Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


True Astrology Predictions July 2018

You can trust astrology. Horoscopes do show exact timing and specific predictions - no matter if it's about North Korea and Kim Jong Un, or Donald Trump and his UK trip - or even the UK heatwave of July 2018 and its World Cup performance.

True Predictions July 2018

Astrology is not mainstream time, as you know, if you are a regular reader to this website, or watch your own personal birth chart as a Premium Member. In astrology, the past, present and future all exist side by side – and using the 12 signs of the zodiac and over 30 factors in the modern horoscope (including the asteroids, which are absolutely crucial) it is possible to nail specific news events weeks or even months before they happen.

Let’s take a look at a couple of predictions you read here – about North Korea and the United Kingdom.

North Korea and the May 15th War Gesture

What you read: “Right away you can see a problem close to May 15th, 2018. I am writing this on April 8th, so that’s about five weeks away. Near May 15th, North Korea will shock the West with its most serious war gesture yet.”

What happened on May 16th? The Guardian reported ‘North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit over nuclear demands.’ It published, “Official says North Korea has no interest in one-sided talks with US. State news agency warns US over ‘provocative’ military exercises.’

New Prediction: Despite Trump voters calling for a Nobel peace prize for his nuclear negotiations with Kim Jong Un, we are not going to see any kind of peace between the US and North Korea. History will show Trump was fooled. The horoscope set for North Korea shows she wants to shock the world. She has exact Uranus patterns showing in her ‘birth’ horoscope and Uranus is the planet which represents lightning bolts.

As Time magazine said about the US/North Korea media parade – it’s the riskiest show on earth! And if your sixth sense told you North Korea was playing games, you are right. On the plus side, the fact that we are moving into a new mini Age of Aquarius is hopeful for our planet. Nuclear crisis will help us move into a better world order.  

Make no mistake, though. Nobody starts peace talks on Mercury Retrograde Shadow in Aries and gets what they want. History and astrology have shown us that way too often – and that is exactly what Trump did.

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The United Kingdom in 2018 – Heatwaves, Football and a USA-UK Crisis

I like this prediction because it used the ‘new’ United Kingdom chart set for the crucial moment that Brexit became a reality. This is a really old technique, where any kind of legal or constitutional change gives a nation a new birthday. The U.K. has been reborn many times since 1066, but this astrological chart is already proving to be astonishingly accurate. The new nation is strongly Aries – at least until she leaves the European Union proper. For the moment is a temporary Brexit chart.

What you read on 29th March 2017 (over a year before England’s football miracle and endless sun) was –

“From this super Aries chart, we can predict soaring summer temperatures and record heatwaves across England.” The Met Office gave us the record-breaking sunshine statistics of 2018 below.

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A Massive Year for the England Football Team

“This new version of England is also deeply concerned with increasing military and police action. Football is also ruled by Aries so this is going to be a massive year for the England football team, although ‘friendlies’ will not be so friendly.” The new chart seems to have put England on the road to World Cup 2018 success – even winning on penalties. Gareth Southgate took his team from 2017 into 2018, to the Semi-Finals for the first time in 28 years.

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The Special Relationship between the US and UK – The Gloves Are Off

What you read: “England in her new incarnation is going to have a troubled relationship with the United States of America – her opposite number in that relationship. We have seen Prime Minister Theresa May and Her Majesty the Queen be nothing but diplomatic with President Trump, but according to this new British horoscope, the gloves are well and truly off.”

On Friday 13th July 2018, The Sun gained a world exclusive when it ran declarations from Trump which began “May has wrecked Brexit…US deal is off!’  Read the original article here if you are curious about what this new ‘rebirth’ chart for the U.K.

special - True Astrology Predictions July 2018

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2 Responses

    1. I think there is an old prediction on here somewhere about Britain imitating Switzerland. Of course she’s leaving. You don’t vote on Uranus at 23 Aries, Mars at 23 Scorpio and Ceres at 23 Aries without a revolution.

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