Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Mercury Retrograde Money! October 2018

I am sure you know that Mercury is the messenger of the gods. In modern astrology, Mercury rules the worldwide web, the media, paperwork and deals. When he appears to go backwards and forwards, we typically see expensive mistakes, wrong statements, and a muddled market place.

Mercury Retrograde Money October 2018

I am writing this on Sunday 13th May 2018, to give you plenty of advance notice about Mercury Retrograde and the impact on your money, house, business, charity or apartment, starting in October 2018.

qn 2rza2cvw 400x600 - Mercury Retrograde Money! October 2018I am sure you know that Mercury is the messenger of the gods. In modern astrology, Mercury rules the worldwide web, the media, paperwork and deals. When he appears to go backwards and forwards, we typically see expensive mistakes, wrong statements, and a muddled market place. In 2018 it is more serious because Uranus (the revolution) is in Taurus (Wall Street, banks and sharemarkets).

A lot of people are going to get caught by this because they don’t understand Mercury Retrograde Shadow. Let’s have a look. What is going to happen to the bean-counters, when the Jelly Bean Machine doesn’t work the same way?

Mercury Retrograde October-December 2018 and Money

Two signs rule money in astrology. Taurus is one. Scorpio is the other. Mercury the planet of communication will move across Scorpio 27, 28, 29 in the final week of October 2018, leading up to Halloween. That is a good way to remember it.

Monday 29th October – Mercury 27 Scorpio – Mercury Retrograde Shadow begins at 00.51am UT (Universal Time). At 11.04am Mercury at 27 Scorpio conjuncts Jupiter at 27 Scorpio.

This is unusual. It can only happen once every 12 years. It’s massive, in terms of solutions, growth, optimism, expansion, gains, rewards and the usual Jupiter concerns. We’re looking at a major announcement, ruling or press release.

The talk keeps flowing, so do the e-mails and the paper trail keeps running. It’s a busy time! On Tuesday 30th October, for example, Mercury at 28 Scorpio will trine Chiron at 28 Pisces. On the same day, racing through, he opposes Juno at 29 Taurus.

Tuesday 30th October – Mercury 28 Scorpio
Wednesday 31st October – Mercury 29 Scorpio

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Halloween 2018 and Tricky Tricks and Treats!

This is a very tricky (Trick-or-Treat) week because it is so misleading for any person or large organisation who is banking on smooth sailing. You can see why banks, corporations or financiers might be wildly optimistic about the economic, taxation or share market climate.

Mercury seems to be behaving himself. He moves into Sagittarius, the next sign along from Scorpio, on Wednesday 31st October (Halloween) in the early hours.

What nobody except astrologers know, is this – he’s going to come back. And he’s going to repeat himself. And when he does that, we will see ‘re’ in front of every word. There will be rethinking, retractions, rescheduling, reversals and the rest.

December 2018 and Money 

From Saturday 1st December, Mercury returns to Scorpio – very strange – and moves across those same degrees, dating from Halloween, back when so many large organisations, governments or business people were so optimistic, on that Mercury-Jupiter conjunction.

Now, things look very different. Jupiter is no longer in Scorpio.

Saturday 1st December – 11.11am UT Mercury Retrograde 29 Scorpio
Sunday 2nd December – 10.15am Mercury Retrograde 29 Scorpio quincunx Uranus 29 Aries

Mercury continues to slide backwards, repeating his steps from October, across Monday 3rd December, until we get to Tuesday 4th December when Mercury at 27 Scorpio begins triggering big patterns.

Tuesday 4th December – Mercury Retrograde 27 Scorpio trine Chiron 27 Pisces. Mercury 27 Scorpio trine North Node 27 Cancer, sextile South Node 27 Capricorn.

This pulls in mortgages, house and apartment prices and the property market. Why? Cancer rules homes.

Mercury continues to slide back, across Wednesday 5th December. By Thursday 6th December,  he is ready to stand still. This is called Stations Direct in astrology and it’s basically like a courier stuck in quicksand with a deal in his hand.

Thursday 6th December
9.21pm UT Mercury Stations Direct 27 Scorpio

Friday 7th December is important because we have a New Moon in Sagittarius that day, so people and governments, and corporations, will be ready to launch major new plans for 2019. Except their timing is out. Friday 7th December is a very confused and confusing day. Watch. Mars conjuncts Neptune and then again, Mercury (running on the spot) triggers the Node in Cancer, which rules property.

The messenger of the gods continues to behave in a strange manner across Saturday 8th December, then on Sunday 9th December, he once again trines Chiron at 27 Pisces. He is still retracing his steps from October, on Monday 10th December, and on Tuesday 11th December he is opposite Vulcano at 28 Taurus, the other money sign. He is also quincunx Uranus that day at 18 Aries. Tuesday 11th December is intense.

It is also his last stand in Scorpio before he finally finishes his weird loop from October and moves into Sagittarius on Wednesday 12th December.

Two Mercury Retrograde Cycles – Scorpio and Sagittarius 

The fact is, Mercury is backtracking in two zodiac signs at once, to add to the end-of-year muddle and mayhem. I’ve shown you the Scorpio side of his cycle. Scorpio rules the banks. It rules mortgages. It rules insurance and taxation.

Sagittarius rules foreign trade, foreign diplomacy and foreign tariffs. It also rules the airlines.

This is a whole separate story, which I will write about elsewhere! Yet – it will play its part. You would have to suspect that foreign exchange rates and currency would be the issue.

Which Banks? Which Credit Cards? Which Issues?

A little thing called the Federal Law on Banks and Savings, enacted in Switzerland on November 8th 1934, is at the core of a series of shocks and after shocks, which I have been predicting for a very long time! This does not go away. Why? The horoscope. As I write this on Sunday 13th May, we are on the very edge of the cliff.  The Australian television series Four Corners is about to blow the whistle on the HSBC Bank within 24 hours.

By the time we get to Halloween 2018, around five months away as I write this, we will see the Uranus 28 Aries position of that very old law, being opposed by Uranus at 28 Aries. That’s a crisis. Does the crisis go away? No. In 2019 Swiss banks are shaken to their core as transiting Uranus then moves to 4 Taurus and triggers the chart again. And again.

What we are seeing is a stack of institutions or banks with foundation charts which are also rocked at 29 degrees.

The Standard Bank was born on October 15th 1862 with Saturn at 29 Virgo.

Natwest was born on 1st January 1970 with Neptune at 29 Scorpio.

Barclays was born on 17th November 1690 with Uranus at 29 Taurus.

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia was born on 22nd December 1911 with the Sun at 29 Sagittarius, the North Node at 29 Aries and the South Node at 29 Libra.

Mastercard was born on 16th December 1966 with Mars at 29 Taurus

Astrology  is a Tool in the Tool Kit of Your Life

Astrology is a tool in the tool kit of your life. You are your own best financial advisor, not me. Why? I don’t know your chart, or the charts of your particular business arrangements. Use it for yourself and use it wisely. Yet – we all need to know the astrology, here!

Prediction – The apparent done deals and safe bets of big business, the banks and government treasurers between October 29th and 31st, 2018 are misleading. The mood then will be optimistic. Yet, between December 1st and 12th what was signed or announced will go back to the drawing board and may even be scrapped or completely reversed. It will pull in Mastercard, The CBA, Barclays, Natwest and The Standard Bank.

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio happens all the time and I would not normally be labouring the point like this, but you only see it pulling in Jupiter in Scorpio, once every 12 years, and as this is also happening with Uranus in Taurus – which most of us will never have experienced – we are in brand new territory here. Exploring wild, windy and stormy cliff tops. Be aware.

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So many retrogrades, so little time. Why are you experiencing stop-start, cancellation and ‘reversal plus rehearsal’ as 2025 begins? It may be time to look at the Pisces, Aries, Cancer and Leo factors in your birth chart.

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38 Responses

  1. Beautiful post, thank you for sharing your insights and years of work. I am truly enjoying watching it all unfold. The swings last week were ridiculous.
    Any news on M Zuckerberg as of yet?

    Thank you

    1. Thank you Chris. Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg continue to be quietly on trial – nothing is really resolved. Uranus in Taurus is yet to appear, though. As a general rule, the more trapped or stuck people are, the more radical the changes and the greater the shockwaves. The web as a whole has people pretty caught and the global economy is so tied to it, that you just know, this is where the transformation is going to begin!

  2. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for the warning. So that might not a good time to sell a house/go through escrow? Any retrograde is probably not ideal to go through escrow.


    1. You were born with Mercury at 28 Scorpio in the Eighth House, CG, and if your birth time is strictly accurate, you also have the MC or Midheaven at 28 Aquarius and IC or Immum Coeli at 28 Leo. That’s what they call a T-Square. You need to know exactly what you are doing with the best financial and property advice you can find, as 2018 draws to a close, because Jupiter will open a big door, but you really don’t need the complication of Mercury Retrograde.

  3. Hi Jessica, I wonder if you can shed some light on what this means for me. I have a Scorpio Stellium, Taurus in Ceres at 26º and Chiron in Pisces at 3º. I am currently going through a financial settlement which includes property and looking at how to do the best thing for myself given what looks possible on the surface. It’s one of two financial situations I would like to be free of once and for all.
    Thank you x

    1. Thank you. I am not surprised to hear you are going through a financial settlement this year. You were born with the Moon at 25 Scorpio in the Eighth House and Ceres at 26 Taurus in the Second House and they are almost exactly opposite, so you have Moon opposition Ceres. When Jupiter (the solution, the opportunity) moves to 25, 26 Scorpio later this year you stand to gain, in terms of major answers or a substantial new pathway. It will be complex which I am sure you already know. Have a look at Ceres in particular as she is about the need to unite who and what is also divided. A new financial, business, charity or property world will be the outcome. You may want to avoid the Mercury Retrograde period if you can as it is so very tricky. Get the best advice you can afford, if you do not already have it, as Jupiter will not be back in Scorpio and your Eighth House for 12 years and this cycle offers you massive advantages and choices.

  4. Dear Jessica, I’m a long time HSBC customer! My understanding is that Four Corners won’t broadcast until 11:30AM GMT on Monday 14th May. Which gives me less than 12 hours to do anything from the time of posting this comment. Advice please?

    1. I believe the Four Corners Australia investigation into the HSBC is part of a global media enquiry – you may want to have a look at the ABC-TV website.

  5. Thanks for another great article! I’m really enjoying reading back through your predictions 🙂

    Would love to see some articles about the asteroids and how to interpret them in personal chart. I only just realised that I’ve been using placidus and that there’s a whole other works of chart drawing out there.

    1. Sure, I’m about to post a story for people who can’t attend the London talk tonight, about using asteroids in a family group, with planets. They are all related, as you know, so you will shortly see a feature on Venus, her son Cupido, her lover Mars and her husband Vulcanus. Placidus houses are really based on a monk’s view of the world many centuries ago so you may prefer something more modern and less tied to one person’s angle on women!

      1. Thanks! The mythology side is so fascinating- Neptune in pisces perhaps explains it. Haha

  6. Very insightful predictions. I learnt mercury retrograde shadow the hard way and not forgotten that since! I did laugh hard at Samsung (and other companies) who’s product “caught fire” “blew up” ie hover boards phones washing machines. But Samsung didnt learn their lesson and launched their latest new phone ON MERCURY RETROGRADE AGAIN! lol During the launch they had technical difficulties and the phone wouldn’t work at times IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE WORLD! lol I did remark on their ‘sponsored add” to hire or at least CONSULT an astrologer. hahahahahhaa classic. Thought you may get a laugh out of that.

    1. Yes, I remember Samsung. I also remember Google trying to print their corporate statements on Mercury Retrograde with dire results. It’s quite the cycle and I guess the only thing is, we can see it coming.

  7. Wow Jess,
    this is going to be huge for me as I have so many placements at 27% that are going to be pinged. . Aesculapia 27% in Scorpio south node 27% Pisces, Hygeia29% Leo and Ascendant 25% Capricorn all trine or sextile and my 27% Aries moon inconjuct it all.
    I have a farm which was bought ( unwilling ) by a mining company on a 2 year laybuy with the final payment due 15 Dec 2018. I really wonder how this will play out but either way I guess my moon is saying it will be hard to adjust to the outcome .
    My Scorpio husband is keen for the deal to go through but I still unsure about losing my beloved farm .
    Any thoughts Jess especial in regards to how the asteroids fit in ?

    Thanks for all your wonderful posts

    1. Baroona, unless you truly know what you are doing on Mercury Retrograde cycles (and some people use them quite adroitly) you may prefer to steer well clear of this complicated time. This is especially true with your farm. If you can make your decisions at any time at all you may want to do that when Mercury the trickster is not running on the spot then hurtling backwards then disappearing!

  8. Thanks for the advanced notice. We will be renewing our mortgage in a few months which I am glad of. But I will keep an eye on whatever else is happening. All of Australia’s banks and some insurance companies are under pressure to reform so it will be interesting to see what happens at the end of the year. There are a few connections to my chart. Hopefully my birthday wishes come true!

    1. Your Neptune at 25 Scorpio is the one to watch as Jupiter goes to 25 Scorpio in your Eighth House of mortgage, pension, superannuation, insurance and the rest. That is an opportunity to escape from the real world as you have not seen in 12 years and as it is so close to the 26 degree patterns elsewhere in your chart it’s clearly a game-changer in many departments at once, including your partnership. Just keep an eye on Mercury, please.

    1. Thank you! This really makes me curious about the network/group/club (or secret society!) which Deutsche Bank is central to. That’s what the Aquarius chart pattern is telling me. The other banks, notably the Australian banks, are like spokes from the hub.

  9. Good morning Jessica,
    I have 26/Scorpio can you please enlighten me on the effect it may have on me?
    Thank you for all your interesting articles.
    Have a beautiful day or what is left of it for you.

    1. Jupiter will give you the opportunity to expand, improve and make so much more of the money, the house, the apartment, the business or the possessions as he passes 26 Scorpio but just be aware that Mercury Retrograde tends to bring delays or changes in the process.

  10. I am sitting on the fence about some major financial decisions. When do you think will be a good time get brave about it?

    1. You have Mercury at 5 Taurus so whatever you decide to do, make sure the arrangement is flexible enough for you to deal with change, as when Uranus goes to 5 Scorpio you will need to have agreements about money, business, property and so on that can ‘take’ all kinds of weather. I will give you an example. In the space of a single day I have had three readers telling me they are striking deals with the bank on their mortgages. Both bank and customer are ignoring recommended rates and negotiating much lower interest in exchange for upfront cash, or threats to go to another bank. That’s new. It’s this kind of ‘weather’ which shakes everything up which you need to be aware of as it will be impacting everything one year from now.

        1. I am going to post a feature on a strange thing called an Ephemeris – which is free to view online – which will show you Uranus getting to 5 Taurus (not Scorpio) and other useful information, so you can sort out your astrological chart in real time.

  11. Hello Jessica,
    It all sounds very scary to hear that NatWest, Barclays and MasterCard will be affected.
    I am trying to tidy up my finances but how will this mercury retrograde affect me.
    I have a Stellium in Scorpio with South Node at 26° R and my son has North Node 5 Scorpio D.

    1. I don’t have a problem with Uranus in Taurus. The world is locked into a weird 20th century way of endless shopping, on credit cards that are bubbles of fake money, which belong to banks which are way too involved with governments, who are already putting our countries in debt. There is a huge disconnect there and it’s unnatural. I don’t think any of us will enjoy the shocks or the revolution but it has to happen. Tidying up your finances is smart this year. Jupiter in Scorpio will help you in the Eighth House. Try and keep life as simple as possible. Your son won’t really be affected until next year when Uranus crosses his Nodes. You don’t say how old he is, but in 2019 he will have a major crossroads about his values. What he believes is priceless and precious. For you this year, you will be helped by Jupiter crossing 26 Scorpio in October, in particular (around the 21st) but if you are still doing deals/signing/negotiating about property, money, business charity after that first day Mercury goes Retrograde Shadow, you need to be fully aware of all those cautionary notes I’ve been sounding. Get an expert to help you then.

  12. Hi Jessica fantastic blog and website and wonderful work sharing this with everyone.
    I have Jupiter at 0 degrees of Sagittarius in my 2nd house, my husband and I have our pensions and some other funds invested in shares in the stock market. Could you tell me what affect Mercury retrograde from October 2018 May have for me financially as it will hover back and forth over my financial house and Jupiter during this cycle of retrograde. I will also be experiencing a Jupiter return at the same time.

    1. Jupiter at 0 Sagittarius is in the Ninth House of your chart in the Natural House system, not the Second House. You’ll have your Jupiter Return at the end of 2018 and will be in a wonderful position to travel, move, emigrate or have the world come to you, via a close foreign connection. This will be extremely fortunate for you as all Jupiter Returns are. You have the Moon at 29 Cancer in your Fourth House of property and that would be the question here – are your shares in property? – as we find Uranus at 29 Aries going back and forth, in a square pattern. As you use a different house system to me, in the first instance, I would urge you to check what happened when you had your last Jupiter Return in Sagittarius about 12 years ago. If you travelled, moved or had the world come to you (travel in the mind) then you’ll know what to expect.

      1. Thank you Jessica this does make sense to me as I had moved to France from the UK and was travelling a lot 12 years ago. Can I ask which house system you use as if I put my sun on the ascendant my moon is in my 5th not 4th house? I am currently experiencing issues with the planning department & our builder re our property and if we can’t get it resolved we could potentially lose a lot of money, it was a bit crazy at 29 degrees ARIES squaring my Sun only this week, when Uranus gets to 1 degree Taurus it makes a sextile to my sun so I’m hoping this may help with the resolution of this issue, which is currently all happening as I write this.

        1. Moving to France at that time would fit. I use the Natural House system. Hit Search for explainers on the different house systems and how the Natural House system works. I have replied in detail to your post at another section.

  13. HI Jessica just checking I have the correct understanding when you write about Tuesday 4th December pulling in mortgages, property prices, banks etc does this mean they will lose value? Go into correction zone territory? Mortgage rates will decrease or banks will be pulling them in as in asking folks to pay them off? Thanks in advance.

    1. With the Moon and MC in Cancer in your Fourth House of property, I can see why you want to think this far ahead. I was talking to a friend in London about money laundering last night. Property is commonly used as a haven for money laundering, as we know. People with factors in Cancer will experience a liberating sextile from Uranus in Taurus (the revolution) so partly because money launderers are taken to the cleaners by 2020 (excuse the pun) we will see a huge global correction. Beyond that we are going to see a ton of moving/relocation as Jupiter (the opportunity) goes into Sagittarius (foreign people and places) and that will also have an impact. Beyond that your question is too personal to answer in a general way as it honestly depends which country you are talking about. Obviously, though, watch the EU and the Euro.

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