Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


2018 Love Horoscope

What does 2018 have in store for your love life according to your horoscope? Pisces could easily become engaged. Scorpio needs to stop working so hard. Leo has choices about children to make.

2018 Love Horoscope


2018 Love Horoscope

2018 Love Horoscope

2018 Love Horoscope

2018 Love Horoscope

2018 Love Horoscope

2018 Love Horoscope

2018 Love Horoscope

2018 Love Horoscope

2018 Love Horoscope

2018 Love Horoscope

2018 Love Horoscope

2018 Love Horoscope

What does your 2018 Love Horoscope have in store for your love life ? Pisces could easily become engaged. Scorpio needs to stop working so hard. Leo has choices about children to make.

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142 Responses

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Jessica.

    Can you tell me more about my 2018 please? I’m married to a Gemini and we have kids. Not planning on having any more at my age 🙂

    Thank you!

    1. The most important thing I can tell you about 2018 is that meditation is your best friend. If you do not already meditate then you may want to find a method that works best for you. Mindfulness is part of meditation. Control over the thoughts brings peace to the body and spirit. You may also want to find a way to use your body that also works on the soul and mind too. What you learn to do for yourself will change your life. It will help you all your life as well.

  2. Jessica, thank you for writing this article, I have been waiting for the stars to align in this area, as a single mom of one I wonder, Is this blind ambition or is 2018 my year?

    1. You could easily date a man with money and property behind him in 2018. The issue with men like this is – they can be miserly or even far too into their cash. I am sure you know what I am talking about. Still, if you can get past the defences this person has (paranoid about women wanting him for what he possesses – not who he is) you could have an interesting time. There would be a ton of work involved to get trust and get intimacy. I am giving you inside information on this person to help you with strategy. As soon as you say ‘single mom of one’ to anyone of this type they immediately start adding up how much it might all cost and that’s unfortunate. Yet, please don’t forget the positives of such a date. He’s genuinely curious and interested. You entertain him, amuse him and intrigue him. He’s attractive. He’s obviously done really well and that’s a tribute to his hard work and determination. I suspect he’s really keyed into his home town or homeland because you don’t buy property or build a business without hooking into the local history, culture, style, heritage and so on.

  3. My karmic debt I have identified is with a married man. To date we are platonic, we work in the same circles, he is older than me, The intensity of the energy is crushing. Maybe its fear, I just stay physically far away from him. Miles, terrritories, far physical distances
    and when I’m in the same room with him, I feel home and complete unconditional love.

    However in the non physical realm I contemplate , do I owe the karmic debt with Saturn at 7 degrees Aquarius?
    Or does his Saturn Leo at 4 degrees with Sun Virgo at 12 degrees owe me?
    Finally this intense energy, how does it break free? Do we self sabotage our careers?
    His mom’s chart and his composite creates their Sun at 2 degrees Cancer. My moon is 2 degrees Cancer in my 10th house of work. Coincidence, I think not? Thoughts.
    Thank you.

    1. Thank you. Whenever women ask me about moving on married men, I automatically look for Vesta in the chart, because Vesta is the asteroid which shows us how females relate to other females. Are they prepared to hurt another woman, and perhaps her children, so that they can have love? Or even just lust? You have Vesta exactly square Mars. Boom! Don’t go there. You can fantasise about him, the way you fantasise about Lord Byron, but if you go beyond that you are up for (literally) the mother of all painful experiences. By the way your mother’s life story and love story has an impact on your own. Have a little look at that.

      1. My husband left me for another woman five years ago, I agree with you and concur- it was hell on earth, my process is cleaning up karmic debts not creating more.

        A very facinating data note, Vesta – who knew! My Venus is 4 degrees Aries, his Vesta is 3 degrees 58 seconds Aries- I have located the Karma point. Thank you so very much!!

        1. I am grateful to you for sharing this information about your husband’s Vesta right on your Venus. Vesta can be extremely painful but the way through is always to remember that the man who needs a ‘harem’ of two or more women in his life, is usually insecure or a narcissist. It is very common and I am glad he is out of your life. You’ll love it when Jupiter goes to 4 Sagittarius and trines your Venus.

  4. Hello Jessica,

    My wife of 20 years and I are both Scorpio. My wife really wants a house, and I’ve agreed that we could in the second half of next year after renting for some time as long as we can find the one we want. I’m considering work options as I’ve previously written to you about, and a slower pace to focus on health and our youngish family is one of the options. I feel like a house in the next two years might be more financially advantageous to us but our relationship might be better served by getting the house thing done and then move our focus to what’s next together? I know I haven’t asked any specific questions but I’m trying to work out how important the house thing is in 2018. I’d love emotionally to own a house too but I tend to prioritise financials/long term security

    Sincerely. AC

    1. Thank you AC – funnily enough Scorpio-Scorpio couples are really not that unusual! Go for the house. That’s my opinion and you are free to reject it, but I am sure as a canny Scorpio you will do your own research and maybe a few Astrology Oracle readings for yourself and your wife, before you make the big move. You could find the property buy of your dreams and it would have just the right appeal to your children as well. In order to get there, figure out a new way to work – a better way to work – and offload as I have suggested. This applies to both of you. You both need to work smarter not harder. I strongly suggest you both start clipping pictures of places you’d like to buy or even just rooms you like the look of, and use an online pinboard to gather. You have this very, very fortunate lifestyle-finance connection in your chart hooking up Virgo and Scorpio and Jupiter (abundance, luck, opportunity) is about to cross that in sensational style in 2018.

  5. Will my 4 decade stuck marriage end, can we clip the chains that bind us?
    North Node 17 Gemini, Uranus close in degree in 7 th house, how do I break through fear and pull the preassure valve? I tell myself I do not want a divorce.

    Karma? Saturn in Leo. Any insight to assist me in seeing what is to be would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Saturn in Leo is indeed your karma. Leo is of course the King or Queen of the jungle and the astrological zodiac we associate Leo with being the leader, mentor and guide – shining with self-confidence – proud, respected and admired. I do feel your stuck marriage has wounded you very deeply and now your Leo side is crying out for help. It will come. You will be given strength in 2018 and made whole again, free to understand your innate Leo nature (this sign is a big part of who you are, according to your chart). Leo is not only the King or Queen, he/she is also the leading light with children, godchildren, stepchildren, young relatives or younger people as a whole. Beatrix Potter was child-free but ‘raised’ millions of eight-year-olds with Peter Rabbit. J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter and has been both a single parent and a married parent, as well as the guru for teenagers. In 2018 you may need attention for some physical or body issue which is a manifestation of your Leo side being damaged. For example, if you are having sexual problems (Leo also rules courtship and the royal bedchamber) it may be manifesting below the waist – and yet, having medical attention somehow fixes the soul as well. Space does not allow me to go into any more detail, but if you do end up with a doctor, healer, dentist, therapist etc. this year I feel that the body will act out the Leo issue in a symbolic way and fixing the body will heal the Leo side of the soul. After that, you are free to go. Free to enjoy being the leader figure with younger faces. Free to court, and be courted and to romp in a four-poster-bed. I don’t know if you will do this inside a marriage or outside it, but choices wait.

        1. All Leo people would benefit from a 2018 health check-up with Pluto and Saturn in their Sixth House of the body. January is ideal as the Sun, Leo’s ruler, is also in the Sixth House and light will be shed on the details.

  6. Dear Jessica,
    As a new Premium Member, my compliments to you and the work you do. Thank you!

    I am an American who has lived in Rome, Italy for the past 30 years and am married to an Italian (Gemini sun/Leo asc born 17 June, 1966), we have 2 children. During the Saturn transit in Sagittarius in August 2015, I found out that he had been unfaithful with a Scorpio woman. Since then, I have gone through a huge transformation (physically, I have lost 32 kg and have become strong through weightlifting…emotionally, I have invested 2 1/2 years in therapy with a brilliant psychologist). Over this period of time, I have uncovered so many untruths about his infidelity that my head is still spinning. My question is: will he finally come clean with the WHOLE truth, so we can begin healing our 16 year relationship/11 year marriage? (We have worked very hard all through 2015/16/17). Or am I banished to “eternal darkness” and should accept the fact that he lied and cheated, cut my losses and get on with my life?

    Thanks in advance…
    Best wishes to you and yours for the New Year!


    1. Thank you so much Dena. How lovely to live in Rome and congratulations on losing 32kg in weight, in a city where they have spaghetti twice a day. That is an incredible achievement. I am very sorry your Italian husband has been unfaithful. You want him to tell you about every single thing, and then fix the marriage. Wow. Let’s have a look. The most important thing about 2018 is one of your children. This is the child with the Pisces/Neptune chart signature. Creative, positive, interesting, imaginative. That’s your way back to your husband. This is offspring in touch with both the female and male sides of the personality, which I like a lot. It’s very healthy. Italian culture can be so machismo, as I am sure you know, and the women can be way too ‘bella donna’ and not feminist enough sometimes. Well, your child seems to have learned ‘what not to do’ from the culture! I do feel that you should come back to this young face in your world and throw your energy, time and thought there. That’s your key. And you know, a young person like this can help to transport you. Get you travelling, perhaps, which I think you would love – as it is such an escape from everything. Are you swimming? Italy can be a blissful place to lose oneself in a pool, or the sea – that’s a little psychic message to end with.

  7. Hi Jessica,
    What a way to start the next year – lots of hope for us all! I’m not going to lie, I’m a hopeless romantic and single but it’s funny, I’ve relocated back home a few months ago and I’ve just felt like this is the time for me to ‘settle down’. I don’t know why I feel that way but it’s just in my gut – fishy intuition. Not sure if it’s a past lover or someone new. At Christmas, I drew the marriage coin from the Christmas pudding! A prediction to the year ahead!

    1. The marriage coin in the Christmas pudding is not to be sniffed at so let’s take a look. Actually, put the three-tiered cake and the big hats to one side for the moment and look at your family tree. If you reconnect with your roots, heritage, culture and mother’s/father’s side of the family in 2018 you will do yourself a huge favour. Why? It will feed you. It will ground you. There is a ton of Neptune in your chart and you need to get back down to earth and live in the real world, so that you can actually reach for what is on offer – emotionally and sexually – and enjoy it. If you don’t do this you may reject who/what is on offer or not even see it. If you find yourself unimpressed, or ‘not bothered’ or stuck, or anything else with the world of dating this year, come back to this horoscope message and ask yourself if it’s not something inside you, which needs to stop floating Eight Miles High. If you realise that might be true, then it is actually the family tree and your roots which will get you back down to where things can actually happen and you can truly enjoy them. Even love them, love them, love them.

  8. Wow, thank you Jessica, interesting reading!
    So, December has been about talking through our divorce, my husband is struggling with this still. I want to get the ball rolling next month. I think you may recall his drinking problem. I have had a terrible few years.
    But…..a family friend living overseas contacted me in October, I’ve completely fallen for him, another man was the last thing on my mind. The only birth details I have are, 29th April 1964.

    I just think he’s the one Jessica.

    1. You can’t really avoid conflict in a divorce – of course – it’s horses for courses, and divorces for courses, as they say. What is crucial about 2018 is that you take the initiative and remove all possible means for ongoing battles and pain. Of course a third person will at some point play his or her part. Vulcan is the asteroid which symbolises the cuckolded man. Vesta is the asteroid which symbolises the women stuck in a harem. You have enough transits of both to make me wonder which of you will bring in the third person. Way, way more important than that is the pressing need to be a peacemaker and take the lead in helping to at least spirit away any means at all for future fighting – this is rather like removing the oxygen from a bush fire. Be practical, do it cheerfully, keep your sense of humour and just do it. Further ahead in time there is a group, club, team, association or other network which will be so soothing and healing for one or two of the players.

  9. Hi Jessica.Thank you for such a powerful article. What you wrote for Virgo resonates with me. 🙁 The situation with a narcissistic Aries spouse has turned me into a hermit resigned from the world, and I dive deeply into spirituality for survival. It is frightening to think of starting a brand new life at this point. Can you see anything in the stars to guide me please?

    1. Thank you. I am sorry you have an Aries narcissist in your life. It can be so boring living with ‘Me, me, me’ people, can’t it, and they never have a clue how obsessed with themselves they are – always at your expense. Your instincts are right. You needed to go inside, to spirituality. I hope you are meditating. Meditation will change your life in 2018. Yoga is another option but the right kind of meditation (experiment if you have not found it) will transform you. You also need deep healing. There are a lot of old hurts and wounds buried in your past. I believe visualisation will help you here. Find a creative visualisation technique which helps you dissolve those memories, or even convert them. You have a big Saturn theme in your chart this year. In mythology, Saturn castrated his father Uranus with a scythe. He carried it for years, like a curse, until his own son Jupiter taught him to use it for agriculture. That is why you see Saturn or Father Time with the scythe and also why the astrological symbol for Saturn is a scythe on its side. My point is, convert the weapons that were used against you emotionally or even in other ways – into something useful. Visualise the swords of battle turned into gardening tools to grow beautiful roses. Make no mistake; he is your ‘gift’ in that he is going to help you transform. You will be resurrected and reborn. This can happen within or without the marriage. I feel you do this so much in your own space anyway that it doesn’t really matter if he is there or not. Just focus on yourself. The next part of 2018 I want to get to is the mother-child relationship. There is something very precious that you need to reach for. It is, perhaps, the child you had – or the pregnancy that never went to term, or ever happened at all. Go out to meet it, spiritually. Connect and use this experience. This is an odd mix of past and future in your chart, as what we have here is something from years ago, probably involving a son, daughter, miscarriage, termination, godchild or adoption process. At the same time when you reach for this and own it – learn from it – work with it – you come so much closer to actualising something which could be so new in your life beyond 2018 and that is the very special nature of quite a different mother-child connection.

      1. Thank you for your heartfelt reply. You referring to gardening and agriculture could be a sign. I have a special child and am contemplating organic farming/aquaponics as his occupation a few years from now. I do feel castrated having been a narcisstic victim for close to two decades but will work on my confidence inorder to start this green venture for my son. Creative visualisation sounds perfect. Thank you once more, and wish you a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious new year 🙂

        1. Mary Poppins. You’re psychic. My friend the astrologer Neil Spencer put that film on as soon as I arrived at his house. P. L. Travers has been with me at least once in my work as a medium and of course she was fascinated by astrology!

  10. Dear Jessica,

    I am divorced since 1996 and single from every aspect since 2008. The specific field was deserted. At any rate there was none temptation so that I would think about. I have two children. My focus was on work (diplomat ). I think I’m doing well with the solitude.
    However I’ve started wondering what are the chances to create a long lasting affair.

    Sun 22° Libra Moon 27° Leo Mercury 17° Scorpio Venus 22° Scorpio Mars 11° Cancer Jupiter 28° Sagittarius Saturn 12° Capricorn Uranus 24° Leo Neptune 08° Scorpio Pluto 07° Virgo Chiron 27° Aquarius Ceres 15° Aquarius NorthNode 15° Virgo

    I thank you. Happy 2018 to you and your team.

    1. Thank you Vivi, I will pass your good wishes onto James, Justin, Alyas, Jodi and Kerry. You’ll love your social life in 2018 as you will discover that your friendship with women is just as enjoyable as marriage used to be once. In fact, you will join a group, or take a more active part in a group, which may be a club, team, association, society or similar. You are all single together or one of you may be married/with a partner but need time away to have her own life with friends. This group or friendship of yours reminds me of my own chart, actually, back in 2000. I became part of an all-female group of writers and editors and together we created Girls’ Night In, which became a worldwide bestseller with Penguin and HarperCollins. Since then it has raised over $3.5 million for the charity War Child. Vivi, you have tremendous potential in terms of making or saving money with these females, or finding a way to translate money into ‘produce/products/stuff’ with a feeling of abundance and sharing. It would be similar to joining a group of women chefs who feed hundreds of people in a restaurant! You need to look at your Aquarius side. You have a strong chart signature in Aquarius in the Eleventh House of friends and groups and in 2018 it comes alive as the Node crosses Aquarius. The Node rules past lives. You all knew each other in another incarnation and have good karma to enjoy and celebrate. Women who respect and enjoy each other – for who they are – really know each other spiritually too. Please trust the friendship process as sometimes you find a lover (I assume you want a male) who is also ‘friends with/friends with’ one of the first people. It’s called ‘birds of a feather flock together’ and you have a lovely nest of bird friends this year. I am not saying absolutely that one of them will introduce them to a man you would like, as I don’t have the charts of your friends – but it happens all the time, doesn’t it? Worth a thought.

  11. Hi Jessica, this website is a treasure trove of information that just keeps flowing. Thank you. I was wondering if you could throw some light on specifics that you may spot in my chart as potential or opportunities in this space. I’m single and was, till recently, in a year long relationship that does not have any future.

    1. I’m glad this is a treasure trove for you, thank you. Great news about 2018 as you will have the chance to commit to a person who was meant to be with you. I am wondering if you could possibly reconcile at all. Not having your former lover’s chart stops me from looking at that, but assuming this is a new person, the timing is immaculate. You have a strong Scorpio chart signature in your Eighth House of sexuality and property. This is the year that Jupiter (opportunity, rewards, hope for the future, growth, expansion) is in Scorpio for the first time in 12 years. Thus the immaculate timing. The mantra ‘equal but different’ and ‘different but equal’ is one to hang onto. That is you two. I understand why a recent break-up could make it hard to trust the future, but I also reckon part of you will truly know, to quote the song, ‘It’s Now or Never’. I would be astonished if you said no.

  12. This is a nice New Year’s present for us all – especially for me! “Love” this – all of it. You are on point as far as travel goes, as I have imagined finding a romance outside of where I live. I have applied to study/teach abroad (in Greece, my second home) through Fulbright for the year 2019. I am curious as to how you see “love” panning out with my chart – and even more curious as to why you think it will be just a romance and not much more? Or, maybe more? Based on my chart? Hope you rock this year out! Thanks again and HAPPY NEW YEAR! XOXO

    1. Thank you. I am glad the travel prediction is accurate for you. You will have a meeting of minds with a man who is all about his course, project, book, website or similar. He is sexually and physically contained and controlled and it will be cerebral in the first instance. I don’t know how you are going to get past the layers. The obvious thing is to address the brilliant brain first and help him to really nurture and nourish the concept. It is basically oozing potential but if he is not careful it’s all going to go nowhere, as the time to really plant this thing is 2018. Perhaps you can reassure him and assist him. This helps him trust that you understand what he is all about and what matters. Of course, you have to actually genuinely be into his plan! There is really no point in faking interest. Yet, I think you can meet him halfway. The rest, if we are talking getting naked, would be quite hard work and come much later – with a bit of Greek luck. If it never comes to that, so be it, but you will have at least had an intriguing man enter your life, and he could take any number of roles later – friend, collaborator and so on. He is strongly Leo, Aries or Sagittarius and very respected/established. Best of British luck and all that!

  13. Happy new year, Jessica! I hope it’s a good one for you! I’ve been following your forecasts for about 3 years and have been intrigued by the accuracy of your “former, current and potential partner” influences in my life. The last couple of years have been a rollercoaster for me, and have made me question my beliefs about who I am, my marriage, my role as mother, where I want to live, and what to do with old hurts. I’ve been living down under since 1996/7 but the motherland (and an old friend) is pulling me back… Therapy this year has helped me let go of fears and old thought patterns so I feel stronger, and that a stage is set for good things to come. I feel 2018/9 is going to be quite powerful for me, and taking me in all directions before I need to make a big choice about my love/live/parenting/work situation. Your comments that the ‘partner situation’ will be all over in early January, are a bit scary. Yes, it’s been hard, but the love remains. What’s on the horizon for me beyond January, Jessica? Thanks!

    1. Thank you. I’m glad your horoscope is useful regarding your love life. You do need to go back to the Motherland to ground yourself in the real world. Even a trip back would help. This is all possible in 2018. It is not enough to just find the right country, though. You also have to figure out what to do with a very unusual, unique relationship. This is solid gold. It offers the usual mix of sexual/financial riches and home/household security – and the emotional ‘feed’ you need. It is very odd, though – and I think you need to be far more practical, decisive and can-do about the situation. Essentially you need to understand the way in which you are using it to escape the real world. It is very easy to be distracted by a relationship as a way of avoiding confrontation with the big, big question of where to live – where to belong- and how to live. You have to ask yourself if you can plant this fascinating yet unprecedented, unclassifiable relationship in your homeland. I keep coming back to the environment the whole time because of the fact that Venus is in Cancer in your chart in the Fourth House of property, home town, homeland and belonging. You also desperately need to look at the pregnancies which never came to term, or the children whose infancy is at the bedrock of who you are. You don’t say too much about your parenting here, so I am speculating about a son or daughter as babies/toddlers or perhaps stepchildren, godchildren. Therapy will help. You need to unlock that. You also need to unlock your own rich imagination and need for fantasy, myth, escape and ‘holiday from reality’ because there are better ways of doing it (more useful ways, anyway) than being caught halfway between the homeland and elsewhere (one toe in the water, pointing away, one foot on the soil, pointing back). There should also be a way for you to entertain your ideas about yourself and your world with all their investment in the unreal/non-real which doesn’t mess with your world quite so much. Art, music, YouTube, anonymous blogging, writing poetry, Second Life, gaming? I just don’t know. There is a lot of potential here to find a proper sense of home and place, assuming you find exactly the right apartment or house to safely contain and ‘frame’ this very striking, unconventional relationship. You must find out though. And above all, with the vast amount of Pisces/Neptune influence in your chart in 2018 you really need to get your feet on the ground, roll your sleeves up and get real. I hope that is useful for you!

  14. Great article Jessica and best wishes for the year ahead! This year has been amazingly rewarding in terms of introspection and self-created happiness. I’ve been single for a year and child-free. What can you tell me about 2018 and my personal relationship? Will I have the opportunity to co-create with -hopefully- a soul mate? Many thanks.

    1. Thank you, Happy New Year. You are working too hard and need to rethink your lifestyle and work-life balance in 2018. It is very hard to be open sexually and spiritually – emotionally too – when you are carrying such a heavy load, either in terms of projects and plans, or just other people’s paperwork. It’s great to have all this budding success but someone has to take it on, and you are not a donkey. If you want to be a sexy filly and find a stallion you need to stop – pause – and delegate or dump. Then at last you can take a deep breath and actually see what is possible out there these days – who is there – and where they are! By showing a different side of yourself to prospective dates you can also show them that you are very clearly out for the romance and closeness of intimacy. At the moment I’m not entirely sure anyone is seeing that, according to your horoscope anyway. Feel free to disagree!

  15. Hi Jess, attached Taurean for a long time to a Gemini but I wish to be single and free but am scared to do so for certain reasons. Is divorce/separation a likely possibly in 2018 with little volatility? Will I ever find a loving companion have had snakes so far ? Thanks

    1. You can be single within or without a bad marriage. Yes, you could easily separate – but you could also separate yourself from him just by spending quality time alone. You need to remember you have Ceres in Aquarius (friends, groups) as well. You are desperately in need of a shot of Aquarian-style stimulation, exploration and discovery. In 2018 you will find it by ‘feeding’ a community or group with what it needs. A typical example would be fundraising for a local swimming group, or helping to preserve wilderness with an activist group. Your husband would simply not be involved. Beyond the Aquarian/group thing which is going to utterly change your year, you need to find your sexuality by yourself. You probably know this. Understanding that you can be a sexual being without a husband or marriage will set you free. This is going to be an epic year of revelation and reconnection. Read more on Aquarius as it is a big part of who you are in 2018 as the Node goes over that sign.

  16. By the way you are absolutely right about living in my head about romance. When I read your love post your words nailed what I’ve been doing for years, fantasies in my head about a partner, love and happiness but none of it is really sadly. Thanks again

  17. Thank you for this love treat Jessica. I am currently single with 4 grown children. Your outline for single Virgo is intriguing in that it looks like a Should I Stay or Should I Go now dance. Based upon my current circumstances (no job, no prospects), how will this 2018 love forecast impact me. I have been single for so long, not sure how to begin to envision a special someone. Happy New Year to both yourself and your wonderful team!

    1. Thank you, I will pass that greeting onto James, Justin, Alyas, Jodi and Kerry. Now, your chart does take some thought in 2018 as in both the house systems I use for you (public and private) I can see massive financial issues to fix. This is normal if you have been without work. I am also looking at your mind, body and spirit connection as you have an exact Virgo opposition and Virgo rules your health, fitness and wellbeing. Never mind love and sex. There is a whole lot of stuff to fix on a practical lifestyle level first. I realise that it is easy to fall into the habit of ‘just coping’ or ‘getting through’ when times are tough. Yet for the first time in 12 years Jupiter the planet of hope, breakthroughs, offers, abundance and rich choice is in Scorpio, the finance sign, and so triggering your chart. You have to be able to see it. Look up in 2018 and you will see the possibilities and potential staring you in the face. This may be a necessary loan, allowance, settlement, and so on. It may be something you are perfectly entitled to and you should not hesitate to reach for it. You can’t really do that until you fix your body, though, and that comes with fixing your spirit. Meditation and healing on YouTube (for example) is free and if you find something you love it will change your life. The attitude of ‘this might happen’ and ‘this could happen’ and ‘I can do this’ is going to turn things around for you. I would also urge you to avoid anyone who does the co-dependency gloom and doom thing with you. If there is anyone else around you who feeds that slightly defeatist attitude that we sometimes see on a Saturn cycle it really is time to look at it. Just to repeat – Jupiter in Scorpio could seriously improve your lifestyle, comfort levels and financial prospects but you have to be positive, optimistic, energised, willing to try and that brings us back to your general health, fitness, state of mind and the rest. Yoga is another free option which could help so much. You can do it at home – again using material online.

  18. Hi Jessica,
    I just posted a comment but am not sure if it ‘took’ as I wasn’t logged in at the time. Anyway just wanted to say that the ebook portion about personal planets really resonated with me – especially the woman with venus in Gemini and MC plus Mars in Aquarius portions. I was just wondering if there are careers that are more suited to certain planets in certain positions and what the might be for me as feeling a little lost in that direction currently.
    sun and mercury cancer
    moon and Uranus libra
    asc, venus and saturn Gemini
    mars, mc and north node in aquarius
    Jupiter in scorpio

    Thanks so much

    1. Thank you Jo, I am glad the ebook is useful. You are strongly Cancerian, actually so as we have transits in Cancer in 2018 (the Node is remarkable) I think you should look at what is possible in that department. People with a Fourth House pattern tend to be brilliant natural homemakers or family builders and can do this for others, or do it for themselves. This is the chart placement of someone who understands parents and children and their needs, but also the realities of real estate, house or apartment development and renovation, the environment, the local council and the rest. You can play this personally in 2018 and go for the whole Little House on the Prairie experience with your clan, or do it on a career level. I have met a lot of brilliant property professionals with this chart pattern. Gemini does the talking, Cancer knows the property market.

  19. Hi Jessica
    My scorpio son a workaholic. Still single middle aged, no kids
    What can you see for him in 2018..thank you
    I am a Leo, single.
    A premium member. What does 2018 hold in store for me..
    Thank you and a happy new year 2018 to you.

    1. Leo rules your son as well as your own love life, and you are strongly Leo. We have the Node (karma) going through that sign so let’s have a look at what is most important about 2018. (I won’t comment on your son as I don’t have his chart). There will be a really dramatic, striking moment with your career, or other position in life. (Kate Middleton is a full time wife, mother and royal!) You have the Node in Capricorn and in your Tenth House of hierarchy, structure, the dynasty, the corporation, the company, the business and so on. You may want to read The Capricorn Effect as well because on a global level we are going to see huge changes at the top. This has an effect on your own life. You are going to see a demotion, promotion, departure, sacking, resignation, victory, takeover or similar. It’s dramatic. Rather like ‘The King has gone, long live the King!’ if we are talking about the Abdication for example. When this happens please find your place in the new scheme of things very rapidly. Figure out the politics and what you are going to do, and how you are going to do it. Nothing to do with love per se. But this is the most important thing I can tell you. You literally only have this cycle once every 29 years and the Node is your karma. There is a past life story going on here and it probably involves your ex-husband, boss, father or similar – though I am not going to be sexist – sometimes it’s about a woman at the top, or a mother at the top of the family. You will have a lot of soul searching to do.

  20. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Jessica to you and your family,
    Thank you so much for these beautiful intellectual articles!! I am trying to digest Cap II, it is fascinating!

    Okay following your instructions: I am single! So what’s up with my love life; or is it simply bad luck:) will I have Taurus man long distant love restricted by powerful influence? Morales and ethics are high on my list; is it about that? Thanks

    1. Thank you very much. The Capricorn Effect was partly channelled by astrologers in the spirit world so it was written very quickly with automatic writing and so is rather long – yet it is meant to be online for 2018, 2019, 2020 so perhaps it needed to be long! We have Jupiter (abundance) in Scorpio (finance, property) in 2018 and this helps your chart so much. In fact you will be very comfortably well off thanks to an investment, settlement, pay-out, bonus, raise or just a really good return on a sale or share. Everything in your garden is lovely but you are alone. I do feel you need to be honest with yourself about your financial position and also your true thoughts about sharing a bank account, expenses, house or apartment with a new lover. Also, how you would feel about being with someone who had very little money by comparison, or even none. This digs at the heart of what is possible for you sexually and emotionally. You could literally go anywhere and do anything with anyone in 2018; we live on a planet with millions of potential lovers for you, yet it really begins with your own discussions with yourself. A heart-to-heart on a soul level about property, money, the promise ‘for richer for poorer’ and ’til death do us part’ and the experiences you have had in your own previous relationships – or seen in the family – around sexual contracts and financial contracts. You were born with Juno in Scorpio and for the first time in 12 years Jupiter is conjuncting Juno on the way through Scorpio. They were married in mythology. Have a look at Juno and Jupiter.

  21. Happy New Year Jessica,
    I am single, a sun sign Libra but have a lot more factors in Sagittarius & Scorpio. What will love be like for me in 2018?

    1. Happy New Year. You will be very happy alone as you are in the most amazing environment – blissfully content in your property or holiday home, or even a borrowed residence. Maybe it’s just the local area that pleases you. Despite this you can use the ghost of love past to help love future. You are learning on a long-gone relationship that could possibly be brought to life again (though I have no details of your former lovers so it is hard to say). The other reading of this transit is that you reach out for all that you learned, knew, had and ‘owned’ emotionally and sexually with your ex and use that to move forward with the next possible relationship. You can’t really just have this transit and get some lover plonked in your lap. You do the work on yourself – change, if you want to – address the past – and then you are in a totally different position and can actually make solid moves towards the great unknown of dating. You seem very, very comfortable with being alone this year though so perhaps you will never actually get around to doing the work! Read more on Venus in your chart and Venus in general.

  22. Dear Jessica,
    2018 certainly sounds like the relief that is required. I really like the idea of mind, body, spirit rejuvenation. I certainly don’t have plans for children, although I am getting a new dog this week who has been seized from abusive owners,( so a strong mind, body, spirit recovery theme) and i guess that she counts as a fur child. I am single and would love to know what opportunities lie in my path this year!
    Happy 2018 to you!

    1. Zigi, I hope you have a splendid relationship with your dog for many years – thank you for rescuing this poor darling. You may want to read what I wrote again regarding babies, children and parent-child relationships.

  23. Hi Jessica I have been seperated from my husband for the last four months and I don’t see us particularly getting back together…I felt like I had to get out of the relationship even though he was my best friend…would love to hear what you see for me. I have a sag moon. Apreciate any guidance or input. Thank you “Happy New Year” to you 🙂

    1. I am very sorry you had to separate – and I’m sure you know that Saturn transiting over your Moon in Sagittarius is one of the heaviest things, emotionally, that any woman can experience. It can only take place every 29 years. Of course there would be more going in your chart than that, and there is – even at the most basic level you are a Sun Libra and so Uranus (radical change, unpredictability, cutting away the past, space, freedom, liberation) is in your marriage, separation and divorce zone. Let’s take a closer look at 2018. You will learn a lot about masculinity through a younger man who is central. I am not sure if you have a son or if your husband is dramatically younger. This person has a strong Aries, Leo and/or Sagittarius signature with all the confidence and forthrightness of fire signs in the chart. There is a brilliant idea, concept or plan in his hands and he needs to plant it, nurture it and make it grow – if he is serious. Otherwise it will remain as just a budding idea with which to distract himself, or congratulate himself! I sometimes see this chart pattern with women who are around wannabe professional musicians who spend a lot of time on the production of the song and then never do anything with it! You have your Node Return in Leo in the Fifth House where you mentor, guide, steer or lead a younger generation. This is why I am asking about a son or much younger husband. Perhaps this is a different man entirely. This is someone who was born at least in the 1980s and possibly the Nineties – a Millennial springs to mind. Your task if you should accept it, is to connect, assist and coach. This younger face identifies with the plan or concept so much that it is part of who he is in 2018 and if you can help make something flourish, that will mean a lot. You can never, of course, control what men are going to do! I think you’ll learn a lot about how to make your own schemes come to fruition by this.

  24. Any chances of better life with a two decade stuck marriage? He’s a Taurus. One kid is off to college, and one to high school. Been a mom and dependent mostly but would love some independence and vitality.

    1. Oh dear. The stuck marriage to the Taurus man has to be textbook. I had a Taurus lover once and he was great, but I have also seen how utterly dull they can be. They marry money or property, or possessions. Through him and other men this year you learn about masculinity. I believe this is likely to be him, more than a potential lover, boss, brother, male friend and the rest. Yet – without your husband’s chart it is hard to say. In any case, toxic masculinity which is borderline aggressive has to be confronted and understood. Also male ego – that attachment to being King. You have to read men’s hearts and minds to get through to them; negotiate with them; strike deals with them. This is emotional, psychological and may be sexual if this is your husband or a lover. I do feel it’s your partner, though – not that it really feels like a true partnership. It would appear the idea of coupledom flew the coop a long time ago. Yet somewhere underneath all the male bullshit is a naked, vulnerable, interesting man. A person not a bloke. How you get there is worth the research, effort and work. If nothing else you will learn a hell of a lot and that will help you move forward again, when the time is right. You can look to his family tree on both sides for clues about why he is, the way he is. We commonly find an army, navy or air force man in the mix. Or the police.

  25. Hi Jessica

    A very Happy New Year to your and for all the brilliant work that you do..

    I look forward to each new year. So being a Scot, Hogmannay has to be celebrated and the new year greeted in a positive way. I am a gay woman and have been with my partner (Sagittarius) for nearly ten years…no children and we don’t live together, its how I like it! Just wondering what challenges I may have in 2018 concerning my love-life which can be lack lustre/not passionate but do love them as a companion moreso than a lover!

    Thank you for your time and again a very Happy new Year to you.

    1. Happy New Year and have the most fantastic time in beautiful Scotland. You could easily get married, actually. I am spending New Year in Australia and the lesbian senator Penny Wong just celebrated legal equal marriage here in parliament – I believe she cried with happiness. If you are absolutely sure you don’t want marriage together – and it’s not for everybody – there will still be some kind of religious, spiritual influence which changes your life. You asked about love – well this is love as seen by Buddhism, the Church, Islam and the rest. I feel this is really important for both of you. This answer may have surprised you.

  26. Merry Christmas Jessica and happy New Year as well. Can you tell me what my love life would be like in 2018? Will I finally settle down and start a family. I just turned 40 and the past 5 years have been rough in regards to relationships.

    1. Presumably you are straight and not gay or transgender. You could have a ready-made family, possibly, by becoming sexually involved with a woman who moves to your area as a single parent, or perhaps with a partner and child – but is not content with them. It is really up to her. It is all about her and what she is looking for. I feel she’s escaping from a pretty rotten situation. Single women with children are all looking for love on my website. I have to tell you that!

  27. Hi Jessica, i was reading your predictions and felt a little scared. I’m not really into long distance or internet cause i’ve being doing that stuff and know it doesn’t work for me. I’m looking for stability. As I’m a premium member, can you look at my chart briefly?
    Thank you very much and have nice holydays!

    1. You will have a lump sum of money this year and a decision to make. You can change your life and yourself which would open you up to new sexual relationships if you want them. The world is yours to explore with that kind of cash, enjoy it.

  28. Hi Jessica

    Thank you for your wonderful posts! My husband and I have finally found a house to buy right before Christmas and we are currently in the process. It will change a lot of our routine as it is further away from my job but also could be really great. We are nervous but hopeful it is the right move for our little family. We spent most of 2017 trying to plan and make this big decision. In your posts you mention Pisces and children as a big theme. This makes me nervous since our new home is very small and just right for our little family (1 child). My husband is a 9 Cap with ascendant at 14 Cancer conjunct Saturn. And also Venus and Merc in Cap too. This sounds like a big astrological time for him. Is there anything you can see based on our charts that we may need to look out for in 2018?
    Thank you & Happy New Year!

    1. I can read for you, though not the family, as I don’t have their full charts although obviously your husband is strongly Capricorn so January, February are about reshuffles in his industry or field. Thank you for the compliments! You will spend 2018 learning from a master. This may be your husband. Is he a brilliant multi-tasker? I have only seen this chart pattern come up once before and it was for a superb politician, very high up in government. What I really like about this man is the lack of sexism. He is very special. Good with money, good with love, good with words, good with leadership. Embrace him and his world in 2018 and learn all you can.

  29. Wow Jessica – a positive outlook for Gemini singles in 2018! Happy New Year!
    So glad to see this. I have been single and childless by choice for a very long time and have also been caring for my elderly parents while working part-time which has been my focus over the last year and will probably be in the next year too. There doesn’t seem to be time or energy to focus on personal relationships.
    I work in charity fundraising and was very successful at this at the charity I work for in 2016, not so successful in 2017, so interested to hear of potential professional success in 2018. I’ve just been offered a permanent contract at the charity I work for.
    Also interested to hear that love may manifest itself in a professional story, before it ever becomes an emotional or sexual story. I am straight but the organisation I work for has an LGBT focus and has many LGBT staff working there. It’s always seemed unlikely to me that I would meet someone romantically there. So maybe I’m going to be somewhere else professionally in 2018? What do you think?
    Best wishes

    1. You’ll do very well in 2018 Pauline so your project, role, course or plan will be successful. I find it hard to believe you would not want success after everything you have been through. The issue is, how do you make a successful life of achievement and fulfilled ambition, pan out with the world of love and sex? I will leave it to you to figure that one out. Happy New Year.

  30. Happy (almost) new year to you Jessica! Another great article from you thank you!! Would be most grateful to you if you could look over my chart and give me some additional insights. Single, no children. x

    1. Happy New Year. If you want sex with a man who is intensely masculine and most unlikely to tie you down, he is out there for you in 2018. He would be strongly Mars or Aries influenced. He’s a man on a mission and may be travelling for work, or just passing through as he has no intention of staying where you live. Wild and stormy weather is like a wild and stormy man. A tiny bit Poldark, a little Heathcliff. You could have him if you wanted him and could figure out what he’s looking for but don’t expect commitment. The fact that he is younger and so sexy should flatter you.

  31. Hi Jessica,
    As a Capricorn I always hear about work, career, money, properties but My soul is looking for love constantly. I don’t know what part of my horoscope has such a strong will. However it seems that my path has been trimmed completely from any male coming into my life. Recently I met a single Sagittarius that I deeply feel connection with but there has been no progress although I feel he has feeling for me. Will there be any chance for us to get connected? I appreciate your help. This is very important for me.

    1. I can’t see the Sagittarian’s chart so can’t comment on him, but you will need to look at your true feelings about being a mother/not being a mother, being a stepmother/not being a stepmother if you want to break the drought with sex. There is some avoidance or uncertainty showing in the chart. This may be karmic. We have the Node (karma) in Leo (babies, children, pregnancy) and difficult past life experience with childbirth, pregnancy, termination – and so on – can sometimes carry over. This often explains why women prefer single life and cats to the hurly-burly of the four-poster bed although they never want to admit it. There is a ton of avoidance and evasion showing in your chart which suggests a big conversation with yourself, the mirror and your diary about babies or other people’s babies is overdue. This would shift things. If you are clear about it then you can be clear when you advertise online, or engage in flirtatious emails. You do not have to shout it out loud, but clarity and certainty about motherhood would shine through and that has a way of attracting a man who also knows exactly what he does or does not want. You have Uranus (radical change, shock, revolution) going into your sex and babies zone in 2018. This also rules men who have children left over from a failed live-in relationship or marriage.

  32. Happy New Year Jessica. Thank you for all your posts and insights for 2017 and thank you for answering my questions.

    My husband is a cancer 19/7/69 1.30pm.
    We have been married 25 years and have two children 11 and 13. Scorpio and Libra respectively.

    Any insights or guidance would be appreciated.

    1. Happy New Year. Even a 25-year-old marriage will be reshaped if your husband is a Cancer Sun man. That zodiac sign is going through a transit he will only ever know once in his life – and it just began. Part of the reshaping is down to you. You will travel, want to move or just ‘travel in the mind’ – by yourself – in 2018. You will be strongly attracted to aspects of European or American life and culture and possibly Australasian culture. This is very tied to your sexuality as you need to satisfy your lust for life through wanderlust which helps you come alive. You have a Sagittarius chart signature and Jupiter (growth, reward, expansion, exploration) is in Sagittarius for the first time in 12 years next year. Of course the world may come to you as someone who seems powerfully foreign enters your world. I have seen this chart pattern before when women fly off to attend two-week workshops in Spain and leave their husbands at home. When they come home they are sexually, shall we say, reawakened. I have also seen it when a marriage ends and a woman emigrates. Finally this chart pattern can occur when a worldwide web flirtation (safe) reminds you that you are still a potent sexual being, even if it’s all happening on a screen!

  33. Hi Jessica, Happy New Year to you and yours! Like many others I’ve had a difficult and life changing year. I am so ready for positive change in 2018. Any insight into the year ahead for me personally would be helpful and much appreciated.

    1. For love and sex we look to Leo, Libra and Scorpio in the chart. Sure enough your horoscope is dominated by those zodiac signs. Uranus, the planet of freedom, liberation, revolution and radical change will visit you in 2018. You will find yourself able to break free of a very restrictive and unhealthy situation with your lover. The sexual attraction is intense and the possibility of a full-blown relationship is real, yet there seem to be some issues about right and wrong here. You are both intimidated or overwhelmed by what you feel is a situation bigger than both of you. Not correct. You need to do some honest talking and some self-examination and get out of this situation. You can break up or decide to go together but anything is better than being frozen. I hope you find what you are looking for.

  34. Hi Jessica. I am so glad to be a premium member, I learn so much from your articles and always enjoy your song references!
    I have been reading up on Saturn in Capricorn because it will square my libra sun pluto mars three times in 2018 and I’m dreading it! Will you have a look at my chart and give me an idea of what to expect? I’ve been in my current place of work since August 2016 and was recently promoted but am not sure if it’s what I really want to do or where I want to be. Should I stay or should I go? Also, any chance of reconciliation with my aries sun @19 ex? We first met in in 2008 when Jupiter was at 21 Capricorn and broke up in 2012 but always seem to circle back to each other.
    Thank you! I look forward to learning more from you in 2018. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you very much. I used to to be a music editor so I can’t quite get it out of my system. Don’t dread transiting Saturn squares. Hit Search for Sacred Geometry to see how squares can be turned into new shapes by adding new people. Is the Aries man younger? If so he is available to you in 2018 but it would be hard work. He is an action man with an aggressive streak who actually needs to address his family tree. If that’s not him then it’s another potential lover. Same story. Fiery, masculine, sexy, probably a bit difficult. This is the main story in love in 2018.

  35. Hi Jessica,

    Can you help me to see what is going on in my love life. I was married at a young age, which didn’t last and so I am worried about committing again. I have an Aries partner of 12 years his dob is 17.04.72. You mention travel or a big move, which goes beyond a holiday? and is it possible to say if this would this be the year for a great marriage?
    With love, Clairex

    1. Thank you Claire. Your Aries partner is quite Pisces/Neptune influenced so he does not live in the real world and is far more at home with his own parallel universe. He is always intriguing, never boring and emotionally and sexually you have something solid gold here. I do feel you’re going to travel or move once he realises that he needs to get out of a rut. He feels already married to me. As if he has a ring on his finger even if he doesn’t! So – he looks like a married man, appears like a husband, moves like a committed person – even though you’ve never actually seen a priest. This is the kind of man you have to treat on his own terms, and it would be you crossing into his world, not him meeting you halfway. Yet, who can complain about such a terrific escape from reality? That’s what he offers.

  36. Happy New Year Jessica. Thank you for all the years of deep insight I have gained from your website posts and forecasts. I would like some insight about an ex-partner/ex-lover and the future. His birth information is February 13, 1954 born at 12:00 AM in Jackson, Mississippi, USA. Thank you for the continued valuable meaning and insight you provide on your site.

    1. Thank you. Your ex has to figure out the ‘women’ question and he will do this in 2018 with you (possibly) or another woman who will take no nonsense. This is really like him dealing with Boadicea and Baroness Margaret Thatcher, with Hillary Clinton for good measure. He is going to learn an awful lot about the way femininity can work, and just how powerful a woman can be. I think it will be good for him. He also needs to understand that the very foundation of a woman’s existence can be the child she had, or even the pregnancy that never came to term. That is so often what is at the very core of female existence. Negotiating, dealing, compromising – that’s his task in 2018. If he makes the mistake of not being able to read the female heart and mind, though, I don’t think he’s going to get very far – and it could be quite serious for him.

  37. Happy New Year Jessica and thank you for all of the great posts. I am in a transition period. My daughter who is my only child has moved away to another state for college. I am not in a relationship and am now feeling some freedom enough to be open to marriage and partnership. I am a Taurus and you are right on the money with this forecast. I have been in theory and for the last seven years educated myself out of marriage. I think it is a good idea to shift out of that mode. What does my chart look like to recreate my new world now that i have launched my daughter off.

    1. Happy New Year and thank you. You will love your social life in 2018 and find yourself again through deep friendships with other women who are different to you, yet share great chemistry. You could also easily join, or put more energy into, a group, team, club or other network. People power could be quite extraordinary if so and you might all be celebrating a shared victory before the year is out. One of the great truths about Twitter is ‘birds of a feather flock together’ and this applies in the real world too. You are all flocking together, and will have other ‘birds’ in your own circles – whom you might also benefit from knowing. Your friend’s friend can sometimes also become your (very) special friend.

  38. Hi Jessica,
    Wondering if you can give me more information on my career opportunities and if something concrete will be coming up soon that I can get excited about. Also, a view into my personal relationship and if it will lead to commitment? I am involved with a Gemini man (June 16th 1963), we’ve been together for 3 yrs. Thank you!

    1. Actually, the most important thing I can tell you about 2018 is to understand some people politics around you. Just be aware that the best strategy is always to pre-empt any issues before they happen with people. Nobody really wants any hint of conflict in their world – life is too short and there is too much fun to be had – so should this cross your path, with those Mars cycles in 2018 – remove each, any and all possible ‘tools’ for people politics or even some kind of clash. I feel it is very important that you should remember this. Gemini will make a milestone decision about the two of you in time for Christmas.

  39. Happy New Year Louisa. It is very important that you export your favourite project. There will be another, so don’t forget that either. One thing at a time is good, but in 2018 you need to juggle. Nothing can possibly develop as it should in your local area. Maybe even your entire region/state or country. The worldwide web is in your hands. You have two high potential plans here, both of which could take off if they were put in the right place. You need to hurry up with this and figure out strategy. Why the hurry? Because the time is now!

  40. Happy New Year Jessica & team !! As usual, l have enjoyed reading your lastest posts 🙂 & extra information via membership. Thank you for all the information. I can relate ti so much of it & am really hoping 2018 brings a much needed changes to my love & work life. I am single & my daughter will be moving a few hours away to attend 1st year university. Do you think there might be some action in my life since I will be on my own ? So hope so, lol. Thank you x

    1. Actually, you need to explore your family tree. Find your roots. It will help to ground you. Until that happens I don’t see you being particularly impressed with the relationship potentially on offer, or even particularly content with the other emotional bonds in your life. It may seem like it’s about them, but it’s actually about you – because you are not in the right frame of mind or emotional state to truly appreciate what is on offer. This is really just a passing transit but it is important because you want and need fulfilment. You deserve it – obviously – but nobody can actually make it happen for you, until you change. The Shakespeare phrase ‘now is the winter of our discontent’ springs to mind but if you were to remember that you come from somewhere – pull yourself back to your roots – you would find that the ancient history of a very impressive family tree can help you straighten out and have a ton more energy and enthusiasm for life. Just doing that will help you get real about who and what is on offer for you and then so much more is possible. I also think you need to sort out your chakra balance. Your sexual energy has moved to your top half and the sacral chakra which rules sex is being channelled through the head, not through the part of the body where it should be! I hope all this makes some sense. A lot of people would love to have the kind of solid gold emotional bonds that you possess even though in 2018 it is going to take effort and energy to truly appreciate them and make the most of them.

  41. Happy & healthy New Year to you & your fabulous team Jessica.
    My partner of 9/10years (24/11/73 SA. Australian. born noon’ish) & I (22/6/71 Nth Is. NZ.born early morning) are looking at IVF embryo saving soon then placement for pregnancy in 2019.
    My wonderful partner is going through a nutritious diet to detox of heavy metals & pray for healthy bacteria back into his gut.
    He is also trying to slow work down with more time for himself and us.
    Will we conceive our miracle child or will we have to look at surrogacy, adoption, other options?
    Also, work wise, will there be mutual respect returned, or other options in the future & my part time passion of music always be a part of my balance in life & finance.
    ThankU for your time.

    1. Happy New Year. The trick with pregnancy in astrology is to relax about all the options and understand that if children come, they do so for their own reasons, in their own good time, and in a way that suits the many, many people who have an interest in the situation. You are asking questions which involve quite a lot of work for me, and I don’t have your chart up to see – conception and also work are major concerns – and I would need two charts for the first issue about having a child. The thing I can see very quickly, at a glance, is that exploring adoption very seriously would be an excellent idea, because you need to learn about other cultures and countries and this is one way of doing it. Even if a baby comes naturally, you would still have made a huge spiritual leap by considering giving a home to a child who comes from such a different background. Doing the spiritual or soul learning is part of the reason this whole situation has come up. It’s one-world thinking and will help you for other reasons, later on in your life.

  42. Hello Jessica,

    Happy New Year to you and yours.

    I am child-free, legally single and ‘discontentedly’ settled with an Aries – an we live in our separate homes.

    Clearly I would like the “discontent” gone. Through my own fidelity (and lack of pluck) I cruelled the opportunity of a new relationship with a friend of long-standing (a Taurean) a couple of years back, and still hanker for her and what might have been.

    Vocationally 2017 was particularly bruising to my Capricorn moon; and none of us are getting any younger. I am beginning to wonder that fulfilment in love and vocation will pass me by in this lifetime.

    Your insights appreciated.

    Many thanks.

    1. To get the most from 2018 you need to understand that when the winds of change blow hard, you also have to change. That phrase ‘the winds of change’ was a great favourite of Patric Walker, my favourite astrologer. What you’re going to see in your life are people who want action – now – and as Uranus is changing signs in 2018 the pace will be fast and furious. Aries/Mars types who are assertive, impatient, aggressive will have a big impact on you – and you will need to read hearts and minds in order to strike a deal, or meet them halfway. Anything which is sturdy enough to last, will last. Anything which was ‘dead wood’ will probably have to go. I would describe this as sudden life climate change for you, but it will blow away the cobwebs as well and leave you only with what is meant to grow in your life. Not hang around for no apparent reason!

  43. Happy New Year dear Jessica!

    Thank you for all your Posts and insights, which have helped me!
    I am in a Transition period, because I am leaving soon Germany, in a month time, as you well predicted, to go to another Country, my home Country, for work reasons.

    In the last 7- 8 years, I have had not that much luck in love, most of the time beeing single.
    Can you give me some insights, how my love life is going propably look like in 2018 to 2019!

    D.O.B – 4 nov.1976 – I am a Premium Member too!

    Thank you for your time and energy.


    1. Thank you Juno and Happy New Year. I am glad the astrology is helping. Leaving Germany to go back home for work means contact with totally different people, of course, and one of these faces will cross your path with a very good idea or plan. This man may be actively looking to export what he has, or convinced that he needs to find the right environment before he can do anything else. You are very likely to meet as he is passing through. He will connect with you and you may want to put the effort into meeting him halfway. If his social circle is anything like him, you would find intriguing and interesting people there, who are also ‘ideas people’ and spend a lot of time online. One of them may be who you are looking for, if you feel like dating. I would think he has a large circle of contacts.

  44. Hi Jessica, Happy 2018 to you! I was hoping you’d write something on love in 2018 and was delighted to see such an informative article on the site. I’m currently a (child-free) singleton (for the past 4 years or so) and am curious to hear what the cosmos has in store for me as its been a dry desert thus far after a long and tumultuous relationship. Love to hear your insights into the love stuff in my chart
    Thank you and all the best to you.

    1. Happy New Year. You could easily have a connection with a younger man who is all about his concepts, ideas or project. He is like the guitarist in a band who is obsessed with the song he just wrote, or a craftsman who is involved so heavily with his products. I do feel you will have to be ‘all about’ the idea or project too, as he is not really going to connect sexually and emotionally until he trusts that you appreciate what he is doing. He also needs help to make the whole thing happen, or it just won’t last very long!

  45. Happy New Year Jessica!

    This start of the year feels both light and heavy at the same time for me..I feel like the year will bring me amazing things but the full moon on 1 Jan (I’m in Asia) is precisely on my sun which is at 11 Cancer. I sat outside staring at the moon and thinking about stuff for 5 mins!

    My feelings are running deep also because there is an Aries guy I feel so much for – His birth date is 21 March, 1992, and he’s quite the typical Aries as this year for him is all about ambitions and career. I do feel a strange karmic connection with him but he’s left now and based in another city (Paris) for at least the next 6 months. Based on our charts, do you have any insights on whether our story will continue to unfold??


    1. You are drawn to this Aries man precisely because he is based in Paris and you are based in Asia. You want to travel, or travel in the mind, Yvette and have fallen in love with that, as much as you have fallen in love with him. You will personally travel or even move in 2018 and could easily go between two places or two cities. This may or may not involve him as we are only at 2nd January now and time will reveal more. In any case, he is less important than your actual journey, relocation or big commute – which is going to change your life and also change the lives of those around you. In fact, it’s blessed. I know that you will have your choices about where to go, but I strongly recommend you look at far-flung places – even as far as Europe or Egypt, Africa and so on. There are huge questions about how to equalise male-female relationships in your chart, and perhaps also black-white differences. The phrase ‘different but equal’ is very big for you in 2018 and yet it is the most ambitious trip which will unlock the biggest lesson.

  46. Hi Jessica,

    I like this guy, and from the little I know about his chart, I noticed a few things.
    I have my North node at 12 Scorpio, and he has his moon at exactly that. I have Pluto at 10 libra and he has Uranus at exactly that. I have Ascendant and Dc at 0 degrees, and he has his N Node and Sn at 0, mine is Scorpio his is Pisces though, if it matters. He’s a Scorpio sun with a ton of planets in Scorpio including Jupiter, I’m pretty sure he’s a Capricorn Ascendant.

    I’m actually interested in working with him on a new project, collaborating on a new business actually, as partners. Love is secondary to be honest, still I’m intrigued.

    I appreciate any thought on this, thanks a lot.
    Wish you a great 2018.

    1. Karma. Node conjunctions are always proof. The sign and house tells you ‘what’. You two have sex and money debts/credits as it’s in Scorpio. As he is strongly Scorpio his life path is about the reality of ’til death do us part’ with marriage and property. Partnering with him seems almost inevitable but get it in writing and get it checked.

  47. Hello jessica,
    I’ve had a torrid on/off time with an Aquarian over the last year and am now a little battered and I guess single again! As a Scorpio the house/workload issues in the forecast don’t entirely tally with my current dilemmas, but perhaps they will. Anyway any guidance or insight from my chart would be very much appreciated to help deal with the muddle.
    Thanks so much and happy new year to you…

    1. Your Scorpio forecast literally began three days ago – it’s a little early. Your Aquarian will make up his/her mind once and for all by the end of this year. He/she has karma to sort out from other lives and that is why things have been so challenging. From May 2018 Aquarius could easily consider moving and by 2019 be in a new property or area – radically different from the last. Your Scorpio forecast will hold.

  48. What an inspiring Website! Thank you Jessica! Greetings from Austria! After quite a long relationship I’m single since over10 years, no kids, and sometimes wondering if I’ll ever manage to have a relationship again. I have a platonic friendship with a man (Capricorn, Cancer AC) who is in a relationship. Spirituality became a big theme in my life, and writing. Wishing you a wonderful New Year!

    1. Thank you. Waving from Orford, Tasmania to Austria. Happy New Year. Of course you will have the chance of a lover again. Jupiter at 27 Scorpio later this year conjuncts your Aesculapia at 27 Scorpio. Jupiter is opportunity. Aesculapia is a miraculous revival, comeback or return. Scorpio is sex and money, or sex and property. A connection you had assumed was over will come back.

  49. Hi Jessica thanks for the horoscopes, as a permanent Singleton I’m looking to know if 2018 will bring some happiness into my love life! I’ve had a series of intense but non committed situationships for years but never anything I could call a proper relationship. I always seem to be more invested than the man. I read for both Aries and libra (rising sign) and interesting you mentioned relocation/travel romance is a strong possibility with Sagittarius factors (I have a stelium in Sagittarius). Would love to know what you see for romance in my chart. Thanks!

    1. Don’t read for your Rising Sign as it won’t work, I’m afraid. So you want a lover. For that we look to Leo or Libra in your chart, and Scorpio too. You have Saturn in Scorpio in your Eighth House of marriage + mortgage so there is quite a lot of fear around that and no doubt your Saturn Return in Scorpio was very tough in recent years, emotionally and financially. It often coincides with a break-up. Uranus opposing Saturn when he moves to 2 Taurus will challenge old fears and put old ‘walls’ to the test. We tend to build protective walls and barriers with Saturn and you may be falling in love with men who cannot become proper financial and property partners because it’s easier and less confronting than someone who will involve the vows of ’til death do us part, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer.’ Watch for Uranus slowly moving to 2 Taurus because you will have an episode with a former or potential financial/sexual connection then which forces you to question what you are doing and why you are doing it. Very useful!

  50. Happy New Year! (I’m just reposting this, can understand you having to answer a loooot of questions from others).

    I don’t care much for any new love/romance in 2018 for myself (I’m legally single and child-free) and my overall reading sounds fabulous and strikes a chord re: the web. However, I just saw another member asking for an insight about their former lover, and realised that I would like to know the same. His details are 31 October 1979, Dhaka, Bangladesh. I think he is in some form of a relationship. I don’t have his birth time though.

  51. HI Jessica
    Happy New Year to you and the team.
    I had my solar return done this year and it said the moon would be in my fifth house indicating love. Do you see this? I’ve been a single mum for several years and although life is busy and there have been some dates something more permanent would be nice. (Summer last year you told me not to expect this due to Bacchus wanting a good time in my chart and how right you were!) All my chart factors point towards a move abroad but I just can’t see this happening at the moment as my daughter is still quite young.
    Many thanks in advance for any insight you may have.

    1. Thank you, I will pass that on to James, Justin, Alyas, Jodi, Kerry. I don’t work with Solar Returns unfortunately. Your situation in 2018 is all about your daughter. Everything comes back to her. Then, suddenly, by 2019 you realise the karma is complete. You have closure with her. You and she go back into many lifetimes. So, I could talk about dating, but actually she’s the key and you have to consider men in the context of her, her, her. Further ahead you will have a partnership which is a complete holiday from reality. This is when she is much older.

  52. Hi jessica,

    Thanks so much for this post, the work you do is appreciated. Reading the Libra post was interesting and did have lots that is extremely accurate for me. As a single libra, no kids, is there anything you can tell me from my chart?

    Thanks for your time

    1. Thank you N. Your Libra stellium in the Seventh House of love,sex,marriage and separation is big – and complicated. Every time you fall in love a ton of patterns are triggered and you have to figure out everything from female competition to the fact that old lovers/old situations come back. The best thing you can do is keep a journal to spot your patterns. Remember what went down September-October of any year and March-April which is always, always when things unfold. Use it this year to figure out what is going on and how you can handle it in a new way.

  53. Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for this post, it feels very relevant to me!
    My husband is a cancer (22/06/85, 6.30pm Birmingham, UK) and it’s felt as though we’ve constantly been battling through our 9 year relationship (like the odds are against us) but love each other dearly. The last few years have been particularly tough.
    We’re expecting our first baby (due date the 8th Feb) and are incredibly happy about it but I think it’s fair to say we’re both a little anxious about how our relationship will unfold now and we’re both very conscious of giving her a happy and stable life.
    I find it very hard to trust and loosen my grip on having control over myself/situations and have struggled with the family dynamics from his side. As a consequence he’s found my less than easy going nature hard work to navigate, avoids facing up to things and let’s me deal with the difficulties they create. It’s a catch 22 situation, as I then feel unsupported and scared to trust him. Intimacy is a huge deal for me and I get stuck in destructive behaviours to distract myself.
    I miss him, I know he misses me.
    I think we’re both terrified; but not really sure what of!???

    1. Congratulations on the new baby. You have survived the toughest cycle for pregnancy in 29 years. It’s over. You will be thrilled at how things work out with your child from November 2018 and by 2019 be amazed at how much this young face expands and improves your world. You and your husband are dealing with karma from years ago and past lives as well. The past lives may have been very, very difficult which is why it feels so tough. Fortunately once you reach November this is behind you and you will have paid your spiritual debts to each other. Your terror will vanish as Mercury vanishes from Sagittarius, which rules pregnancy in your life. Hang in there. It’s past life stuff. To find out what, use your Astrology Oracle.

  54. Reposting the comment.

    Happy New Year Jessica!!
    I am a straight forever single gal who desperately wants to meet The One and get married and have children 😉 Do you see any love partner in 2018 or in near future in my chart?

    Many thanks.

    1. Thank you and Happy New Year. The answer is all about stepchildren, adoption, birth, fostering – and you have radically different choices from May 2018 with past life karma in 2019, 2020. Your path to parenthood will not be predictable but it will be unique and right for you – over the course of many years.

  55. Please could you tell me what 2018 will have in store for me romance wise. I’m currently single, and have been for quite a while, and don’t have any children. It now feels as if this is how it will remain long term.


    1. You could easily reheat an old relationship by November or return to someone you never quite launched with. The North Node (repetition) is back in Leo in your Fifth House of courtship and will conjunct, or trigger, all your Leo placements. You may also see a replay of the same/similar relationship theme from years before. Like the same film with a new director. At all points you can choose to say yes, no or maybe.

  56. I was divorced officially just a few months back after a really surprising break up kicked off late 2016 … which I was astounded to read you frame piece by piece as it unfolded throughout 16/17. Break up although a real shock (affair) really feels right. Now settling into new life as “single” but seeing an old flame I do really like. Really relate to all of the things floating around sense of place but wasn’t sure to read into singled or settled. Still a learner with the birth chat and would love to understand more around what this year might mean

    1. Thank you. Mercury at 18, Venus at 20 Scorpio in your Eighth House of love, sex, money and property suggests opportunities and solutions in 2018. I am sorry you went through the break-up, yet as you read, the astrology was very clear. I hope you also got the message from your readings that the ultimate goal was to liberate you. Now, you are going to be shown what it is like to (maybe) open the door on a bigger, better way to merge sexually and financially. You may go through the door, you may not, but when Jupiter the planet of opportunity also passes 18, 20 Scorpio (now – and again, in September) it’s certainly there for you. Hit Search to look up Scorpio too as I wrote a long story on people with a Scorpio chart signature, which you have.

  57. Hi Jessica,

    I’m astonished at the article, it’s unlike any other astrologer’s. I can relate the student teacher relationship, for me it’s boss. Both of us are learning from each other, it started as lust but deep down was a need for friendship, bonding, intimacy. Sometimes it’s very placid, sometimes deep, sometimes spiritual, sometimes there is no communication. There’s no definition of this relationship, what’s reAlly happening even we don’t understand.
    Can you tell if this relationship is one that is meant to last.


    1. Thank you. Fiery, it’s hard to say without the other person’s birth chart I’m afraid. And in astrology ‘meant to last’ is also impossible to predict, believe it or not. You can talk about calm weather or stormy weather but not what the captains decide to do with the journey! In general your chart suggests you are over-investing in this and under-investing in other parts of your life. But then you might know that. Balance, balance will help.

  58. Hello there Jessica,
    Thankyou for your powerful Leo readings, they definitely hit the spot hard in some of the matters said. My partner is a Capricorn, we have been together for near to 3 years. We have been fighting quite a bit lately,nothing sorted, swept under the rug and left. Until last Thursday… There was light and our conversations are alot deeper and meaningful and raw. Letting each other really know how we feel. I did read the Capricorn reading as well. And it really does seem scary to me with what coukd potentially happen this year. Please help to ease my mind?? Am I wasting my time?? Should I protect myself even more from future hurt?? Also please tell me if my Work life gets better fast?? Currently going through Workplace Bullying and have been pushing through to keep going to move forward… Is there a light at the end of this tunnel?? Thankyou for listening to me Jessica xx #FeelABitLost

    1. I am sorry you are having such an intense time with your Capricorn and work too – could you please log in so I can see your personal birth chart, as a Premium Member. Thank you!

  59. I am so sorry your heart has been broken CR. That is no good. What might help a bit is knowing that you have Vesta in almost exact patterns with a whole range of horoscope factors. If you look at your chart you can see Vesta at 23 Leo. You do have a lifelong pattern of getting into situations where one male has the influence over yourself and perhaps another woman, or even a lot of girls/women plural. Look up Vesta on Search. Look at the paintings of the Vestal Virgins too, online and see what comes to you. I am afraid you have been totally ‘Vesta-d’ but once you know this asteroid and what it does in your chart you can avoid it and move on up to better relationships next time. This man’s behaviour has been appalling.

  60. I have just logged in now Jessica, it is getting better but is it real ?! Just a bit lost. I think because I am going through Workplace Bullying it could be putting pressure on us I guess. I am hoping I win this battle its a daunting experience believe me. Thankyou
    Steph Shields

    1. I am sorry about the work place behaviour. If you want to get on top of this you need to use your willpower and self-control to create a work ‘system’ that is best for you, even if you have to work around this person. Actually he or she will not last long, either being moved sideways, departing or otherwise ‘rearranged’ in your life. If you are patient you will this person reduce to a pinprick in your life. Emphasis on the word prick if it’s a man, obviously. Pluto cycles like this one are hard work. You need to find a way to give him/her some control, but also claim it for yourself. And if you can’t actually reclaim the power within a two-way street, find your own path and just stick to that, irrespective of what this person wants to do. I am sure you have seen Human Resources already, or your Trade Union, if it’s serious – correct?

  61. Hi Jess,

    A colleague of mine suggested I call her regular psychic and I was told that I was coming into a two year cycle where I would lose alot, be taken advantage of and generally have my world turned upside down – this was all meant to have started with the end of my relationship last year. Naturally I’m a little bit shaken, especially as I’m mostly excited (well, was) but also a little anxious about striking out on my own as a single mum.

    Please, do you have any insight for what I can expect in 2018?

    1. If your birth time is accurate, the psychic is wrong – you are actually slowly *ending* a cycle of instability and uncertainty in love. You’ll see a real switch from May 2018 then from 2019 it’s far smoother sailing for you. I’m assuming your birth time is 100% accurate as you were born right at the start of Libra. But – if so – the next few years are really about the child/the children and that’s the priority.

      1. Thank you Jess, yes birthtime is accurate. I have already been through alot of upheaval so the idea of it being more intense for the next two years was awful.

        Appreciate your reply!

  62. Greetings Jessica,
    I did previously attempt to inquire about a specific situation I am experiencing but I’m sure you’ve received a virtual mountain of responses to this well written and intriguing article, so I give it one more go….
    While late 2017 and most certainly early 2018 have seen me completely switching gears by leaving a nearly two decade career and entering the formal education process (Jupiter in Scorpio) and this is i opening new (and challenging) horizons, I do have a bit of a quandary in the area of my love life.
    I was dating a rather lovely Capricorn woman whom I met in the fall of 2017, but as the year started, things got derailed. And, even though we broke up, there has been an extreme amount of back and forth: it would appear that we both want the same thing but currently in a seemingly irreconcilable manner. Ultimately, the question become “Shall we just walk away or shall we just let it go for the time being?” and we both agreed to the latter.
    So, imagine my surprise when I read the Pisces horoscope suggesting that there may be a redo. Are there any factors in my chart which may support the possibility of reconciling? The breadth of your knowledge is wide and the well of your experience is deep and I would be tickled pink if you might be able to offer insight. Many thanks.

    1. I understand why you long to know if you (Pisces) can reconcile with her (Capricorn) but actually your horoscope says money is more important. Of course, your feelings about your finances and property/location may be part of the story with your former lover. You have that Cancer-Scorpio-Taurus chart pattern which suggests 2018 is one of the most important years of your life for choices about your bank account, investments, savings and also where you want to live/how you wish to live. The big question for you is how much to spend or let go – release, trade, purchase, do business – and how much to tightly hang onto. I do understand that money is security for you, but take a second and third look at what is going on out there in terms of opportunities. You will literally not have a line-up like this again for 12 years.

  63. Hi Jessica,
    Yes it’s serious, I am currently trying to deal with my Anxiety and health at the moment, I am usually a very strong person and can handle pain etc, but this has really won me over. I read my weekly Horoscope from you and it said I need to ensure I am in control regarding a political work matter?? And that a solution will go my way?? I hope my voice gets heard and the truth revealed. It’s currently under investigation as we speak, preparing and sending further details in. But my complex workplace injury psychologically. It could either way really. I was just hoping May be my Dad would be up in the Heavens praying I win this battle so I can finally move forward and find a new Job. Regarding My partner, you are right its so hard work, he is very much a hard type. But he has been trying this past week. I just don’t want to be hurt anymore in my life, so if he does do as his horoscope says then I would walk away now to try save myself. Thankyou for listening xx

    1. I am so sorry about the stress. I always say, if anxiety is affecting you physically (sleep and so on) do try the work of Dr. Claire Weeks online. Her books have sold in the millions and I believe there is a fair amount of free information/help on YouTube and elsewhere. Okay, so you and your partner can make it through. Better than that, you could fall in love again. You are strongly Leo with a stellium (unusually high cluster) of factors in your Fifth House, which rules sexuality and intimacy. 2017 and 2018 see the North Node (karma) in Leo so you and your Capricorn are just clearing karma. I say ‘just’ like it’s the easiest thing in the world! Yet – this is a past life debit/credit situation with you two, and heaven only know what you meant to each other in the past life. You are now at a point where the timing is right. Your Dad may even be helping a little from his side of life. The one thing that needs to go is the confusion. There is this little passing cloud you need to get rid of. It’s like opening the window and clearing the room of smoke. You can both close the gap and become more powerfully united than ever but you need to figure out yourself as well as him. There is no point in looking to astrology or your Dad but not looking at yourself. At a certain point I think you will be ready to do that and sexuality is part of it. You two are from vastly different family trees. Yet you could fit together so well. With Jupiter (repair work, opportunity, big solutions) in Scorpio (sex, property and money) in 2018 I do feel it’s now or never for you two to get this right and I truly hope you do because you could be one of those great couples we see around the place, holding hands in your senior years. As for work – please trust the Pluto process (hit The Capricorn Effect on Search).

  64. Hi Jessica

    Happy NY. I am divorced co parenting for some years now, with no love interest but feel a connection with a Piscean friend that has real possibilities. So hard to tell if the feeling is reciprocated, just wondering whether to risk losing the friendship by opening up?

    Hope you have time to briefly respond.

    1. Happy New Year. I actually think a far more important thing to tell you about 2018 is travel and travel in the mind. You are strongly Gemini and we have Jupiter (opportunity) swinging around to make patterns with that. I think you’ll be very tempted to move to another area or just take a very ambitious trip. You may also be ‘travelling by mouse’ so just reaching out to other countries or regions online. You have a project, plan or idea you need to take there. Literally anything or anybody could be out there for you and that’s where the real romantic adventures may begin, later. This is not so much online dating with people far away – it’s really that you have 1-3 high-potential concepts which would so much better elsewhere.

      1. Wow, thanks so much for that Jessica; I’ll try and figure out just what that idea or concept could be, and let the other look after itself.

  65. I am recently out of a 6 year relationship. Now, I am single with 1 young child. I really want to get married and have a solid/trusting/ supportive relationship. Do you see any significant relationship for me this year? thank you!

    1. You have Mars in Libra in the Seventh House of one-on-one close relationships and as we have transits to Mars this year, you may want to read more about the planet Mars (hit Search or try my ebooks) to understand what/who you are attracting. Actually, the Seventh House can also be about the relationship you have with a child, because if you are a single parent, it’s just the two of you. So I am not sure if you have a young son, or if you are attracting the attention of a far younger man this year – but there is a major focus on how to deal with male energy. Particularly young male energy. Men in particular need to learn that life is not always about being on the attack or defence. In fact that very strong traditional ‘male’ energy can be put to great use in the garden. Men also need to find out their female side, don’t they? So all this is showing up in your chart as something you could help a certain (much) younger male with. Again, as you don’t tell me if you have a son or daughter, or the age, I am not sure if this is your male child, or you are just about to draw the interest of a male who is a Millennial or Gen Y or whatever.

  66. Louisa, tap into younger male energy right now. This may be a family member; friend; archetype (a hero on television or in music) or actually a man who is your former, current or potential lover. Get to know this generation of men. They are not like men your age. At all! Their hair is different, their clothes are different, their whole take on masculinity is a million miles away from Ye Olden Days of men. Do this immediately and see where it takes you. There is potential here. It would take effort and work, but yes – you could be sexually entwined with a younger man. First step – get into the hearts and minds of that generation.

  67. Hi Jessica

    Reposting my comment and I know you must have a huge queue of queries so fingers crossed ….

    Happy 2018! I am simply in awe of your gift and how amazingly accurate you are, thank you so much for sharing your insights…

    I had earlier read the love horosocpe And then read the 2018 year ahead and was completely blown away by how accurate it was!

    I had low grade depression due to a break up last year and totally let myself go physically – this year is about getting back into shape ( and therapy) and as you rightly said it’s about mind body connection which needs to be focused on.

    I am about to turn 40 in the coming year and had two promising relationships which went nowhere – hugely disappointing but I guess it is what it is. You had suggested a couple of years ago that if I worked on the opportunities which came my way I could be in something serious by 2018 ( and I met someone who I felt for like i have never done before) -you were right – but it was not to be ( partly my fault).

    Can you please let me know what you foresee for the next couple of years – will I meet some one and as importantly marry/be in a committed relationship – I do very much want to be in love/have someone and not be single (and lonely).

    Also there is this guy I am insanely interested in – born 20th July 1968 in Calcutta; he has shown interest when I was dating my ex; It’s been awhile and we have not been in touch; but do you see any chance of something meaningful with him? Truly appreciate your insights…

    Stay blessed and take care

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words. I am glad the astrology is so useful for you. The most important thing I can tell you about ‘now’ in order to make 2018, 2019 happier is this. It’s healing time. You are a Sun Leo who has been wounded. It is very important that you explore all kinds of help and healing. It may be Reiki (which many people offer free on YouTube; my own friend Kerry McNally offers complimentary trials). The assistance may be counselling, actual medical help. yoga, Pilates. Perhaps you believe in the healing power of prayer. Don’t leap ahead of yourself to love and sex just yet. You need to remember who you are and come back to yourself. Of course, sometimes it is possible to attract a lover who acts as a kind of therapist. This is also possible. It really depends on where you are at now, and who you want. I can’t tell who you want or need. Some people do want to fall in love with ‘saviours’ who can rescue them and make them whole again. Others would rather do that by themselves, then venture out into the world as reborn Leos, ready for a very Leo kind of love. You will be a new person after this year if you take what is on offer. You will relaunch. And advertising yourself as a true Leo – the leader, the monarch, the special person who guides younger faces – is exactly what you need to do, to find someone who resonates with you. Being utterly true to who you really are is like sending a strong ‘me’ signal which will then pull in potential lovers with horoscopes which chime beautifully with your Leo side. I also feel you had a disappointing sexual relationship where erections were an issue. Just saying. When you feel like yourself again, move right away from that. Leave it far, far away until it is quite forgotten.

  68. Hi Jessica,

    I have been hurt and terribly wounded in the past, and I am very reluctant to commit to anyone. Moreover I have career matters pressing me which is affecting my physical body. I’m in a deep friendship with someone at work, I mentor her professionally, and she provides me the emotional stability. We have occasional sexual relationship but we feel a spiritual connection as well. I would never want to lose her from my life and she is someone who wants freedom in the relationship yet a very mature and stable friend and helpmate.
    What do you see from my chart.


    1. VSN your issue with this, is the group as a whole. I assume you have a work-based team, a trade union, a circle of friends who are also involved with your job – or similar. You have Juno (commitment) at 3 Aquarius in your Eleventh House of tribalism and camaraderie. We currently have the South Node in Aquarius, heading for Juno in your chart – slowly but surely. Juno was actually Jupiter’s bride in Roman Mythology, upon which modern astrology is based. Juno in your Eleventh House, then, is about being ‘married’ to the group. She would want space, very much, as if you two are too intimate it affects the group. Your greatest challenge with her, is to keep the connection but understand that a great deal of the chemistry you share is there, precisely because you are not ‘alone together’ but pulled together because of the chemistry that goes right around your acquaintances and friends. If you two were to get married or have a child, for example, it would threaten the group and maybe even end it, as everybody knows it. You would certainly have to think about leaving. Read more on Aquarius to understand yourself.

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