Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


New Ceres Cycle and Your Big 2018 Compromise

Whenever you have a new Ceres cycle you end up having to 'trade' with other people, or just the world as a whole. Sharing can feel tough. It can be extremely emotional.

Ceres is the planet which rules compromise. Whenever you have a new Ceres cycle you end up having to ‘trade’ with other people, or just the world as a whole. Sharing can feel tough. It can be extremely emotional. But – a new world will come out of it. In this story, I’ll look at how your sign is affected. And if you’re a Premium Member, I’ll look at your personal chart.

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Ceres in Leo and Sharing Power

You’re forced to give up some of your control so that others can have theirs. Occasionally this need to give way/give up/give in does not involve other human beings at all. It can feel like a message from the cosmos. You can no longer have it all your own way, on your own terms, doing what you always used to do. You simply must change. Essentially the first half of 2018 is about a power-sharing agreement with particular faces, or the world in general. You have to give in and give up – somewhat.

She was Pluto’s mother-in-law so if you immediately expect there to be issues about people politics, you’re right. (Pluto and Ceres ended up in a forced compromise and a new world was the result). I’ve been using Ceres, now a planet like Pluto, since 2006 in your predictions.

New Cycle! Your Big 2018 Compromise and Your Personal Birth Chart

If you have your personal birth chart from me as a Premium Member take a look at any factors you have in Leo at 12 to 29. If you have any planets, asteroids, points, angles or other horoscope placements in Leo in the Fifth House of your chart, then now through Thursday 28th June 2018 you are going to have to spend a few weeks looking at children or close relationships. The Fifth House also rules young people as a whole and it can rule one-night-stand sex as well as ongoing partnerships. In even more detail, let’s talk about IVF, Viagra, pregnancy termination, miscarriage, sexually transmitted disease – but also Christenings, adoption, fostering, step-parenting, godparenting and all paid/unpaid efforts involving much younger people.

If you have factors at Leo 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (all the way to 29) then you may to share the power, or share the control. A typical example would be child custody. Another would be your teenage daughter and her new boyfriend. Still another example might be a position on a Board of Trustees looking after teenage sport. You get the picture.

Are You a Premium Member? Do You Have Leo Factors in Your Birth Chart?

Have a look at your personal horoscope now, as your astrological birth chart may show you Leo factors in your Fifth House at those numbers (degrees) – 12 through 29. If so, then 2018 is really about sharing control. Dividing the power. Regarding what? Children. Sexual relationships that may, or may not, lead to pregnancy. Young adults as a whole – the generation born 20+ years after you. You are experiencing slow climate change regarding this in 2018. You will need to give and take. To strike a deal with other people, and perhaps with the universe.

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There is also karma to get closure with, if you have Leo factors at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and all the way up to 15 degrees, because from January 1st through November 6th 2018, at some point the North Node in Leo will also hit your chart.

The Leo ‘weather’ in 2018 is hard to ignore. If you are curious about this sign then please hit search for a long piece I wrote on Leo factors in your chart, covering courtship, affairs, fertility, parenthood, nieces and nephews, children and young adults in your work sphere – and the rest.

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What’s Your Zodiac Sign? Explaining That 1999 Flashback

If you were born 1980 or later you are old enough to have been an adult in 1999, 2000 and will experience flashbacks, karma, deja vu, closure – call it what you want – directly regarding those years. Why? Ceres is going across the same zodiac sign (Leo) and the same points in your chart, as the North Node did back then.

You can scroll down to see which areas of your life were publicly affected, then. And if you’re a Millennial, then amazingly enough, childhood circumstances or conditions within the family, may be coming back to you in 2018.

In plain English, because the North Node is about the repetition of themes in the soundtrack of your life you are hearing that same 1999 ‘theme tune’ played with different instruments, with a new rhythm – but it’s recognisably the same song from around 19 years ago.

Back then we watched the North Node cross Leo from 4 through 29 degrees, during October 1998 through Christmas 1999. And now it’s back. It’s back! What you learned then you can use now, because you’re going to have to strike a new deal. I’d love to say it is as simple as sharing out jelly beans, but it’s about life gardening. Actual life agriculture. It’s more like real beans, real fields, real division of labour – and new territory. Ceres cycles can feel like seriously hard work.

If you have Ceres in your Tenth House of career and you are a Scorpio (see why, below) there may be a new deal at work with a reshuffle of rights, roles and responsibilities. You may have a new boss or colleague or there could be a change in the work rules and culture. Somehow you have to deal with the new ‘farm’ and the new laws of the land.

How Millennials and Their Past Lives are Affected

If you were born when the North Node was in Leo from October 21st 1998 to April 9th 2000 then you have incarnated to work through issues relating to sexuality, parenthood, and the relationship between older and younger generations. You’ve made an agreement to come back here to repeat particular themes and experiences so that you can improve on last time but also benefit from using what you know, or what you created, in a prior incarnation.

You have the North Node in Leo in your Fifth House using the Natural House system. Now, in 2018, the majority of Millennials with this North Node in Leo placement are going to deal with major questions about compromise and control. You may be losing your virginity. Moving in with your first girlfriend. Coming out as gay, lesbian or transgender. You may be dealing with a million and other one issues to do with the Fifth House!

A classic example would be your passion for a man you feel could be your husband, and your mother’s furious resistance to that. If this actually happens to you in 2018 then there will need to be a three-way compromise. A win-win-win.

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New Cycle! Your Big 2018 Compromise and Your Zodiac Sign

You’ll often hear me say that the Sun Sign (Zodiac Sign) reading is the public news story about you. The birth chart (personal to you, based on your time, place and date of birth) is the in-depth story behind the scenes.

Let’s have a look at your Solar Sign chart, or Sun Sign chart – also known as your Zodiac Sign forecast. In the headlines of your life, where must you really ‘push and pull’ with other people (or life itself) through June? And what dates will be most significant? For those of you who are Premium Members and do have your charts, I’ll list dates at the end of this story.

Aries – Children. Sexual Relationships. Godchildren. Young People. Millennials. Generation Y. Newborns.
Taurus – House. Apartment. Family. Property Portfolio. Home Town. Homeland. Family Tree. Flatmates.
Gemini – Multimedia. The Worldwide Web. Communication. Reading. Writing. Speech. Publishing. Hearing.
Cancer –  Rent. Repayments. Debts. Shares. Business. Charity. Possessions. Houses. Apartments. Companies.
Leo – Photographs. Personal Appearance. Brand. Reputation. Face. Name. Image. Profile. Identity. Selfhood.
Virgo – Secrets. The Naked Truth. Locked Safes/Filing Cabinets. The Unconscious Mind. Dreams. The Soul.
Libra – Groups. Networks. Committees. Private Membership Clubs. Teams. Friendships. Social Media.
Scorpio – Career. Unpaid Work. Ambition. Mission. Position. Status. Success. Goals. Achievement.
Sagittarius – Travel. Academia. Publishing. Education. The Worldwide Web. Foreign and Regional Differences.
Capricorn – Finance. Business. Houses. Land. Apartments. Shares. Companies. Taxation. Banks. Cryptocurrency.
Aquarius – Professional Partners. Husbands. Wives. Divorce. Separation. Former Partners. Potential Partners.
Pisces – Workload. Lifestyle. Daily Routine. Chores. Duty. Service. Housework. Body. Physical Condition and State.

What To Do On Your Ceres Cycle

Time-share. Agree to differ. Strike a deal. Make a bargain. Quote Kate Bush in Running Up That Hill – ‘If I only could, I’d make a deal with God, and I’d get him to swap our places.” Try to be a grown-up about what happens. If you have Ceres going through your Sixth House (you’re a Pisces, above) then don’t sulk and push back because your doctor said to quit smoking.

And what not to do?

Don’t obsess over owning the situation. Do not get into power struggles with others as it will make an inevitable change more difficult than it has to be. Try to be mature enough to realise everyone has to compromise with the universe. It’s called life! If you do feel you are being power-tripped by others, though, then try to sell the idea of a win-win. Or maybe a win-win-win.

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Why Your Ceres Cycle in 2018 Matters More

Here’s why this particular Ceres cycle in Leo matters more. The North Node is in Leo too. That’s karmic. You are creating future karma and also aiming for closure and resolution with past karma, dating from around 1999/2000. This is also the last time we are going to see a substantial Leo cycle (involving a rare pattern) for many years. So you might say, what you achieve by November 2018 is going to be there for years to come. It’s your last best chance to get things absolutely right. If you are a Sun Leo for example and you have Ceres in Leo in your First House of appearance, this may be your last best chance to lose weight and keep it off, if that is your goal. Or – maybe you want to close the book on a matter that establishes your name and reputation for many years to come.

If you are a Premium Member – Keep Reading!

Here are some key diary dates, below, which may hit your personal birth chart if you have factors at Leo at the same number (degree) you see here, or perhaps one degree away.

What’s the deal with the Aquarius oppositions? A classic Leo-Aquarius conflict. This may be an inner conflict or a real-world issue. Leo is the leader. The Queen. The King. Aquarius is the group. The team. The network. Leo the leader has to deal with the group who may want to go their own way and do their own thing. A true leader understands the group and its weird and wonderful ways and gives everyone space and respect. Leadership with sensitivity.

At the same time, ‘heavy lies the head that wears the crown’ and being the ruling monarch (or President) of any kind of group, club, committee and so on can feel extremely difficult. We also associate this cycle with the demands of children, young adults or sexual relationships. You may very likely feel a pull in the other direction coming from a friend, a group and so on. If you are truly feeling this Aquarius-Leo pull in your chart you may want to read up more on both signs. Hit Search.

January 27th Ceres 12 Leo opposite Venus 12 Aquarius
January 31st Ceres 11 Leo opposite Sun 11 Leo
February 2nd Ceres 11 Leo opposite Vulcano 11 Aquarius
February 4th Ceres 10 Leo opposite Bacchus 10 Aquarius
February 5th Ceres 10 Leo opposite Minerva 10 Aquarius
February 6th Ceres 10 Leo opposite Mercury 10 Leo
February 18th Ceres 7 Leo opposite Apollo 7 Leo

Throughout March and April Ceres moves across 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Leo and if you have placements there you’ll feel it then. Those of you who were ‘doing’ your Ceres back in February because she was crossing your 10 Leo placements have a real moment of truth again a few weeks later. And this time it really is a repetition of the past – perhaps 1999/2000 – maybe past life.

April 30th Ceres 10 Leo conjunct the North Node 10 Leo – KARMA!
June 5th Ceres 21 Leo conjunct Fortuna 21 Leo

We move across Leo 21, 22, 23, 24 and so on from this point, so June is really about your own Ceres compromise if you have factors there. Then, finally, on Thursday 28th June at 9.01am in London, Ceres is out of Leo. The major deal-making is done. It will be many years before we see slow-moving or rare patterns like this in Leo. If you had ‘hits’ or conjunctions in your personal birth chart, it’s very likely that your relationship with the world of children or young people will be utterly altered. The same might be said for your approach to sex.

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10 Responses

  1. Dear Jessica: thank you, ( what a perfect timing of this article writing, and post ,)
    I have Crese at 12 deg Aquarius in my natal chart. ( what housing will that be in, in the system you us. (( as you may note I am a Capricorn struggling with Pluto ( transits) and ( transit Uranus). In tears I write this request, I am 62, today I resigned from my teaching career because I became exhausted from the bulling of the authorities (Boss of dept education)
    At age 62, I have been trying for new teaching jobs, I even asked if I could share teaching responsibilities by working part time. ( all th authorities said even with union support no, no, no)
    I wanted to share the load at school, I want to give up days and have less pay which means I gave the opportunty for some else to have a percentage of job. ( all I got back was no, you do a full load. Or retire..

    Now, I sit hear in tears not sure how to get a job to pay bills. I am 62 and I have to work until 67 in the NEW Australia age law.

    I am lost, I am scared, ( I am always will to share. As I am or was a teacher of special education for children who have autism..)

    I will be so grateful if you could comment on WHERE I have gone wrong in life, or what did I do wrong in past life.

    Trisha M

    1. Trisha, being in tears is no good. I understand everything you say about feeling lost and scared. We have all been there. So you resigned from teaching because of bullying. I completely sympathise with that – once again – we have all been there. I also understand your concerns about paying the bills. So let me go into this with you. The first thing is, much as I love astrology, it is not enough. You may want to see your doctor or an alternative health professional to help you with the exhaustion and anxiety. Please make a little list and put that at the top. Make yourself do it and tick it off when you have done it. Before we even go to the head and the soul, we have to ‘do’ the body and there are things you can do, for your physical health and physical condition, that will help how you are feeling, mentally and emotionally. The reason I say that is that you have Jupiter (your blessings) in Virgo in the Sixth House, which rules wellbeing. You were quite right to work with children who have autism as you have a real gift for understanding how the mind, body and spirit all work together. First of all, Trisha, you are probably in shock. Please give yourself lots of time and space to get over the shock. It can affect us physically as well as mentally and this is why I think you do need to see a doctor, Reiki healer or just find a ton of good library books or free websites which specifically address the impact of shock on the body. Meditation is easy to say and sometimes hard to do but you would gain so much from it. Progressive relaxation techniques, long walks, swimming and the rest are all proven. Yoga is the gold standard. Beyond slowly, slowly getting back to feeling normal I think you need to choose. Are you going to return to your old job and rebuild? Or are you going to walk right away and find a new life and new destiny? Please do not rush. The fact is, if you wanted to, you could repair the damage and return to what was there. I know you are dealing with an institution and that is tough. You can see 20 Capricorn/20 Cancer in your chart – the ASCENDANT and DESCENDANT. What if I told you that you are having Pluto (total transformation) going across 20 Capricorn, opposite 20 Cancer, for the first time in 240+ years? No wonder your situation feels so extreme. It really is. You can hit Search to read more about Pluto and I reckon you should also read The Capricorn Effect, Trisha, because this is affecting everybody. It’s the system, the establishment, the structure. Some have it via a corporation at the moment, or the ‘old boys’ club. You are having it via the boss of the department of education. The reason I think you may want to read The Capricorn Effect on this website is that it is exactly about what you are going through. You can either return, when you feel better, and restructure/repair/rebuild the system. Or…you can decide to turn your back on it and move right away, exploring and experimenting until you find the right place for your skills, talent, experience and energy. Think very carefully about the place you left, the system you left and the whole institution. This may be hard to believe but it does offer you scope. Not where you live. Elsewhere. When you are feeling a bit better about life, please do look at other regions or countries as we have Jupiter (expansion, hope, growth, exploration) moving into Sagittarius (and you have the North Node there). A new day could dawn for you but you would either be using the worldwide web to further 1-3 projects, ideas or courses – or actually travelling/relocating. I would not give up on the Department of Education altogether just yet Trisha. I can see wonderful potential for you in another part of your town, region or across countries. Really wonderful. Please do not just let your high-potential qualifications, ideas, projects or plans just go nowhere – that would be such a waste for all of us!

  2. Hi Jessica I would like to know how the June 5 Ceres Leo conjunction with Fortuna will affect me? I do have Ceres in Aquarius but several other spots in Leo (around the same degrees)

    1. Sure. It activates Juno (commitment) at 5 Taurus in your Second House of money. You’ll be ‘marrying’ or ‘wedding yourself’ to some serious productivity and money-making around then. The compromise is over – having a life – versus making the money that gets you the lifestyle you ultimately want. This would lead to travel or a new home but it’s a long way off. It also pulls in your 5 Sagittarius factors and we associate that with travel or moving and that’s in the background. Just try to get the work-life balance right.

  3. Hi there Jessica. I have Fortuna at 10 degrees Leo and Salacia at 8 degrees Aquarius. Would affect these and if so how would I read what house they are relevant to?
    I have Apollo at 0 degrees Leo but I don’t think this is impacted anyway, am I thinking that right?
    Love reading all your blogs.
    Thank you again
    Dianne G

    1. Leo rules your Fifth House of lovers, young people and children. Aquarius rules your Eleventh House of friends and groups. The whole two year period, 2017 and 2018, is about resolving both. So, for example, finding a way to work with a group which involves you leading young people or children. Also, making your lover work with your friends – perhaps he does not like them, or they do not like him. You don’t tell me anything about yourself Dianne, so it is hard to be more specific, unfortunately. Hit “Leo” and “Aquarius” and “Fifth House’ and “Eleventh House” on Search.

  4. Hi Jessica,
    I have many Leo and Aquarius placements in my chart and while i tried my best to understand them, based on the information you provide, i am not going that well. I also have the north node in Leo and South node in Aquarius. Could you please give me an insight into my chart for this cycle?

    1. Sure. This is the last year you will ever have to deal with issues about the Leo-Aquarius split in your personality and also in your life. You have the Nodes here, as well as other Leo and Aquarius placements, so you have had at least one past life, and perhaps many past lives, handling leadership within a group. I mentioned this to another reader, so I will repeat it here – the film Darkest Hour, about the life of Sir Winston Churchill, is a really good primer for Leo-Aquarius issues. The great man was a natural leader, particularly to younger people – and especially children, who were evacuated during the war (Leo is the ‘King’ of a younger court). He also had to fight his own party, the Conservatives, and then fight the opposition too. He even had a fight within his own War Cabinet. The film makes the point that only when Churchill went among the people – the community – did he see that he was right. This is a roundabout way of telling you that in 2018 you have your last, best chance to really nail the Leo-Aquarius karma. You may even have had a past life as a leader within a military, navy or air force unit. To give you another example, I had a reader whose friend (Aquarius) was also the mother of her goddaughter (Leo) but the friend was in a group (Aquarius) project which went wrong because nobody would obey this person’s leadership (Leo). So you can see how personal it can get! The trick to handling Leo-Aquarius is to remember that every great leader, particularly of younger people/children, needs loyalty and solid support from friends, allies and the group. And those people won’t give that unless they feel Leo is one of them – not merely looking down upon them from a throne. You could get more from hitting Search for Leo and Aquarius and seeing how they function in your chart.

  5. Hi Jessica, I have Ceres at 22 Leo as well as South Node in Leo and North Node in Aquarius. I am trying to understand how these will affect me. Please could you give me your insights.

    1. Ceres and the Node in Leo suggest past lifetimes with major issues around falling pregnant, keeping or not keeping the child, life as an adoptive parent, fostering and fertility. Ceres in mythology was the mother of Proserpina who was taken from her by Pluto. She consented to a part-time parenting agreement which meant she had her daughter for half the year. Whatever your life history, and you don’t say if you have children or not, or ever were pregnant, you can be sure that in 2018 you will close the door on karma from this lifetime and other lifetimes too. You will make your peace, where you need to make it, and leave things in the right place, for many, many years to come. The cycle ends in November.

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