Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Scotland Astrology 2021-2022

Scotland could easily make the final break with England in 2021, 2022 and wave goodbye to the United Kingdom once and for all, and embrace new currency too. Scotcoin, perhaps? The Haggis Pound? The Tunnocks Ton?

Scotland Astrology 2021-2022

Scotland could easily make the final break with England in 2021, 2022 and wave goodbye to the United Kingdom once and for all, and embrace new currency too. Scotcoin, perhaps? The Haggis Pound? The Tunnocks Ton? The fact is, the horoscopes for the Royal Bank of Scotland and the nation herself, show huge triggers, three or four years from now.

I am writing this on Monday 11th June 2018, but astrology has a good track record of predicting outcomes for Scotland, mainly because her ‘birth’ charts are so watertight (you probably saw a forecast here about a ‘No’ vote in the Independence Referendum some time ago). The vote rolled on Mercury Retrograde so that ‘No’ vote would never stick! Here’s a quick look at those old Scotland horoscopes.

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The Royal Bank of Scotland and the Shocks of 2021, 2022

The Royal Bank of Scotland chart set for its 31st May 1727 foundation, shows a classic cash pattern. Taurus (gold bullion, bull markets) usually shows up with banks, and so does Scorpio, thanks to its long association with marriage, mortgage, legacies and inheritance. The RBS was born with Mars at 13 Taurus, Mercury at 14 Taurus and Uranus at 14 Scorpio and Jupiter at 15 Taurus. So her chart is set for some shocks and aftershocks when Uranus moves across 13, 14, 15 Taurus in 2021 and 2022.

The Royal Bank of Scotland Collapse in 2008, 2009
What happened on 13th October 2008 when the United Kingdom stepped in to rescue the Royal Bank of Scotland and R.B.S. Chief Sir Fred Goodwin resigned? Jupiter was at 14 Capricorn (the lucky rescue). Saturn had only just passed 15 Virgo, very close by. The North Node in Aquarius was also at 15 degrees in opposition to the South Node at 15 Leo.

This is a perfect pictures of a crisis ending in an opportunity! The clincher in the whole pattern was Chiron at 16 Aquarius – again, it had just passed 15 degrees. Leo is of course the royal sign.

The crisis had of course been rolling across 13, 14, 15 degrees all year, triggering the ‘money’ pattern at 13, 14, 15 Taurus and Scorpio in the Royal Bank of Scotland chart.

It’s about to be triggered again. And it may also trigger a complete break with the United Kingdom and England.

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The New Scotland June 2021Uranus is the planet of shock, freedom, radical change, revolution and independence. It is in Taurus, the sign of bull markets and gold bullion, for the first time since 1934. When Uranus moves to that crucial 13, 14, 15 spot The Royal Bank of Scotland will be forced to transform – or become history.

This happens, specifically, in June 2021 and April 2022. That’s about a 12-month cycle of jaws-on-the-floor reform. It also affects the entire nation, as so many charts for Scotland (but also for Nicola Sturgeon) show triggers around 13 degrees of the zodiac signs.

In June 2021, which is three years away as I write this, we find Uranus in Taurus (the banking revolution, but also the revolt against the banks) at 13 degrees, starting his climb across 14 and 15 degrees. There is a moment of fierce nationalism and patriotism  when Mars at 26 Cancer opposes Pluto at 26 Capricorn, close to Sunday 6th June, 2021.

What else is going on here? What are we looking for here? The clincher is really Saturn at 13 Aquarius. In fact the planet of hard realities will square Uranus, the planet of shocks. This is about Aquarian stuff – the group – the united Kingdom of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Or not! It’s also very much about political parties.

Chiron at 12 Aries is very close to starting his climb over 13 degrees. In June 2021 Scotland could easily make a final break with the United Kingdom and England, at the same time that the Royal Bank of Scotland must face radical reform – in fact, nothing short of a revolution. See the moon and stars decorating the stag on the right-hand side of this old coat of arms? One of the peculiar things about the Royal Bank of Scotland, according to my colleagues Olga Morales and Wade Caves, is that the bank itself has turned to the cycles of the Moon to predict its fate and fortune.

Forget the Moon, though. This is Uranus. The revolution. It might say FIRM on the bank’s crest, but it’s time to bend.

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Scotland in April 2022 – The Beginning of the End?

You really have to look at the chart for the whole United Kingdom (created on 1st January 1801) to see the full story about this astonishing country, and its destiny over the next few years. We’re seeing Uranus move to 13 Taurus for the second time in April 2022, which looks like the beginning of the end, not only for the Royal Bank of Scotland as we know it now in 2018 – but also for the old ‘united’ kingdom.

With Chiron at 13 Aries and Uranus at 13 Taurus, shaking the historic charts we use for Scotland – and also rattling the old United Kingdom chart, with her North Node at 14 Aries (so close) and her South Node at 14 Libra – this looks like a new flag. If it’s not a complete divorce, then it’s the kind of argument over money that means serious counselling is on order.

We should also note that Pluto (total, permanent, sweeping transformation and a deep shift in the balance of power) is almost at the end of Capricorn in the Tenth House, and about to enter Aquarius and the Eleventh House. That sign again – the sign of community, friendship, allies and the rest.

If Scotland and the United Kingdom were a couple, we’d say they were about to be caught up in the typical stormy weather a Uranus cycle brings. They simply will not be able to continue as before, and unless drastic changes are made, a divorce and new flag (new name) seems likely. The question is, what part will the Royal Bank of Scotland be playing?

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12 Responses

  1. If we called a new Indian currency the “Vindaloo Pound” or maybe an African currency the “Curried goat dollar” we’d be termed racist. Just highlighting the double standards we live under.

    1. I have a British and Australian passport and in Melbourne I am called a Pom. It’s short for pomegranate! In London I hear jokes about Vegemite.

    1. That’s a very good question and they are on my list. The issue is wading through the charts, as these ancient parts of the British Isles have had so many births and rebirths! I’ll come back to it, thank you.

  2. Hi Jessica
    What about Ruth Davidson? She reinvigorated the Conservatives in Scotland- bit of a shock as I recollect. A remainer but firm unionist.

    Also, what about Alex Salmond and his links to Russia Today?

    Can you do their charts and tie it all together – If you have a spare moment at all 🙂

  3. Hi Jessica
    I have reading your posts for Uranus in taurus since 2017 and have been wondering what will it bring for my sister- a taurus, with ill defined values who is compromising her self esteem each day with an alcoholic and abusive husband and uncooperative in laws. She finds comfort in the financial security as her in laws are an extremely wealthy lot. She is also stupid enough to believe that her piscean husband might change one day. He was unavailable during the birth of their 2 children.
    I dont know her birth time but her prominent 13 degrees placements are:
    Sun 13 taurus
    Saturn 13 scorpio
    Jupiter 13 capricorn
    I will be grateful for any guidance that u can offer.

    1. Your Taurus sister would gain from marriage guidance counselling or divorce, before November, if she can possibly push it. Of course she is her own person, but with Jupiter in Scorpio in her Solar Sign Seventh House for the first time in 12 years she is in the best possible position to do it. If she does proceed to a divorce then Jupiter will then move to her Eighth House of settlement for 2019 and that is another huge benefit. That is a very superficial reading of her situation with a chart for time, place and date. It’s based purely on the fact she is a Sun Taurus. Pisces is often associated with alcoholics, so her Pisces husband is a bit of a cliche there. The 13 degree line up you mention is very material/financial and so it’s no surprise to hear that she married into a wealthy family. It matters to her. But with two children, and domestic violence in the home? You say he’s abusive. That’s illegal. I hope you are intervening on behalf of your young relatives.

  4. Hi Jessica
    Thank you for all your articles.
    What do you predict for the relationship between the Republic of Ireland and the UK post Brexit?

    1. The United Kingdom is slowly drawing to a close and Ireland is part of that story. There is no more ‘United’ with Ireland split on the side. That old Union Jack flag was created after 1st January 1801 when the U.K. as we know it today, including Ireland’s unique status, was born. The transits we are seeing as Uranus goes across Taurus (currency, economy) suggest a split from the past and a completely different future.

  5. British history seems to move on 500 year cycles with each new period beginning as Pluto moves through Capricorn to Aquarius at the same time as Neptune moves through Pisces to Aries. This happened about the time of the Roman Conquest. It happened as the Anglo Saxon Kingdoms emerged. It happened at the Norman Conquest. It happened at the time of the English and Scottish Reformation. It is happening now.

    1. Yes. The Pluto transiting from Capricorn to Aquarius is really interesting in British history. It’s really about the transition from ruler to people or from absolute monarch to the court. There is also a repeat of the cycle that gave us The Reformation as a whole, when excess and greed in the church were driven out. I am sure you can see how the United States of America is part of that story – 2019, 2020 will be a big time of reckoning there. It’s not the church that runs the world these days, it’s big business, but the Capricorn-Aquarius transition is going to see quite a few heads roll.

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