. I just read a comment by AF and her ex Leo partner. My ex husband is a Leo sun and rising and has cheated me in many ways and caused a lot of friction between our children and myself with his lies in the past three years since I left him. To me he is the lowest form of Leo

    1. You will be on your way, once and for all, from March 2019 as Uranus moves to 0 Taurus again and brilliantly ignites your whole chart. In fact, the change will be so radical in the work, finance, banking and business sectors that you will almost welcome the fact that you had so many months to spin your wheels, because it allowed you to think – and to decide who and what you really wanted in your life. Uranus itself will move through your Second House of money and property like the weather. In other words, it won’t impact you directly, but it will feel like revolutionary economic climate change in your city and country, and around the world. What it will impact, very directly, is your fortunate Jupiter at 0 Virgo in the Sixth House of work, the body and daily life, the feelgood factor Bacchus 0 Capricorn in your Tenth House of success and social status and optimistic solution asteroid Ops at 0 Libra in your Seventh House of past and future lovers. It then moves on to 1 Taurus where it sextiles Cupido, the ‘lust for life’ asteroid at 1 Cancer in your Fourth House of home and family. So, once Uranus with all his radical changes stops reversing back into Aries and finally thrusts forward from 0 to 1 Taurus, you are in for an unforgettable March, April, May 2019 and will well and truly restart your life, particularly in terms of your purpose, ambition and place in the world. In fact you could easily be with someone new and important – the choice is there. Your Leo ex has the North Node of karma going over his Sun and he will have to pay for everything he does in 19 years. Someone tell him. It is very likely going to be one of the children, all grown up.

      1. Thank you so much Jessica. These past couple of months I have been looking at my foundations and making changes and firming up areas that aren’t so strong. After the week just finishing it has been highlight in neon flashing lights that there is still so much work to be done with my kids, which I find very painful in my heart because until three years ago the kids and I were very close. Its an emotional roller coaster I want to stop.

        1. You’ll be fine. Just let this Leo/Fifth House process happen! It is karmic to the point where you may not even know who/what the connection is, but the general story fits the Leo and Fifth House bill. By that, I mean, you are dealing with a younger generation, or there are issues about what you pass on to younger faces, like your children. Much of this will not be your fault. It will be visited upon you. If you think about the Leo Node cycle going back, back, back into the past every 19 years you can see why it is associated with past lives. It may be that 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 x 19 years ago you and your children had other roles, names, connections but there was some karmic debt or reward that had to be settled…later on. In your life between lives you agreed to do that. It’s hard. It can arouse powerfully strong emotion even though the issue itself is minor. That’s a giveaway for Node karma. Why does something trivial make you so angry, or sad, or painful? Because the actual theme of the issue is very familiar to you. It may be power/control for example and the core event, going back across lifetimes may have been quite serious. That’s one example! The good news is, you get to to fix this, now through November. Step by step. Intention is everything. And actually, you can’t duck and dive – it’s got to be a straight-up statement and you have to speak your heart/your truth. They also have a LOT to learn.

  46. Wow, thanks for this Jessica. I am trying to learn the natural house system and am finding it so accurate – with the exception of my stellium in Aries – really nothing about Aries resonates with me (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo – all the way). However reading about being stuck – if an Aries stellium makes one experience this more, than for sure I am Arian :). I’ve been “trapped” in a foreign country, deeply unhappy professionally, for over 5 years, but feel stymied in my ability to effect change. Feel at the mercy of my partner & my family. I’m desperate to become unglued and move forward. Is there any hope before March 2019? I suppose 6 months isn’t too long to wait if gone from my life forever, it’s just that lack of progress is akin to torture (and my family feels tortured by my unhappiness). Thanks for any thoughts. xxx

    1. Your role or title in life is Aries-ruled and connected to the First House. Your partner and family define that and so your public face or image is woven into your surname, public status and so on. If you are unhappy it would be for reasons beyond your Aries stellium – you have the Sun at 19 Cancer and Pluto is opposing that at 19 Capricorn for the first time in over 240 years. Your identity as a family person is being hit and so is your sense of belonging to your heritage, culture, history and sense of place. It doesn’t last! Yet it will help you to look up Pluto and the Fourth House to see what is going on. The trick with Pluto oppositions is to use your self-control and willpower to take back your power and run yourself and your life. This won’t be easy but it will also be the making of you. I am sorry you feel so unhappy in your job and with your country (the country is part of the Cancer-Capricorn opposition) but this does pass. I do think you’ll be making massive decisions once the North Node goes into Cancer in November though so it’s karma time.

      1. You are too kind Jessica. ❤️ I will buck up, muster the strength and face Pluto (even though you know the cancer in me just wants to retreat into my shell, pout, and hide). xxx

    1. Fortuna 25 Aries and Descendant (DC) 26 Aries fall in your First House of title, name, role, image, appearance and profile. This means a lack of permanence as Fortuna is the Wheel of Fortune which spins around – and she is almost exactly conjunct your Descendant, which describes your former, current or potential partner. Thus, your exterior is linked to this person and an obvious example is the person who changes his/her name after marriage, or whose personal appearance is dictated a great deal by their partner. Normally Uranus passing 25, 26 Aries would be straightforward and you could say the revolution or radical change regarding your profile/image was over. Yet, because Uranus is going back and forth, you are now set for a replay or rewind, before you can finally put this behind you from March 2019.

  47. Hi Jessica, this is so spot-on! I’m a Cancer born July 22, 1969 at 4:56 AM in Flint, MI, and I have had a terrible time moving my film forward since 2013, my dad passing away in 2012, and tons of frustration in my career since 2003. And I was hit with a big health scare the day after my birthday this year, and am finding it so hard to get the energy to move forward even though I want to. I’m also going through my Chiron Return in Aries. I’m feeling so much frustration, like maybe I should just give up. Nothing in any area of my life has moved forward, no matter how hard I work; I’m basically in the same spot i was (home, finances, career) that I was in 2003. Any relief in sight?

    1. I am glad the astrology is spot-on for you. You are a stuck Sun Cancer person who has also been put through Saturn (unavoidable difficulties, hard lessons) in Libra in the Fourth House of family in the year 2012, when your father passed. Do not give up. You are going through the ‘re’ impact of so many planets going retrograde across your horoscope. The big one is Uranus in Aries of course but he’s gone by March 2019. The answer is groups. You need to join, or rejoin, a club, team, association, society, band, political party or similar. It will change your life. It will liberate you. One friend within that group is the key that turns the lock in an exciting new door. You can start this process now but don’t be surprised if it escalates in the most astonishing way next year.

  48. Hi Jessica,
    The first line of this article describes me to a tee – ‘feeling weirdly motivated but stuck’. I’ve been in my current job since 2012 and am feeling stuck. Also feeling stuck in my relationship or rather lack of. The article mentions the winds of change with Home. Family. Household. Property. I can’t see any prospects of change in these areas either. I would be grateful if you could look at my chart and give me an indication of what the next few months hold for me.
    Thanks as always.

    1. Stuck in your job since 2012 is not just about the 2018 trends, that goes way back to another cycle. You are also stuck with your relationship. This sounds more like a whole-chart pattern, A, and one that is more about you than the astrological weather. So let’s see what is going on and the pros or cons of changing your job and your love life. You have a big Aries-Libra pattern so are divided between being ‘us’ in a partnership and being ‘me’ and never mind your partner! What you need to do is reshape the relationship so you have more room to be all about you. You don’t need to be selfish or narcissistic or self-centred or egoistic to do that. You just need to be mindful of the other person but also reserve the right for space to be you, you, you and do your First House/Aries thing. You can read more about this on Search under First House. No way are you going to marry and take your partner’s surname. Even the title of partner/wife/girlfriend is probably a thorn in your side as you are just as Aries (ME) as you are Libra. The big change for you, which you will love, is 2019. You travel or move that year, very ambitiously. You travel or move all the time, of course, but next year it is different. You plug into unfamiliar ‘foreign’ cultures, communities, beliefs, ideas, backgrounds that year too. You thrive on it. You can stick with your current partner, current job and still do all that – or leave them far behind, or just leave one behind – but I see pins on the map in 2019 and it starts in November when you get all the clues. You only have this Jupiter Ninth House cycle in Sagittarius across your Sagittarius factors every 12 years. For now – look into the areas of your country or the world which draw you. And those you are prepared to explore. The locals or the actual place may very likely change your world within 1-2 years.

  49. Oh boy. All of this is very applicable. My life has gone from ho-hum, if a bit eccentric to utterly bizarre in the space of about five weeks. Is this what it is going to be like for the next eight months? Because I may have to invest heavily in tranquilizers, if so. I hope it’s okay that I am asking this, because I’m absolutely at my wit’s end!

    1. It’s okay. Many people here are having the same bizarre outcomes, because of our strange, stuck Aries weather. We’re also stuck with the end of the Leo eclipse and Mercury Retrograde cycle. It does get better. You’ll find out where you stand with one issue in days. There will either be a reversal, retraction or reschedule as a result – or you may decide to replace it with a superior alternative. That will take some of the weight off. In general, allow until early 2019 to take on a couple of your biggest plans and rethink them. That’s fine. It will make them better.

  50. Dear Jessica,

    After reading the September forecast, I realise what a lot of Aries/Libra oppositions are coming up around 0-1 degree, where I have my North and South nodes. I’ve got huge amounts of really crucial work to finish in September, including one major project that will expand and grow next year, and affect a lot of my life after 2019. It looks like so much of the Aries weather is going to plug in personally to this hotspot for me. What’s the best way to ride the wave, and not get dunked by it (I’m feeling a bit dunked)?

    thanks, as always, and hope you’re enjoying a glass of fizz wherever you are
    xx H

    1. Oppositions are hard work and the solution is to plug other people into the issue. If you look up Sacred Geometry on Search you will see how to do this. In other words, you break up the pattern of an opposition by asking for help, or seeking helpers. It’s amazing how often we don’t ask for what we want or need! The Beatles had intense oppositions in their combined charts but when they introduced key people to expand the band’s circle, they turned that into a stunning pattern of trines and sextiles. So any opposition can be transformed into something else. You were born with a Libra-Aries-Cancer T-Square and actually your whole life that is going to give you some Tension with a capital T specifically involving partners (Libra) and yourself (Aries) and family (Cancer) or flatmates (also Cancer). Tension can be transformed into something spectacular if you add other people to the situation whose charts, say, have 0-1 patterns in Aquarius or Gemini, Leo or Sagittarius, Scorpio or Pisces. Of course you don’t hire people on that basis! By the law of averages, though, if you pull in a number of different faces into a situation, it gets better. Chances are high that one of those faces will have the kind of chart that breaks up the pattern and turns the T-Square into a chain of useful aspects. You are very fortunate to have Jupiter (opportunity, growth, luck, good fortune) in Sagittarius from November, where he will slowly conjunct every single one of your factors in the Ninth House. For more on that, look up the Ninth House and/or Jupiter when you finish reading this. You’ll gain so much.

      1. Thanks so much, this is really helpful. Yes, that T square describes recurring patterns in my life. I’ll think about how to add other elements, and sit with my chart and the Jupiter progression for a while.

  51. Hi Jessica, very interesting read. Thank you! BTW, when are you coming to Oz to impart and share your knowledge in person…?

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