Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Astrology and Global Financial Crisis 2

I'm going to give you some dates for the Global Financial Crisis 2 which is coming in 2018 and 2019, based on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, FTSE and also the Ireland chart as the latter is home to tax-avoidance tech companies.

Astrology and Global Financial Crisis 2

I’m going to give you some dates for the Global Financial Crisis 2 which is coming in 2018 and 2019, based on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, FTSE and also the Ireland chart as the latter is home to tax-avoidance tech companies. It also shows up in the USA chart and the UK chart too.

The Irish are said to be lucky in nature, from their four-leaf clovers to their rainbows with pots of gold. If Ireland dances as fast as she can (Riverdance-style) in the approaching storm, she will make the G.F.C. 2 work for her.

What is happening here is that Uranus (The Revolution) is moving into Taurus the sign of the Bull (and Bull Markets and gold bullion) for the first time in most people’s lives, from May 2018.

Uranus is about radical change, shock and The World Turned Upside-Down, to quote a famous folk song that was popular when Uranus was discovered in 1781. We can learn from the past. Astrology is history.

The time has come to abandon any kind of financial system or business model that ‘enslaves’ our fellow human beings and so exploitative manufacturing in the developing world will be an early target. This mirrors 1781 when Uranus was found and named and the old slave economy in the United States and Britain slowly began to crumble.

We also know all about being wage-slaves, don’t we, or ‘slaves to the mortgage’ and the rest. Uranus is about freedom, liberty and independence. It is about breaking out. It is about a new world to replace the old. It’s coming.

Uranus is associated with the word ‘light’ as well. It is about seeing the light. Becoming enlightened. It’s like that great song by Lou Reed. I’m beginning to see the light…

When Uranus moves through 0, 1, 2, 3 Taurus across 2018 and 2019 and utterly challenges world sharemarkets it is very important that you reach for all that is suddenly new and true.  Astrologers know this, about this cycle.

This Global Financial Crisis 2 is about massive gains and falls – some involving cryptocurrency – some involving old-fashioned currency. Expect to see huge spikes on the graph, just one month from now.

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Astrology and Global Financial Crisis 2 – Japan to Dublin

Scorpio is the other finance sign apart from Taurus. Taurus is about your money, your house, your apartment, your jewellery, your art, your values. Scorpio is about what you share with others – so, husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, business partners, parents, children, grandparents. It’s usually about the contents of a will.

In the chart of a whole stock exchange or nation, Scorpio is about global debts and trade deals and global tax avoidance systems between countries. It’s really about ’til debt do us part’ for small and big nations. This goes all the way back to the post-war bills in Europe, and their impact on Germany in the 1930s, the last time Uranus was in Taurus. So we’re also talking Europe in 2018 and 2019 and the Euro. Most astrological charts here are based on data from The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion (The Wessex Astrologer) and are below, end of page, for those of you who want to see the astrology for yourself.

This is a crisis which is going to make some very wealthy, because Jupiter is around. Of course, in a crisis, there are bargains galore! Cheap stocks and shares which rise later on. Easy pickings. For financial speculators there are also massive gains. It’s like a casino out there.

The reason I am predicting Global Financial Crisis 2 as an astrologer (plenty of financial experts agree with astrology of course) is that Jupiter – abundance – is in Scorpio at exactly the same time that Uranus – revolution – is in Taurus. It’s Sunday 15th April here in London and all is quiet, but that is typical of this cycle. Uranus comes from nowhere.

You know how you’re driving along at night, using your Sat-Nav to navigate the roads, with the map all laid out for you, and the voice guiding you forward? Imagine what happens if there is an electrical storm that comes out of nowhere, up ahead, and electricity and power lines are brought down, right around the region.

Suddenly you have to judge what happens – as it happens. You have to forget what you thought you knew. Whom you relied upon, minutes before. Everything is illuminated. Sheets and forks of lightning brilliantly expose the town below, as if it was daylight. You’re going to have to make this up as you go along, from this point on. This is exactly what the astrology advises from May 2018 onwards, right through 2019. See the light. Move according to the storm.

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Lightning Strike! It Begins with the FTSE in May 2018

The FTSE was ‘born’ with Psyche at 0 Capricorn, the sign which rules big business and government. She also has Pluto at 1 Scorpio. As soon as Uranus moves to  Taurus for the first time in most people’s lives, he will trine Psyche and oppose Pluto. That is a massive moment for the FTSE. In fact it’s historic. It’s confronting and it will change the balance of power for some time to come, as Uranus will return to this position after the initial May 2018 hit.

Dates To Watch in 2018, 2019

What we’re looking for is the ‘Venn diagram’ of overlapping dates when we see Uranus hit Scorpio-Taurus at the same degrees – or close by – in the charts of a number of key nations or sharemarkets. What we’re also looking for is another ‘Venn’ overlap of Jupiter (bargains galore – and lucky for some speculators) in Scorpio, also hitting key degrees across Scorpio-Taurus. This is standard astrology.

I’m also going to look at anything in Virgo, which in the chart of a country or sharemarket rules the workforce and employment, and Cancer, which is about the property market and mortgages.

The Tokyo Stock Exchange – Moon at 3 Scorpio and Sun at 24 Taurus, Pluto at 24 Taurus

The New York Stock Exchange – Hygiea at 3 Cancer and Mercury at 23 Taurus.

The London Stock Exchange – Saturn at 3 Scorpio

Ireland – Mercury at 2 Taurus

The United Kingdom – Ceres at 23 Taurus, Aesculapia at 3 Cancer

The United States – Salacia at 3 Taurus, Neptune at 24 Virgo, Venus at 25 Scorpio

Patterns Around 3 and 24 Degrees of the Economy, Shares, Currency, Property and Employment Signs

When do we see Uranus in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio circle 2, 3, 4 degrees and 22, 23, 24 degrees respectively? These are the dates set for London in 2018. Allow up to 24 hours either side for world time zones. I am writing this exactly one month ahead of time: On Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th May the world will enter Global Financial Crisis 2. The difference this time is – if you invent, innovate and co-create a radically different new business, taxation and trade world with like-minded people – you will gain in 2018, 2019, 2020 and beyond. Why? That is what Uranus in Taurus is here to achieve. A revolution which sets you and others free.

Tuesday 15th May 2018 New Moon 24 Taurus. Mercury at 3 Taurus. Uranus enters Taurus at 3.16pm.
This begins the cycle, the way that one electrical storm can begin a whole season of unpredictable weather. We can allow for world time zone differences in the sleep/wake cycle, here, but in general from Japan to Europe, the world will be zapped.

Do you buy cheap fashion? Uranus in Taurus from May 2018, for years to come, says ‘Don’t be a dummy. People in poor countries make the cheap fashion.’ Heads are going to roll in any system which keeps our fellow human beings down. Manufacturing – if it is exploitative – could take a king hit. Why do we say ‘heads roll’ on a Uranus transit? Because Uranus was found in the same year that The French Revolution was seeded, and that’s 1781. Marie Antoinette (and her wardrobe) did not last long.

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Watching October, November 2018

Wednesday 10th October and Thursday 11th October 2018 Mercury 1 Scorpio opposite Uranus 1 Taurus, with Mercury at 2 Scorpio to follow, aspecting Salacia, Psyche, Panacea and the Nodes. Jupiter is circling that 24 Scorpio hotspot, near these dates. Dramatic highs and lows in the economic temperature.

October as a whole is really important. On Wednesday 24th October 2018 Juno enters Taurus. She is Jupiter’s wife and most astrologers ignore her but she is a symbol of commitment and opportunity. The same day, we find a Full Moon with the Sun at 1 Scorpio opposite the Moon at 1 Taurus. On Friday 26th October, Venus (the ruler of Taurus) is conjunct the Sun at 3 Scorpio. Mercury is hovering around 24 Scorpio which fits that Tokyo/New York/London/Ireland pattern.

Watch Tuesday 6th November 2018. Why? On that date, at 6.59pm in London, Uranus goes backwards (retrogrades) into Aries, leaving Taurus – the sign of Bull Markets and bullion – for a short time. This ‘bump’ is helped along by the True Node – the world’s karma – entering Cancer, the sign we associate with real estate, property and mortgages.

This is all historic stuff. These are rare patterns. The Moon also enters Scorpio on Tuesday 6th November, which pulls in the timing. From 6th November 2018 the shocking, exciting, thrilling, confronting global economic patterns we saw begin with the FTSE on 15th May (below) will grind to a halt. But they’ll be back. 2019 is around the corner.

March, April and May 2019 – The Second Shockwaves as Uranus in Taurus Returns

Uranus in Taurus vanishes from 6th November 2018 but he returns to the money sign, on March 7th 2019. Anything or anybody people assumed had ‘gone away’ has not. In fact, the FTSE will show dramas in March 2019. Why? Uranus suddenly jumps to 0 Taurus and begins to move closer to that 0-1 pattern. The Nodes, Jupiter and Chiron also dance around 0-1 degrees and also 24 degrees, which as we’ve seen are hotspots from Tokyo to Dublin – from the United States to the United Kingdom. April 2019 also sees financial spikes as Uranus moves to 1, 2 Taurus and both Jupiter and Pluto dance around 24 degrees. Very close to 23rd April 2019 the FTSE is in an intense spotlight. Wednesday 8th, Thursday 9th May 2019 challenge the world economy. Change or stay stuck. This is around a year away as I post this, but I will keep updating you from May 2019.

Are You a Premium Member?

If you are a Premium Member, I will give you more dates in the extended forecast, below your regular weekly horoscopes, as we track these financial, business and property patterns in your chart. If you have Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer factors then starting in May 2018, across 2019, 2020 your life will be reshaped by the massive shifts coming in business, with banking, and with the house and apartment market around the world. You will be affected, so get to know your chart (what degrees or numbers? which horoscope factors are there?) and keep up with the weekly horoscopes. For major events I will also discuss more in your extended monthly horoscope as we roll into this historic new cycle, and keep surfing through it.

Astrological Charts With Modern Asteroids

Shown below are charts for Tokyo Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange (originally the Royal Stock Exchange under Queen Elizabeth I), FTSE and Ireland. All these charts are calculated with the complete family tree of modern asteroids, dwarf planets and other objects which are related to the originals – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Software provided by Solar Fire.

Tokyo Stock Exchange 600x332 - Astrology and Global Financial Crisis 2 New York Stock Exchange 600x332 - Astrology and Global Financial Crisis 2 London Stock Exchange or Royal Exchange QEI 1571 600x332 - Astrology and Global Financial Crisis 2 FTSE 600x332 - Astrology and Global Financial Crisis 2 Ireland 600x332 - Astrology and Global Financial Crisis 2

UK 1 1 600x332 - Astrology and Global Financial Crisis 2 UK 1 1 600x332 - Astrology and Global Financial Crisis 2

AMERICA 1 600x563 600x563 - Astrology and Global Financial Crisis 2

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107 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,
    Yet another interesting article providing food for thought! You’re on a roll this week? I’m looking forward to your updates in the coming months.
    The housing market in Australia’s major cities has been crazy over the last few years. I had a look at Australia’s chart for 1788 but I was wondering if you see any change within this sector with regards to affordability in the major cities? Or are people better to either invest or move to rural areas instead?

    1. Thank you. You have your IC at 21 Cancer so if your birth time is correct, you have a relative in your family tree who was extremely good with property. No wonder you are curious about Australia’s city house and apartment prices. The cycle we are going into is ‘Lose your illusion” and as everyone in their fifties was born with Neptune (bubbles) in Scorpio in the Eighth House (mortgages) right from May 2018, for many years to come, Uranus will blow those bubbles around and pop a few too. The more unrealistic people have been about what property is worth, the greater the wind machine that drives the bubbles around the country. You’re going to see it most obviously with that older generation as they escape from reality by borrowing and tend to be credit card/mortgage dependent. In your own particular case, what you are waiting for is the North Node to move to 21 Cancer into your Fourth House of apartments and houses. The Node starts to shift at the end of this year. Your IC is, however, dependent on an accurate birth time!

      1. Thanks Jessica. The birth time is correct. Our mortgage will be up for review in later in the year too. I will keep an eye on developments in the market and read the fine print. I appreciate the heads up.

        1. Mortgage timing sounds about right – do read around all this perhaps more than you normally would – people and organisations are going to make sudden sideways moves and you need to be across that!

  2. Hi Jess. Should I have anything to worry about with Mars 22 Taurus and Moon 11 Scorpio. I feel like there’s a big change coming. I think I’m feeling positive about it and I’m trying to get ready to ride it. Warmest Regards

    1. 11 and 22 degrees are a long way off, and Uranus will take quite a long time to reach those points – yet – you will feel the massive change in atmosphere and climate with your bank in general, from May. It’s like having a new guest move into your home. A guest you have no experience with and no knowledge of. Learn as you go. Find out as much as you can as changes will be lightning fast.

  3. Thank you Dear Jessica.

    May i please request you to have a look at my husband’s chart. His date of birth is 18 MAY 1964. Previously he used to work in a very big company very reputable also. He handled big projects and was very good in his job. Then in 2008 we registered a small company and started working together I was a full time mum before and now my boys are grown up. There has been ups and downs but we managed it until but recently when it has been quite difficult financially to have a salary at the end of the month. Sorry for being so long but wish you could tell us whats going to happen to us .



    1. Mina he is a Sun Taurus and you don’t give your birth details. As a Taurus, what he needs to know is that if any aspect of his image, profile, title or public face has trapped him, or made him feel restricted, it is unlikely to last after May 2018. He will either dramatically reshape how he is seen by others, or sudden events may drastically alter his old image. It will actually set him free.

  4. Hi Jessica,
    This is all rather daunting…why do you suggest house and apartment market? I also had a massive shock Recently. My Niece gave birth to a special child. All our plans as a family for house, apartment and financial security etc have already undergone a change. I dread to think about more change. There is just so much that is in flux. I worry about how we might be walking into more challenges.

    1. Houses and apartments are ruled by Cancer and the Fourth House of ‘home’ so when the North Node moves into Cancer towards the end of this year we will see new emphasis on property prices around the world, through to 2019. The special child in your world is really shown by Leo and the Fifth House, and you have a strong Leo signature. The North Node has been going over Leo so old karma has been activated. It is very likely that you, your niece and the special child knew each other in a previous lifetime. Flux is okay, by the way. In fact it’s necessary. Astrology can help by alerting you so that you realise what is going on and you go with radically new ways to earn, own or owe.

  5. Hi Jessica,

    I can’t thank you enough for your insight and accuracy in astrology since over the years you have been an absolute Godsend for me—thank you! I quote and reference you all time! As an American with a DOB is 11/17/65 @ 5:05pm CST involved with a person with DOB 5/13/60, the current astro-climate has seem extremely relentless when it comes to work, boss, co-workers, relationship, and home. I’m really concerned with the upcoming Uranus in Taurus astro, what should I/we do to ride this out? Will Chiron in Aries ease some of this or make it worse?

    My Best,

    1. Thank you NMJ. Cupido at 1 Scorpio in your chart in the Eighth House of finance, business, property, possessions and charity is the first target of Uranus at 1 Taurus, which will create an opposition. Cupido describes your passions and desires, and also your ability to make others feel passionate. You do this with complex arrangements involving partners, family and others. Along comes Uranus (don’t worry about Chiron) and in the outside world, you will experience a sudden wake-up call about what others put a value on. Currency, for example, will not mean – what it used to mean. Right up until that startling moment when Uranus changes signs, we may have assumed that US$1 had a certain value against the Euro or £Pound. Then we have other values. The price of a house or apartment, for example. The radical changes which shake that up from May, and again in the opening months of 2019, will make it necessary that you question and reshape those agreements with others. The key is knowing what is going on. Astrology says – move your position. Shift. Don’t deny or resist – history tells us that it does not work with this planetary cycle.

  6. Dear Jessica
    I assume Thiis crisis will be huge. i am a bit scared. I have Chiron 29 Aries opposite Uranus 3 Scorpio squaring DSC, Mars and Saturn in Leo. and I have a massive stellium in Taurus ranging from 11 to 29. How to react when Uranus will probably push me I really dont know where. What to expect personally?
    Btw bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were changed with massive tax in my country that probably means we won’t be able to use it in the future ( 1 % of tax for each small transaction )

    1. Saturn at 2 Taurus opposite Jupiter at 2 Scorpio in your chart will certainly be under transit from Uranus, so it can help to take them apart. Essentially you have justified fear (Saturn) about money, business, property or possessions (Taurus) based on one or two very tough past episodes (Saturn) which have led you to build up ‘walls’ and defences. At the same time, whenever you attempt to build these walls to make yourself feel more secure, you realise you are blessed (Jupiter) by natural protection and good fortune, when it comes to more complex agreements about money, or arrangements about houses, apartments, possessions and the rest. This is a lifelong pattern of push/pull around your budget, security and values. What happens when Uranus crosses to 2 Taurus will change and challenge that pattern. Just knowing that Uranus is about independence, freedom, space, liberty and room to move will help you make informed decisions.

  7. Hi Jessica
    The new moon 24 Taurus will oppose my neptune 24 scorpio. I have Jupiter passing over my Neptune in scorpio in Oct this year, then the NN in cancer passing over my Jupiter 27° Cancer in dec. I’m trying to sell off all my real estate – has been truly stuck for many years and would love to clear the debts once and for all. My scorpio factors are 11, 17, 18 and 24 so hoping I have time before Uranus passes over to oppose them. Please can you give me some pointers as to how I should read the next 3 years? Many thanks as always.

    1. Clear all your debts in 2018 and do whatever it takes even if you have to skip the daily coffee or even make a major property downsize. You have so much useful Jupiter action in your Eighth House and also that Nodal pass over your Fourth House of property, triggering your natural luck factors – that’s one green light after another. Watch what goes down in May, June 2018 and again in the opening months of 2019 as you are going to be buying and selling real estate in a completely different climate. Forget what used to be, or what you used to know. You are going to have a pretty wild ride through all this, but you will gain if you recognise Jupiter when he knocks on the door. He typically arrives as the right person you need, at the right time, in the right place. We can often be complacent about Jupiter moments, but they pass so quickly. Try to jump on whatever comes. And drop a coin in a wishing well.

  8. HI Jessica.
    Thank you for your wisdom
    Just wondering if you are suggesting we get out of the market before May 2018. You said there would be a spike then so that should be good but you are calling it a crisis so hard to know what to do???

    1. You’d need to look at your own birth chart and make your own decisions – and you don’t give a birth date. This is the crisis that is also an opportunity. That is the best way of describing it. The smart money is on people who know how to quickly adapt and adjust – and invent the future world economy. That is what Uranus transits are all about!

  9. Hi Jessica,
    I am a newcomer to your site and massively enjoying your writing and predictions.
    However I am anxious about the upcoming changes in may. We went ‘sale agreed’ on a house last week and are in a 6-8 week long process of buying a family home. My husband 11/03/73 bought a tiny house at the height of the Celtic tiger which has been a great burden financially and it was finally looking like we would be able to move to a modest 3 bed and settle down with our five year old ( he is mad to finally get a pet! And I can’t wait to have a garden)
    I’ve been struggling in my job since 2011 and was hoping to finally make a change to something less stressful but still meaningful (healthcare) once the house was sorted.
    Have you any advice based on my chart as how to ride out this mid-may maelstrom? I have Gemini sun, north node Scorpio, and quite a few in Taurus and Scorpio, with ‘ difficult’cap moon square Saturn. How will I manage Uranus into Taurus on my O degree Chiron?
    Thanks for your input and output!

    1. Thank you for becoming a Premium Member and also for the compliment. Don’t be anxious, but do give yourself an advantage by understanding what it means to have Uranus conjunct your natal Chiron at 0 Taurus in your Second House of finance, property, business and possessions. Essentially your lifelong pattern is to see what you can get away with, no matter if you are buying, selling or borrowing. Chiron is that side of you which is quite audacious and willing to tilt at windmills. You are always moving the goalposts, to coin another phrase, when it comes to money and were probably doing that as a child or teenager too. Experimenting and exploring to see what is possible – what is acceptable. When Uranus comes along in May, and again in early 2019, you will need to adjust and adapt your approach. In other words, the habits of a lifetime with finances will need to be examined very closely to see if your old angle is still going to work for you in unpredictable times. Figuring out a strategy is a very good idea. Rather than just reacting, try to put everything in front of you and see what tactics you can use. You’ll see a lot of astrologers online and in workshops now talking about this cycle, as we have not seen it since the Thirties. By 2019 you will be far more up on the game and will know how to play it. The best example I can give you is the Industrial Revolution. You either got on board with it and did very well, back in the 18th century, or you threw your clogs into the machinery and … your clogs got broken! Another example I can give you is the French Revolution and the peasant rebellion against taxes. Again, you either got on board with that and owned the new country – or you were wasting your time, hanging on to your poster of Marie Antoinette. It’s going to be that radical. What do you gain? Freedom. Freedom from X and freedom, thanks to Y. You actually won’t be able to fill in X and Y until Uranus has arrived and it is in the nature of this planet to be utterly unpredictable. Yet – you have the kind of chart where you can make just about anything work. You would do wonders with gardening, actually. I hope your little boy gets a good animal friend.

  10. Thank you for all! I got intrigued by my first encounter with your work a few months ago when I was googling something Uranus and came upon your prognostication from a year ago about this Uranus-Taurus passage. I was hooked! My husband and I have been in flux for nearly six years now and have had all manner of our home situation bandied about, along with complete career changes. It’s been unreal yet has forced us to deep spiritual roots. Anyway, any insights about the future of our homes/homelife is appreciated…. much gratitude for your forthright, bold writing and insights.

    1. Thank you. Home is really Cancer in your chart, as Cancer rules the Fourth House, which describes your apartment or house. You have not logged in, so I can’t see your birth chart, but I suspect you and/or your husband have Cancer factors in your birth charts, and the reason you have spent years without feeling settled, is that Pluto in Capricorn (the opposite sign to Cancer) has been slowly clashing with just about everything in your combined Fourth Houses, in the sign of Cancer. Log in and I’ll try to get to this list again tomorrow.

  11. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for your detailed article.
    Should I have anything to worry that I have both Scorpio and Taurus in my North and South Node?
    North Node: 03° Scorpio 35′ 41″
    South Node: 03° Taurus 35′ 41″

    Will this be a double whammy for me?


    1. Ben, you have many lifetimes of dealing with both wealth and poverty so you have reincarnated to use your knowledge gathered over many lifetimes. Essentially you have very fixed patterns around money, rent, mortgage, tax, business, shares, wealth, budget and so on. Even shopping. Taurus and Scorpio are fixed signs so they tend to dislike change, on the financial front, and get rather set in their ways. This will not go on. It actually can’t go on. And you will be liberated as a result. It may all seem very new and different – perhaps even rather dramatic – but by the time you get to 2019 you will see how ‘chained’ you were by some rather stuck attitudes towards money, property, taxation, business and the rest. You’re being offered a way to have a lot more space and room to move in your life, if you can just budge your position on your budget. It’s the ‘budge that budget’ cycle and it’s a smart idea to just go with it. Try not to hang on or look nostalgically back at 2017, 2016, 2015 when it comes. The future is rushing towards you.

  12. I have Desc 4 deg Taurus and Ceres in Taurus at 24 deg what may this impact please Jessica . Thankyou

    1. You’ll feel it now, in a small but important way. Essentially anyone who has factors in Taurus in her Second House of shopping, possessions, income, rent, investments, shares, business, taxation – has the habits of a lifetime to question. For example you may have habitually been a shopaholic who ends up with too much stuff and gives it to charity. That’s going to change. Why? All kinds of reasons. Maybe you are feeling it right now. Or – if you are habitually geared to have low expectations around money, never really anticipating that you’ll be much richer – May and June may alter your thinking on that.

  13. Hi Jessica…always love reading your new posts…..always gives me new food for thought!! My husband and I have been paying off debt and I am worried about the upcoming changes. He is a Capricorn birth 1-7-49..Any advice you could give would be great! Thanks so much.

    1. Thank you. Fortuna at 0 Scorpio in your chart will be opposed by Uranus at 0 Taurus from May 2018 with a repeat in early 2019. That is the moment to realise there are no ‘givens’ with money or property sometimes and you just have to adapt and adjust. The right attitude will be ‘that was then, this is now’ and to move quickly with the times, as the old way of banking, borrowing money and looking at credit will no longer apply. Try to embrace the randomness for the time that it is there. Your husband will have a lump sum to enjoy this year.

  14. Hi Jessica, thanks for the wonderful content!

    I am involved with cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, and believe that they will soon be transformational and liberating. I also hope that my efforts in this space will bring abundance to my own family. With several factors you mention (Sun 6, Uranus 3, desc 5, NN 21 Scorpio; asc 5 and south node 21 Taurus; Mars and IC in Cancer) should I be aggressive in pursuing gains this year? I was timid and defensive in the aftermath of the last financial crisis and paid a big price in terms of missed opportunities. I feel like I’m wiser and more informed now, and want this time to be different.

    1. Thank you. You have a strongly Scorpio-Taurus chart so it’s not surprising that you are already involved with blockchain. I just heard the word ‘fingerprints’ answering your question so perhaps there is a fingerprint-ID technology that you are involved with, or could be? (Mind you, I am staying in the former home of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle so perhaps that’s why!) Okay, so with your Uranus at 3 Scorpio you will experience Uranus at 3 Taurus opposite. They call it Uranus Opposition Uranus and we all go through it, but for you it will be about financial freedom. You’ll feel the start of the cycle in May and then by 2019 it will begin to unfold properly. Any opposition is always a challenge and so you can’t expect stability or predictability. There are no ‘knowns’ over the next year or two. It’s all unknowns. You need to bear that in mind in terms of how much time, energy and actual money you invest. Uranus transits are by their nature quite wild and the best analogy I can give you is – imagine you were in New York in 1781 dealing with the end of British rule, British taxes – and the first rumblings of the end of the slave trade. You would probably feel as if you were about to make it all up as you went along. You and others would feel as if you were co-creating the future together. And today your descendants would be rich! The smart money from May 2018 onwards is on people who realise that you have to get on board with a revolution, and that’s you. The trick to Uranus transits is to be watchful and responsive on a daily basis, because the global economy really will be that sensitive. It will change in the blink of an eye, more than once, over a period of many years. In general, from Christmas 2019 onwards, we are moving towards a radically different kind of borrowing and lending model which has far more in common with eBay and Craig’s List than, say, the Bank of America. Stay constantly tuned!

      1. Thank you so much for the detailed reply. Yes, strangely enough identity and security systems software are part of my job! Also, financial freedom is indeed shaping up to be a major focus. I am prepared to deal with change and unknowns over the next few years. Do you have any further thoughts on how to deal with that tricky Uranus opposing Uranus? It sounds worrying. My recent Saturn return was very tough and challenging, and I hope it won’t be anything like that. Thanks again.

        1. I’m glad I saw the fingerprint for you – for a moment I thought it was because so much of Sherlock Holmes was written in this London house! Uranus at 3 Taurus, opposite Uranus at 3 Scorpio, seems likely to bring in your profession in identity and security systems. I am sure you are completely on top of changes in your field, but make it your business to be across everything, with more concentration and awareness than usual. This also applies very much to 2019 as Uranus will take a couple of years to cross 0, 1, 2, 3 Taurus. This is most certainly about your work, because you were born with Juno (commitments) at 3 Virgo in your Sixth House, which rules your job. Putting all that together, you need to go deeply into the new realities of online identity and security from the middle of May, which will be a tremendous shock for millions of us, right around the world. The story develops across 2019, and possibly into 2020, and I do think you’ll have to reshape your career as a result of it. Don’t be worried. Do be interested and informed. We will see Jupiter (expansion, growth, opportunity) slowly make trines to your Taurus and Virgo placements once he changes signs at the end of 2019, and I think 2020 could be your year professionally, but it would be as a result of what you learn – and what you do – in response to the whole new world of internet banking, and global taxation. Time to start reading those financial and business newspapers as never before. And tech. Watch Fakebook.

  15. Hello Jessica,
    I’m new to your site.
    Could you look at my chart and tell me what I should expect over this cycle. I have real estate to sell and develop, and a complicated legal situation with a minority shareholder that has been on-going for 5 years.
    Thank you.

    1. Welcome and thank you for taking out Premium Membership. Your best bet with the minority shareholder and also your real estate is to use Jupiter at 26 Scorpio, crossing your Ceres at 26 Scorpio in the Eighth House of finance, property and business. You were born with Ceres here, so it’s been your fate to know repeated highs and lows. This is where you are powerful. No doubt about it. You are quite right to feel entitled, passionate and very much in ownership of all that is there, with the money, property, charity, possessions or business interests. At the same time, Ceres is a symbol of power and control issues, and when you say this has been going on for five years, that tallies with Saturn (hard times, hard lessons, delays, obstacles) going through Scorpio. I’m sure if you looked at this shareholder’s chart you would also find a ton of Scorpio stuff. Anyway – Ceres is all about making a deal. Enforced compromises with others, or even the universe. When Jupiter – breakthroughs, expansion, growth, improvement – moves to 26 Scorpio you will have a jaw-dropping opportunity to not only resolve things with this shareholder, but also to sort things out on a real estate level. We’re talking October 2018. Long-term, the North Node (karma, the past) will go through Cancer and your Fourth House of property, so you are very likely to return to an old location, an old residence or an old way of operating from years before. Any good karma you have earned will return to you. Read more on Ceres on Search. You are looking for Ceres in Scorpio in the Eighth House, so look up Scorpio and the Eighth House too and you’ll see why this is the year it all needs to be resolved.

      1. Thank you Jessica. This on-going legal dispute is sadly due to the other party refusing any form of negotiation and settlement, hence 12 legal cases on, we are going around in circles. Nobody knows what he wants. By the way, he was born 21 April 1965, in Tizi Ouzou, Algeria. I feel we have wasted 5 years of our working lives, as he has tied us in knots financially and we cannot do anything else but to keep fighting and save what we have worked so hard for. He seems mentally unstable and intent on destroying everything we have created for his own material gain. Uranus will be passing his Taurus sun soon. How could that be interpreted? Thank you once again

        1. This will work out, but you are dealing with a classic Aries-Taurus type. This person has a head full of steam, as they say in Australia. Part ram, part bull. The bull digs his heels in the ground and will not move, on pure principle, and the Aries wants to win – to compete – to do battle if necessary. You have also bought into the fight unfortunately because you have Juno at 24 Libra in the Seventh House of partners and opponents, so you tend to ‘wed’ yourself fully both to partners – but also to enemies. It can honestly be like tying a knot with someone who is against you. Of course you invested in this energetically because you have a huge sense of justice and fairness (Libra) and cannot bear things to be so lopsided! You also have your Nodes in Aries and Libra so I suspect some past life entanglement here. You have been a soldier, captain, guard – and similar roles – in many lifetimes and the idea of ‘fighting the good fight’ is embedded in who you are. I am very sorry you are being put this, but you have committed to him. The Nodes always show karma and I do wonder (if I had his full chart) if he isn’t your mirror and vice versa. I wouldn’t normally suggest all this soul-searching, but your Aries-Libra nodes (and in fact all your Aries-Libra placements) have been well and truly hit by Uranus since 2011, repeatedly, and I think a great deal of what you are dealing with here is karmic in nature. So if you change yourself, and change your approach/attitude, he changes in turn. Chiron enters Aries soon and will go over these same degrees, across your Aries and Libra placements, so you have to take that into account. The unpredictable, erratic nature of the whole situation will fade by 2019 as Uranus leaves Aries for good, but Chiron in Aries is still here. It may help you to sit down with your Astrology Oracle cards when you have some time and space and really go through everything very deeply, particularly as I don’t have the chart of the other person who is with you in this matter. And of course his/her karma is also tightly woven in. Finally, I will say that Uranus in Taurus is ‘a revolution in values’ and the core meaning of our values is what we will and will not sell our soul for; who and what we consider to be priceless; how we ‘price’ things we cannot buy like peace of mind. Uranus in Taurus, for all three of you, may very well result in a brand new calculation. Uranus is about being free. What price release and relief?

  16. Hi Jessica,

    I have a midheaven in Taurus and a few factors in Scorpio. although these factors are not as numerous in my chart, I wonder how much effect they have. I’m on the brink of losing my livelihood, and I don’t know how it all ties in. Best Regards.

    1. Ceres at 3 Scorpio will do it. You were born with Ceres (deal-making, compromises, periodic crises, empowerment, the balance of power) in the Eighth House of finance, property, charity, taxation and business. Right now Uranus is preparing to move to 3 Taurus for the first time in most people’s lives. It’s massive. The time has come to look at the way you habitually deal with banks, family or partners (in the context or rent, mortgage, inheritance) and so on. You can’t stick to those old habits now. In fact, it will be obvious from May 2018 and again in 2019. Uranus in Taurus is really about the whole world changing, and yet it has a direct impact on all that you own, earn or owe. Ceres in mythology was the mother-in-law of Pluto and mother of Proserpina, so sometimes this placement is really about the family and all that is in your will – their wills too. Perhaps this is the focus. You are going to have to adapt and adjust, go day-to-day for a while, prepare to make concessions and compromises and take your part in what is basically a massive transformation of your lifestyle, across 2019 and into 2020. When Jupiter conjuncts your Pluto at 20 Scorpio later this year, into the European Autumn/Australian Spring – you will have a stunning solution and opportunity not possible in 12 years to take control of all that you earn, own or owe. It will be empowering. Watch Jupiter move to 20 Scorpio and seriously consider that open door.

  17. Hi Jessica,
    Your insights into the global share markets are invaluable. I am wondering about what GFC 2 means for the Australian stock market?

    1. Two things are gathering speed as I read your question. Malcolm Turnbull the Australian Prime Minister – a Scorpio – is about to see what it feels like to have Uranus (the revolution, the shock) move into his Seventh House of rivals, enemies and opponents, as well as partners – his wife Lucy but also his Deputy. This obviously happens with a bang, crash, wallop in the middle of May. Tony Abbott is also a Scorpio. The PM also has a Taurus name – TurnBULL and actually, the literal translation of Uranus in Taurus the bull, is ‘the bull is forced to turn.’ This means gold bullion and bull markets, symbolically, but also the cattle market. I am sure you know independent politicians are pushing for an end to the live export trade because of its cruelty. Put all that together and very close to May 16th, some will gain an awful lot, and some will lose. Massive highs and lows in Australian business, government and on the share markets. It just depends what side of history you’re on. Watch Julie Bishop.

  18. Jessica,

    You do not mention China which has been a major driver of the share and property markets globally in recent years. I live in Hong Kong where property prices are the highest in the world bar none. Do you see China being a factor in the crisis in May and beyond?


      1. Jeremy, gold as a whole is an area for a financial expert astrologer as he/she would need to sit down with the charts for events like Churchill taking the United Kingdom off the Gold Standard all those years ago. As an astrologer, I’d say it’s possible to reach some solid conclusions about gold, but perhaps Olga Morales is your woman, here.

        1. Dear Jessica,
          Greatly appreciated – I am a newcomer to your site however I’m amazed at your enlightened insights.
          Thank you!

          1. Dear Jessica,
            Thank you again for your enlightened guidance.
            I’m sure you’re aware that the level of sovereign debt, ie., government borrowings, are at astronomical(!) levels by all historical standards. Interest rates are artificially low partly, I believe, because governments do not want to face the consequences of massive repayments. Asset prices and particularly housing prices have ballooned as a consequence and are unaffordable for many younger people trying to get on the ladder.
            I suspect the mid-May financial crisis will be centered on the absolute need for this debt, which has been built up by the older Capricorn’s currently in power, to be repaid.
            Imagine interest rates going up to the levels of the 1980s when they were in the high teens! The result, I am sorry to say, will be a financial catastrophe! This would probably start in the USA and spread around the globe like wild fire!
            I am an absolute amateur at astrology however as a businessman, along with many others, I have been saying the current government debt is irresponsible and unsustainable and there has to be a “pay day”.
            Jessica, your thoughts and insights as to how this scenario of a sudden and dramatic interest rate hike, fits with your mid-May predictions, would be greatly appreciated.
            Thank you in advance,

          2. Jeremy, as a businessman you have identified what also concerns many astrologers – bubbles. As you say, housing prices have ballooned and younger people cannot match their salaries with the price of (even) a studio apartment. This is not living in the real world, and people in their fifties, born with Neptune in Scorpio, the banking sign, have been inflating the bubbles. What we are going to see, in stages, from May 2018, is Uranus (shock, revolution, radical change) moving through Taurus (currency, money) and thus directly clashing with the Neptune in Scorpio position of everybody born in the 1960’s. It starts with people born with Neptune at 0, 1 Scorpio – in 2018 and 2019 – and then will systematically burst the borrowing/credit/property bubbles of billions, year by year. Apart from the adults born in the 1960s with Neptune in Scorpio, there are other, younger generations born with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto in Scorpio as well. They are also going to be affected quite systematically, year by year. The other huge bubble now is cryptocurrency. All this non-reality is going to be seriously challenged, and it begins with a bang. Bitcoin will be a big part of that bang, as I have charts for the first trade and other key points in its history, which show patterns at – we guessed it – 0, 1 degrees. I was chatting to my friend Shelley von Strunckel, the astrologer for The Sunday Times, Vogue and other magazines about May 2018. Neither of us can ignore the fact that Prince Charles and Her Majesty the Queen both have placements triggered by this 0, 1 pattern. Uranus always turns the world upside-down. Her head is on Commonwealth currency, so you really have to wonder what’s going to happen here…

          3. Thank you Jessica!
            Personally I am convinced the cost of money, ie interest rates, is too cheap and sooner or later,the debt has to be paid!
            By the way if Jeremy Corbyn somehow attains a position of power through all this, then he will surely have a crack at the monarchy!

          4. Too funny about Mr. Corbyn. Heads would certainly roll. Somehow, I think the surprise will be an announcement about the ‘new’ British cybercurrency, or perhaps less dramatically, a replacement for a Five Pound note with a coin. There might also be a major question about debt or taxes at Buckingham Palace or Highgrove, though.

  19. Hi Jessica,
    I have Taurus factors and I think I have Lilith and Uranus in Scorpio. This upcoming cycle worries me very much as I never have an easy break with finances in my life and constantly restrained. Do you have any suggestions on how to prepare for what is coming given my chart?

    1. Lilith is not part of modern astrology as she has no family relationship to the original, classical planets – Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Astrology is based on planets, asteroids and other heavenly bodies which all have a logical connection to each other, and Lilith simply doesn’t. The reason some astrology students use her is possibly because she’s been included in old 20th century ephemerides, but you won’t find her in the charts you get here – so please don’t bother. You have a very complicated chart when it comes to money. I am not surprised you feel you never have an easy break with finances. You were born with the Moon at 25 Taurus, just two degrees away from Mars at 27 Taurus. Chiron is also at 19 Taurus. Meanwhile, right opposite, you have Uranus at 27 Scorpio, so he is exactly opposite your natal Mars. Very hard work! Panacea at 16 Taurus and Bacchus at 21 Taurus complete this stellium (unusually high number of factors) in your Second House. You won’t experience any changes until transiting Uranus travels all the way to 16, and then as he moves through to 19, 21, 25 and 27 many years from now, you will find your values change quite substantially. Your values now really revolve around what you will sell your soul for/refuse to sell your soul for. Everyone has some kind of price. Your values are also about who or what you consider to be precious or even priceless. Some people are Marxists and some people are shopaholics. Some give to charity and some avoid tax because they disagree with the government. Some drop out and live off the grid and some work in banks. Worrying is not necessary but you do need to stay open and remain informed. You will feel the bump/the bang of Uranus entering your Second House in mid-May and that is when you need to do a ton of reading, and a lot of talking. There is an inner conflict here between your Mars in Taurus in the Second House at 27 Taurus and Uranus in the Eighth House at 27 Scorpio. You feel the urge to act, to push, to fight (if required) and to compete, when it comes to all that you earn, own or owe. At the same time, whenever you strike out like this, you hit internal conflicts or inner opposition, as there is a part of you which is endlessly inventive, productive and creative when it comes to money, charity, business, houses, possessions or apartments – but you reject what comes, and are then knocked sideways by it anyway. You essentially upset your own apple cart. You need to look up Mars, Uranus, Second House, Eighth House, Taurus, Scorpio on Search and get to know yourself really well before this cycle begins. On the plus side, Jupiter (abundance, expansion, growth, fortunate outcomes, hope, solutions) will reach 27 Scorpio in the final months of this year and you will find that as he conjuncts Uranus in your chart and opposes Mars, you will have a huge open door. I’m not saying the lock won’t take work, and the key won’t be hard to find – but the door will be wide open and it could lead somewhere astonishing for you.

  20. Hi Jessica! I just signed up and is new to astrology. What can you see in my chart. Born April 4, 1965 in Sweden about 10.37 am. How will May 2018 and the future affect me?

  21. Hi Jessica,

    I’m a bit late to this. Today the IMF live streamed an hour discussion about changes to global economy and it mirrored what you’ve been tracking and writing. The video is likely still on IMF site to watch. It was good tho scary. They said countries should embrace service economies entered on empathy especially targeting aging seniors. You’d like the video so wanted to mention it as you give us so much.

    Now, me…. I’m doing meditation, clearing debts, and planning to just see what happens and not much options due to illness but in any case – I’ve got Jupiter Taurus natal at 20 and Scorpio sun at 24. I just don’t dare hope but thought I’d ask what you think? I’m zen about life so don’t sugarcoat, if you have time and I’m not too late to this. Wishing you the best! Thanks Jessica

    1. Thank you. I didn’t know the I.M.F. had streamed this and I will have a look now. Have a look at a feature I just posted on China, because what happens to her, will affect you – directly or indirectly – as Jupiter crosses Scorpio near those degrees, in the final week of September. Fortunate!

  22. HI Jessica, On the financial side of U in T, here in Australia we are having a huge interrogation of our banking and financial institutions. What is being brought to light is corrupt to the bone. The sector will not be the same again… we hope. On the symbolic front of Uranus lightning bolt striking the “earth” you mentioned
    that an actual bolt in an actual place could be the trigger for the financial changes… I am interested to see if there is any global increase in bush fires (lightning strikes) during the time of U in Taurus. It is worth searching the web for how many banks are owned by the Rothschilds. Han

    1. I have been watching Australia’s enquiry into the banks with a lot of interest. Barnaby Joyce is hinting at a secret piece of knowledge at the moment. I find it fascinating that you mention the Rothschilds. The last time Uranus was in Taurus a film was made about them in Hollywood. I think you’re onto something. Let’s see, Han. Thank you.

    2. Hi Jessica, when I put in a comment my entire name comes up. I want to change this asap and forever. Could you please tell me what I have to change in my profile
      to just have my first name come up and could you get someone to remove my full name from this and other comments please? Thanks, Han

    3. About the Rothschilds; saw a news item recently where it was mooted that Baron R. (head of the family/business) is about to hand over the reins to the next in line.
      One wonders how soon HRH will do the same?
      About 2 years ago Baron Rothschild won the competition for the best designed Britain that year. When you look at it at first you think it very modern but behind that it is has a very ancient, sacred geometry look about it.

      1. Handing the reins over is significant – I need to look more closely at this Rothschild business. It just rang a bell because of that Hollywood film made last century, when Uranus was in Taurus too.

  23. Hi Jessica – do you have any thoughts on how Australia might be impacted by the GFC mark 2?

    1. Australia is in the strange position of having a Scorpio Prime Minister at the moment and a Scorpio former Prime Minister too. The leader of the Opposition is a Taurus. These two signs are opposite and Uranus about to enter Taurus suggests Canberra will be rocked in May, June 2018. This goes beyond a deep shift at the top of the two parties. It is also about Australia’s values – Taurus and Scorpio are very much about what the nation won’t sell out for. So this goes way beyond the lightning bolt of Uranus in Taurus on the world economy mid-year and into huge political questions for the nation. Scorpio, Scorpio, Taurus – you couldn’t make it up!

  24. Since the focus is on finance, do you think it will affect HongKong’s Linked Exchange Rate System since it was established long time ago in 1983? Will it bring revolutionary changes? The system has been under some stress lately I wonder if it’s an early sign.

    1. Thank you. I’ll have a look at the 1983 chart for the Hong Kong Linked Exchange Rate System – if it turns out we have the usual Taurus/Scorpio emphasis of big business and billionaires – that’s a big yes.

      1. That would be amazing! Hongkong has been a major financial center for long time I wonder what’s all these changes will bring to the city. The city itself is under a lot of stress not only financially due to huge gap between rich and poor also politically too.

        1. The key there is the huge gap between rich and poor you mention. This is a global problem. Capricorn is about the mountain goat who climbs to the top. It’s a symbol for the wealthiest 1% who have made it to the top of capitalism. People who make it, in a system, often tend to be strongly Capricorn. The Trump administration has a high number of Sun Capricorn men at the top. As Saturn, Pluto – and then Ceres and Jupiter – go through Capricorn to 2020, that is the end of the old, and the birth of the new. At the same time, the revolution of Uranus in Taurus (money) is here. If I can find a reliable chart for Hong Kong I’ll dig it up for you. But it sounds to me as if you’re on the money.

  25. Hi Jessica, regarding Uranus moving into Taurus in mid May, could you please provide insight into how it may affect me financially & career wise. I have seven stelliums in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, Aquarius & Pisces. I also have the following; Sun 24 Taurus. Psyche 01 Taurus & Ceres 04 Taurus. Thank you.

    1. You were born with Aesculapia at 2 Cancer in your Fourth House of property, houses and apartments. Psyche at 1 Taurus in your Second House of banks, assets and debts. The North Node at 0 Sagittarius in your Ninth House of foreign faces and places. The South Node at 0 Gemini in your Third House of internet and negotiation. Put all that together and you have quite a story about home as an investment, home as a financial obligation, but also home as ‘home’ in the real sense of the word. When Uranus moves into Taurus in May 2018 and slowly passes 0, 1, 2 Taurus you will be directly affected by a global economic revolution, and in your own country, radical changes affecting everything from pensions to property prices. Aesculapia is about something/someone which comes back from the brink. Often this is a house or apartment you have given up on, which you either renovate back to life – or perhaps a property comes back on the market. Then we have the Gemini-Sagittarius question about foreign faces and places and the internet plays its part there too. I suspect this is about a substantial asset, as Psyche is about what lives on after you have gone, and she is in Taurus – all that you earn, own or owe. At the very heart of this cycle are your values. What you will and will not sell your soul for. Who or what you consider to be priceless. You are going to be asked to look at that very, very deeply and make a new life budget. Uranus in Taurus 15/05/2018 to 05/11/2018 starts the cycle, then it picks up again after a break during the re-entry of Uranus in Taurus 06/03/2019 – we then see this cycle extending to 06/07/2025 but you will feel it most powerfully in May, June 2018 and at the start of 2019. Bitcoin will have a massive impact on the world then and the ripples will reach you.

  26. Here is a link to a very long article…. the most interesting things for me are in the last 2 paragraphs.
    what follows is a cut and paste of those…. don’t know the rules about you publishing it on the site.
    A Closer Look at the FOMC

    The FOMC is composed of the Federal Reserve’s seven-member Board of Governors, the president of the New York Fed, and four presidents from the other 11 Federal Reserve Banks on a rotating basis. All 12 Federal Reserve Banks are corporations, the stock of which is 100% owned by the banks in their districts; and New York is the district of Wall Street. The Board of Governors currently has four vacancies, leaving the member banks in majority control of the FOMC. Wall Street calls the shots; and Wall Street stands to make a bundle off rising interest rates.

    The Federal Reserve calls itself “independent,” but it is independent only of government. It marches to the drums of the banks that are its private owners. To prevent another Great Recession or Great Depression, Congress needs to amend the Federal Reserve Act, nationalize the Fed, and turn it into a public utility, one that is responsive to the needs of the public and the economy.

    1. Thank you. Uranus in Taurus seems to hark straight back to Roosevelt and his New Deal policies so we’re about to see how they stand up. Or don’t stand up. Particularly his actions on corruption within Wall Street. Let’s wait and see what mid-May brings.

  27. Hi Jessica,
    I am having a difficult time purchasing real estate in this hot market, everything turns into bidding wars. when will I move. exhausted looking

    1. I am sorry you are having a rotten time with property – Cancer is usually the culprit – but you need to log in so I can see if you do have Cancer factors in your chart. Thank you.

  28. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for this post! I have invested and believe in, the value, technology, and potential of cryptocurrency. I entered the market at a bad time (prices were almost at the all-time high). And although I have “lost” a considerable amount of money (due to the prices falling) …my belief in the technology has helped me weather the storm. Although I don’t know how far cryptocurrency will go during my lifetime, I believe it is the future for my son’s generation. Because I entered the market at not the best time, Ive been hesitant to invest any further, even though I would very much like to. I am hoping you can take a look at my chart and give me any insight in this matter, as my intuition is telling me this is a solid investment for my son’s future. Any insight would be very much appreciated.
    Thank you kindly,

    1. Stacey, the difference between life after May, and life before May, is so extreme it’s almost like the difference between Ronald Reagan and everyone who came before him. It is also going to move very, very rapidly. Investing for your son is smart, of course, but you do need to look at his Taurus and Scorpio factors, if he has them. Jupiter (growth, abundance, good fortune, solutions) in Scorpio in the Eighth House of your chart this year is a huge source of either protection or profit. You have Mars at 25 Scorpio so when Jupiter hits 25 you will have an opportunity not possible in 12 years to take action on the money, the cryptocurrency, the house, apartment, business or charity. On 19th October, for example, the Sun at 25 Libra aspects Jupiter at 25 Scorpio, right on your Mars. However – and this is a big ‘however for you – you were also born with Uranus at 0 Scorpio and Uranus at 0 Taurus will oppose this, May and June 2018. This period will be a very wild ride, and you will need to educate yourself rapidly about what is going on out there and how to adapt and adjust. If you are curious about Uranus, Taurus, Scorpio, the Second House and Eighth House please hit Search. But in general, expect the unexpected. You can’t really make savvy choices about this new financial era until you get past Uranus entering Taurus – for the first time in most people’s adult lives. This is going to be as big as President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal in 1934. As big as Europe devaluing its currency. The astrology and history tell us that! Yet – eventually – we’re looking at one world crypto currency – and a more level playing field for the so-called Third World.

      1. Wow, this is an incredible time we are in! Thank you very much for your insight Jessica! My son does have scorpio and taurus factors! (9/28/2005).
        If I may ask, can you give me any insight on how this might play out in his chart.
        Thank you kindly,

        1. Stacey, your son needs to educate and update, on a constant basis, from this point forward and step it up, from the middle of May. This is not going to be the same world. Over the course of many years we will move away from banks and towards communities of friends who strike property or cryptocurrency deals with each other. All the old rules you and he knew will vanish in the revolution as Uranus (radical change, freedom, independence) goes through Taurus (money, houses, apartments, shopping, salary) and the age of Capricorn (the bankers, the multimillionaire politicians) ends in 2020, to be replaced by the Aquarius era, gathering speed from 2023. If ever there was a time to be open to all that is new and different, it’s now. Forget borrowing money from banks and paying them back interest, or borrowing money on credit cards. Forget banks ‘knowing best’ about where to invest your money. Those days are going, going, gone. I suspect the legal offshore tax avoidance by the super-rich (and of course the money laundering) may also, soon, be a thing of the past too. Different planet.

  29. Thanks so much for all your amazing insights Jessica! I think you are truly incredible the way you respond to all your subscriber’s queries!! I posted this earlier on, but think it may have been missed in the deluge of interest in this article, so my profoundest apologies for the repetition. If, for some reason, you are unable to reply at this stage, I do understand. I’m intrigued by the Taurus 24 pattern … I have an almost precise quincunx between my Saturn at Capricorn 24 and Leo North Node at 24. My Ceres is also at 22 Taurus and I have Fortuna at Scorpio 1 and Mars at Scorpio 20 … how is this likely to impact on my finances? I’m considering buying a Duplex property with my 0 degrees Taurus Sun/Uranus return Mum (birthdate 21/4/35) who also has her natal Jupiter at Scorpio 20 (conjunct my Mars), her Moon at Scorpio 28 (conjunct my Bachus/Prosperina) and her Fortuna at Scorpio 17. This might give us a chance, together with my Stepdad, to relocate closer to the water and to the countryside south of Sydney which would be a dream come true for all of us. I worry about the physical and psychological impact of a move on her though given that she has had 50 years in the one house – and any isolation it might create for me as a musician, artist and teacher. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks Jessica 🙂

    1. Thank you. I don’t get to my desk as often as I like, when I am travelling, but I have an opportunity to sit down with comments and questions this week. Your stepfather’s chart is missing from this and you need to have all the charts there if you are to figure out a three-way property or financial agreement. You also have Fortuna at 1 Scorpio in your Eighth House of houses, apartments, bank accounts, and the rest. In the middle of May, Uranus moves to 0 Taurus, right opposite your Fortuna, for the first time in your life. He will slowly cross to 1 Taurus and for most of the rest of this year, you will need to deal with a situation which is by its very nature unpredictable, erratic and hard to call – in terms of any previous experience you may have had. Just be aware of that. It’s quite true that Jupiter with all his solutions and abundant opportunities will cross your Mars at 20 Scorpio this year too and that’s worth using, but you do need to be a total realist about Uranus in Taurus. We have not seen this since the Thirties.

      1. Thanks Jessica!! My stepdad’s birthdate is September 3, 1931. And yes, I hear you regarding the seriousness of the epoch we are moving into and my chart’s potentially unpredictable relationship to that. I am wondering if it would be wisest to wait the next two years out and focus on my creativity and on earning rather than investing – but I’m also aware there will be amazing financial opportunities for those who are astute, rural property not far from the sea being chief among them. I dream of having a beautiful but affordable place for my son (September 7, 1999) and my extended family and friends to visit whenever they wish and for me to teach and create in. Love and blessings 🙂

        1. The time to invest is 2018 while Jupiter (solutions, breakthroughs, growth) is still in Scorpio in your Eighth House. You’ll see a classic Uranus in Taurus/Jupiter in Scorpio/Saturn in Capricorn pattern kicking off within weeks. Essentially, computers and smart phones will revolutionise currency. Big chances to make or save more, will appear. The dinosaurs of business and banking will get a kicking. Put all that together and you can see why the smart money is on spotting opportunities and using them. You will need to be online and across the news to spot what is on offer.

    1. A crash seems likely, probably with internet stocks and shares, as we are approaching the anniversary of the end of the AT&T telephone monopoly. The monopoly of big players like Google, Facebook, Twitter is uncannily similar to that situation all those years ago. One gets the impression of bargain basement shares, though, with a quick return for a few people, as we are also going through Jupiter in Scorpio, the wealth sign. It’s a classic line-up for basically a car boot sale of reduced stock with some people mopping up their tears with beer, and others clinking the champagne glasses. Win some, lose some, is really what you get with Uranus in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio. I’ll read this with interest, thank you!

  30. Hi Jessica, another interesting article! Thank you for sharing your wisdom so generously. I have 6 factors in Scorpio and 2 factors in Taurus. I am currently working for a small bank that has been taken over by a foreign investor last year. Do you think the imminent Uranus in Taurus will bring sudden change to my work or financial situation? My wife has been very into cryptocurrency and equity investments since last year. After reading your articles, she thinks that I should be the one to do the investments because of my Stellium in Scorpio. Do you think she is right? Your insights to my horoscope patterns and my future will be much appreciated. Thank you!

    1. Thank you. Before you do anything else, realise that you have Pluto at 1 Scorpio in the Eighth House of banks, currency and business. Starting slowly on May 15th and intensifying in June, Uranus (shock, revolution) will pass 1 Taurus and oppose that. So you will experience transiting Uranus opposite Pluto and that is going to change your world. When you say you work for a small bank taken over by a foreign investor, it is really clear that global shifts will personally affect you. In general you will benefit from the changes this year as you have a Scorpio stellium, apart from Pluto, later in the sign and Jupiter with all his solutions, breakthroughs and big answers will be in the later degrees of Scorpio from this point onwards, until November. Jupiter conjunct your Mars at 26 Scorpio in October brings gains, benefits and advantages to your personal ‘push’ over the money, house, business, charity, possessions or house, across the European Autumn. Before you get there, though, you do need to take a deep breath and find out exactly who and what you will be dealing with, in this unpredictable new world, and so you really do need to walk your way through May, June and the following months to get the measure of it all. This is not the world any of us ever knew.

  31. Hi Jessica,

    My wife’s company was bought out recently and we are sitting on some cash, she is an Aries (April 1, 1971). We were planning to purchase rental property with that money in California. We are in two minds now, house prices have risen so high that unless you pay a lot of down payment the math won’t work out to be cash positive with rental income. On the other hand the prices just keep going up and up and we feel we have to jump in some time. After reading your article its seem prudent to pause and see what changes we see in May, may be invest in stock bargain in an event of crash or crash in housing too (Bay Area housing I feel is closely tied to stock market and employment). What do you see the best course of action for us to prepare/benefit from Uranus shift based on my birth chart. How it will affect me career wise, I am planning to look around for new job as there is no movement in current job. An alternative was to stay at same job but do day trading in stock, what do you see in my chart? Thanks.

    1. It’s all about Uranus in Taurus moving across 0, 1, 2 and 3 degrees and starting in a small but powerful way on 15th May 2018. Your angles at 3 Taurus and 3 Scorpio depend on an accurate birth time, but even if you are not 100% sure, there is still a major line-up in your chart at these very early degrees of the signs, so the revolution will have a direct impact on you in 2018 and 2019. The Moon at 0 Capricorn in your Tenth House of career is a factor. Mercury at 0 Scorpio in your Eighth House of property, stocks, business is a major factor! Venus at 2 Scorpio, also in your Eighth House, is about the financial and personal relationship you have with your wife. Uranus at 0 Libra is much the same thing. Chiron at 0 Aries is about your own title, image and profile. You even have Vesta at 2 Taurus. More than most people, you are going to find your attitude towards money, property, business, possessions and ‘what is valuable’ becomes completely transformed, now through 2019. You may prefer to wait until May and June have passed, if you are in no particular hurry to buy. You have an Aries Sun wife here who also has Uranus, the planet of shock, sudden change and turnaround about to enter her Second House of finance, for the first time in her life. I’m sure you are across cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Keep updating yourself on what is going on, because it will change day to day. To give you an idea of just how much of a revolution Uranus can bring about, you need to recall what life was like before 2011. That was the year he entered Aries, the sign we associate with self-promotion, our profile, our image, portrait, personal appearance, brand and identity. Our name and face, and our reputation. If you think about how astonishing the rise and rise of social media like Facebook and Twitter has been (social me-me-me-media) then you can see why Uranus in Taurus is going to utterly change the way we bank, spend, save and trade. The technology which has come with the iPhone (the Selfie) and the Selfie Stick – and Instagram filters – has given everyone a chance to push himself/herself and his face/her face and wherever Uranus goes, through a zodiac sign, people get excited. When they get excited, they tend to reach in their pocket. So, you can see why with Uranus at 0 Taurus opposing your natal Mercury at 0 Scorpio, you may prefer to adopt a wait-and-see policy across May and June, just to get an inkling of what is about to sweep the world, over the next six or seven years. As Mercury is so close to Venus in your chart, and Uranus in Libra (marriage) too – I have to say, 2018 and 2019 is all about your wife and her company sale,and those proceeds. In fact, never mind the actual currency and business trends you are about to see rock America – you need to focus on the personal relationship with her, because there is a fundamental shift going on this year and next year too. This brings us back to the idea of putting a price tag on the things that money cannot buy. The emotional, spiritual, intensely personal aspects of what you two share. You have some crossroads decisions ahead.

      1. Jessica, Thank you very much for prompt reply. One quick(hopefully) follow up, should I use the wait and see approach in searching for new job too till June. How about day trading as a source of income based on my chart?

        1. You would need to be aware of the strain on your nervous system as Uranus opposes your patterns at 0, 1, 2, 3 in the finance signs. I am sure you could dance in the storm that is coming, and do well – but at a certain point you have to realise that Uranus (the electrifying atmosphere) opposite your natal placements is associated with tremendous stress. Things will be nuts out there, well into early 2019, so you need to make absolutely sure that the price you are paying for that particular line of work, is worth what it will cost you in tension. Uranus oppositions place big demands on us.

  32. Do I Have Taurus and Scorpio Factors in my Personal Birth Chart? Still trying to learn from the personal chart which I see included in the subscription but I can’t seem to answer this question. I think the answer is ‘yes, because north node Taurus and that means south node Scorpio’

    1. You have the Nodes in Taurus-Scorpio and Pluto at 0 Scorpio. This is several past lives spent being both rich and poor, and you have incarnated to use all your previous lifetime lessons, in 2018 and 2019. Your spiritual lesson is about the need to let go, where business, money, property or possessions are concerned. Your other lesson is to learn that there is a price to be paid for everything and it may not be in dollars, pounds, or euros – you have to ‘put a price on’ other precious things like integrity, compassion, respect, credibility, trust and so on. I mention this because you have a strong chart signature across the Second House-Eighth House of your chart. In fact, you should really look up both those houses on Search as they have a big impact on you in 2018, 2019. Uranus will move to 0 Taurus and oppose your natal Pluto at 0 Scorpio so it is very important that you are ready to adapt, adjust and make changes very quickly in May and June, particularly where that combination of personal relationships and money is concerned. Pluto seeks to dominate, to control, to take and take over when it comes to business. I am sure you know that about yourself! Uranus opposing Pluto tells you to try and relinquish your grip on the reins and be ready to bend. Don’t hang on tightly or try to cling to the past. You’re not going there.

      1. Ok – can you tell me if this is right in my chart – MC is in Pisces, which is ruled by Neptune. In which house is Neptune? And, which planets are in 10th house? Surely you have guessed by now that I am looking at career related questions – so the 10th house.

        1. Your MC or Midheaven is in Pisces in the Twelfth House using the Natural House system. Your vocation is an escape from the real world, so it may be the spiritual path, or the scientific one (quantum physics is an escape from reality just as meditation or astrology is). Neptune is in Sagittarius in the Ninth House so academia or religion/spirituality does seem very likely as your career or unpaid calling.

  33. Hi Jessica,
    So happy to have found your insight! I am a bit blown away by what I am reading about the upcoming changes to the world economy. Especially when I saw my chart – I have south node in Taurus, Jupiter in Taurus, north node Scorpio, and Uranus in Scorpio, in their natural houses – these seem like all the same actors you are talking about! I also have a lot going on in Cancer (Sun, Mercury, more) and the fourth house.
    Just last year I started investing in real estate – it happened very quickly and unexpectedly last fall. We are now considering going even deeper into more real estate, but I’m worried about putting all my eggs in one basket. Considering my chart and all the changes to come, should I wait and watch, look in. another direction, or is real estate a good bet for me? Internally I’m feeling pressure to take action, but I can be overly urgent at times with my Aries rising wanting to go full steam ahead!
    Thank you!

    1. If you can act at any time at all you may want to get the full measure of the new world. We are entering a duplicate of 1935 when the New Deal radically changed the United States. New banks came from nowhere, too. 1935 was also the year of dust storms having a big impact on farming, so the planet herself may force change this year. We are still yet to see Uranus enter Taurus so time will tell. 1935 was also about the devaluation of currency and this seems very likely with a couple of nations which will influence business, world trade and property – perhaps yours. I hope you can see how very different it’s all going to be out there. People can and will gain as Jupiter (abundance) is in Scorpio, the other money sign apart from Taurus. Once Jupiter passes 20 Scorpio a little later on this year, and until November – your Taurus-Scorpio placements at the late degrees will either be conjuncted or opposed by the planet of opportunity, growth, optimism and expansion. So your chances are excellent. The choice is yours – but don’t assume anything that seems certain now, will necessarily be there after May. Cryptocurrency is the wild card.

      1. Thank you for the response! So what I am hearing is that waiting to see how this new world shakes out may be the more sensible choice. It sounds like it will be happening very quickly – and that we will need to be on our toes and ready to shift with the changes. You haven’t mentioned world conflicts being predominant with all these financial changes – is that on your mind? In 1935 fascism in Germany and Italy were on the rise, League of Nations (forerunner of UN) sanctions were ineffective at curbing German/Italian conquests, and Americans were reluctant to get involved as the aftermath of WWI was still strong. Now Americans again are pulling back from policing the world, and countries like China and Russia are taking territory (South China sea islands, Crimea/Ukraine). The world seems unable to stand up to them. Along with the financial shocks which will surely cause a lot of distress and upheaval, does this look like a similar set up for world conflict?

        1. Unfortunately we are going to the brink of serious global conflict, but it will be okay in the end. I was very unhappy with Trump’s timing of the North Korea/South Korea ‘peace’ talks as he did it on Mercury Retrograde, exactly the same cycle that Chamberlain appeased Hitler. What we have to trust and hope for is the mini Age of Aquarius which comes from Christmas 2019 when people power and one-world thinking will prevail. What you need to remember about 1935 is the anti-Semitism too. We just saw this in Britain and it affected this week’s elections, working against the Labour party. So, history really does repeat. Take a look at Tesla and Mr. Musk. That’s my big tip. Their charts show exact matches in late Scorpio and Jupiter (abundance) is headed there, later this year.

  34. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for your articles. Personally, I am excited to see the changes this Uranus transit will bring to my life.

    I just checked my sister’s chart and noticed that she has Mars in Taurus at 3 degrees. Her Birthday is Oct 20th, 1973 (Repalle, India) 1:20 PM IST. How is this going to effect her? She works in a Bank(!!) and has a 10 year old daughter(April 24th, 2008 Taurus). Her husband is an Aries who lost his job a month back. Since, I saw Taurus in 4th house, I am worried (hope it has got nothing to do with health of any family members). Appreciate any input, if you have time, please.

    Thank You,

    1. Of course your sister works in a bank – Mars in Taurus is suited to that. Uranus will not cross her Mars completely until 2019 so she has time, but essentially everything from climate change, to new banks, to new government rules, to devaluation of currency (and of course cryptocurrency) is going to sweep her world, very quickly. She can make this work for her but she’s going to have to be in the first wave.

  35. Hi Jessica, just read the news about Argentina plunging into a deep eco crisis today. Might be related to this?

    1. It’s a little early but it may be related – I’ll look at the chart for Argentina this morning – thank you. I suspect the real culprit will be gold. The astrology was really clear about the economic drama a very long time ago, but literally as this week ended, we saw that global demand for gold dropped between January and March, posting its weakest first quarter since the 2008 financial crisis. The trick with this Uranus in Taurus cycle is to use whatever is available before November. There will be a ton of radical new ways to save or make money coming. Yet, remember that the help of Jupiter (solutions, growth) in Scorpio (finance, property, possessions) disappears in November. From this point on, we are on our own and 2019 will be challenging for people who don’t move with the times. If ever there was a moment to take a deep breath and question your old way of banking and borrowing, 2018 is it!

  36. Hi Jessica,
    You have the most comprehensive natal chart I’ve ever seen. I was surprised to see that I only had Scorpio in one area – HYGEIA and Not one Taurus. What happens when you have neither Taurus nor Scorpio? I’m a Virgo, so I’ll be damn happy to see Uranus leave my eighth house…. but otherwise I don’t understand how these changes effect me.

    1. You still need to use Jupiter on your Hygiea at 16 Scorpio in your Eighth House of finance, property and business. In mythology, Jupiter was actually her great-grandfather! This conjunction happens in the final quarter of 2018, from September onwards. I am seeing quite a few people with Scorpio placements late degrees, so I am beginning to wonder about the European Autumn/Australasian Spring. I think you’re going to see some new bank, tax law or similar spring up. It would help you to protect the future so look seriously at it. Hygiea is really about ‘prevention is better than cure.’ Insurance offers would be another obvious outcome.

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