Asianscopes - Asian-influenced, chinese Horoscopes from Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer


Time for David Davis? Astrology Says Yes.

His chart is all about money, trade, taxation and business. It seems fated, too - the Nodes are involved - so we could guess he's an old hand at finance, in one or more previous lifetimes, perhaps going back to the Thirties.

David Davis may be the next Tory leader in Britain, according to The Daily Telegraph –  if Prime Minister Theresa May does not last the distance, as some people speculate. It’s always a challenge for an astrologer, working without a rock-solid birth time, but we can be fairly sure that Davis was born on 23rd December 1948. Apart from anything else, the man with the most memorable name in politics, has a Brexit-friendly horoscope. His chart is all about money, trade, taxation and business. It seems fated, too – the Nodes are involved – so we could guess he’s an old hand at finance, in one or more previous lifetimes, perhaps going back to the Thirties (Image: The Daily Mail).


Is Big Ben Chiming for David Davis?

Is the time right for Davis to take over the Tories – or at least play a far more powerful role? Yes. Born with the Sun at 1 Capricorn, North Node at 3 Taurus, South Node at 3 Scorpio, Mercury at 6 Capricorn, Jupiter at 8 Capricorn and Saturn at 6 Virgo, this is someone who has a solid, down-to-earth, grounded horoscope. And he is about to be rocked by cycles he has not seen, in his lifetime.

The revolution for Davis starts with Uranus, timing the most radical economic changes for decades, in Taurus (the British economy and pound) in June 2018, starting at 1 degree, trine his Sun, while Chiron is also at 1 Aries, square his Sun – then Uranus, begins moving across 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 degrees of Taurus by March 2021.  This is a clear 2018-2021 pattern showing a goat climbing to the top of a mountain being hit by electrical storms.

The horoscope ignites across 2018-2021 and Davis becomes what he was always meant to be – the solid rock in times of great change, sitting firmly in the middle of lightning bolts – and doing his best to stay put, at the top.

This chart makes Davis a midwife for the greatest shake-up in Britain’s finances since the Thirties. Uranus will conjunct his North Node at 3 Taurus and oppose his South Node at 3 Scorpio – Scorpio being the other great symbol of banking and the stockmarket. If you’re curious about this new era for all of us, you can read more on Uranus in Taurus elsewhere on this site.

All Eyes on May 2018 and the David Davis Horoscope…

May 2018 finds Saturn at 8 Capricorn, right on David Davis’s Jupiter. So that’s Saturn –  the planet of heavy reality checks, obstacles, burdens and serious milestones – sitting on all this man’s ambitions. It takes about three decades for anyone to experience Saturn conjunct their born-lucky, supremely protected, Jupiter. Davis has this at around the same time that the economy rocks. As P. J. Harvey once sang, Let England Shake.

That little cluster in David Davis’s chart from 1 through 8 degrees of Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo places this chap in the red tie (above)  as a man of destiny. Right time, right place, right person – for the long 2018-2026 currency, taxation and economy revolution. The climb could begin as early as Christmas 2017 as Saturn moves to 1 Capricorn, right on his Sun. That’s not a merry Christmas. It’s a heavy Christmas. But everything about David Davis’s astrological chart suggests he can take it.

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7 Responses

  1. Hi Jess,

    Excellent article as always – and bonus points for the PJ Harvey reference.

    You might recall that I (possibly) planted this thought in your mind in April when I cast David Davis as an unlikely Vulcano in the Grand Air Trine that occured on 9 June. But if he can pull off a staggeringly favourable Brexit deal against the odds we’ll all be winners. That includes you and me because we said it first! At the election Vulcano was at 6′ Libra, so he really is the right man to cut a deal through skilled negotiation. As you might imagine, I’m following his style closely as the story develops.

    With the all attention on beleaguered Mrs May at home, he can get on in relative quiet for the moment. So he’s already on to a winner just by keeping his head down. But when can he and I take a peek above the parapet?


    1. Thank you very much KC – I do remember you casting David Davis as Vulcano. I have been working with both Pamela Colman Smith’s Tarot and Astrology in combination lately, so I might see if there are any clues there. June-December 2017 brings us – interestingly – a sex scandal in the Tory party and a pregnancy or existing child is involved. That doesn’t sound awfully like David Davis to me but then, we thought Boris Johnson was a safe pari of hands, or at least a safe pair of pants. The year 2018 brings a financial and property boom, which fits with Jupiter (abundance) in Scorpio (banks) and I can see the King of Wands alongside the Ten of Coins for that year – this looks like an ambitious man who longs for the top job and could easily take it. The Prime Minister is a force to be reckoned with, though, and the late Baroness Thatcher saw off a few rivals in her time!

  2. Hi Jessica, a question coming off the back of a previous comment : Will David Davis pull off a staggeringly favourable Brexit deal? I do hope so
    Regards and thanks for your articles.

    1. We don’t have complete birth data for David Davis so it’s very hard to say, which I realise is a boring answer. In general we can use the United Kingdom chart set for 1st January 1801. We know that works! The nation is looking at a Brexit model more like Switzerland than anything else. And despite all the gloom-mongers, Jupiter in Scorpio translates as abundance, opportunity, problem-solving – and Scorpio is mortgages, banks, houses, apartments – so from October 2017 through November 2018 it is boom time for many, many people. Just be aware of the imminent madness of Uranus in Taurus, though. You can hit Search to find out more about that.

  3. Dear Jessica,
    I read your articles with interest as they seem so accurate on a number of issues from the Election to Brexit. I am a remainer and I moved back to Spain after the vote, before the triggering of article 50. I am watching on feeling helpless as I see the E.U bully the UK and in particular eye up the spoils of London. Do you think the UK can still be successful outside the EU? Will it just be England? will we recover our lost good name on the world stage? I remember feeling so proud after the 2012 Olympics, we were seen as a liberal, strong and successful multicultural country, a beacon of hope. Will we recover?

    1. The vote happened on an historic line-up of Uranus at 23 Aries, Ceres at 23 Aries, Mars at 23 Scorpio – and you can’t stop history. Uranus has been a symbol of independence, freedom and liberty since its discovery in 1781, when the United States of America broke away from Great Britain. So now history repeats and the British Isles is breaking away from the European Union. Once the Euro has collapsed starting in a small but shocking way in May 2018 (Uranus in Taurus, the sign of currency) we will start to see a new world economy based on digital money and London will take up the challenge.

      1. Dear Jessica

        Thank you for your reply, great website, I enjoy your work. I am relieved you stay so positive for London and the future. I have met many other EU citizens here and the majority don’t understand Brexit but some say “maybe you are the first and have more courage, but others are thinking the same”.

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