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Virgo Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for May. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast

Virgo Monthly Forecast

You will no doubt be waiting for the part of your astrology prediction that is all about your former, current or potential partner (in love or work). Perhaps, too, your archenemy, rival or opponent. That’s what happens when you have two slow-moving planets like Saturn and Neptune in your solar Seventh House of duets and double acts, as well as duels.

At the same time, Ceres is in your solar Fifth House of the bedroom, courtship, children, teenagers and stepchildren. What you need to know is that this is a long transit, and it will not be until the end of the year, when Ceres changes signs, that you start to see closure with what is essentially a long period of compromise and deal-making. This may be taking turns with your daughter and your ex-husband as Ceres rules time-share agreements.

If you have Libra factors in your natal chart, then there is karma here from 18 or 19 years ago, as the South Node transits this area of your horoscope. So for you 2024 is twice as important.

An associated issue is the karma involving pregnancy, adoption, stepchildren, godchildren, existing sons or daughters, miscarriages, abortions, and so on. So, no wonder you approach your horoscope with one eye on your son, daughter, marriage and so on. You have Pluto coming back into your solar Fifth House in September-November too. These rare, historic cycles are reshaping your view of yourself on the most personal level.

Now, to your finances, charity, property, business and so on. You were operating in the dark for the last couple of weeks and completely missed seeing important information in late April on the Total Eclipse. You also had (and still have) Mercury Retrograde here. So March or April were stop-start. Perhaps both months. Eclipses tend to make things very shadowy, or even blacked-out completely, so you were either ‘blind’ to what was going on, or it was actually concealed from you anyway as April rolled on. I do hope you saw the eclipse feature I filed and skipped that period for decisions about (say) shares or your bank.

May is the time of reckoning and although the story from April is set to change, be held up or even scrapped – you will get to May 15th and 16th knowing that at last you can proceed. From the middle of this month, though, it will feel as if all your ducks are in a row at last. You can then move on and go forward as best you can.

Virgo, Jupiter dominates May in terms of terrific timing. Snap up all the opportunities and solutions by the 25th involving foreigners and foreign countries. There may be a sub-plot involving publishing or academia. This is the well-known Jupiter in Taurus transit of your solar Ninth House.

As May ends, you enter your biggest and best career, unpaid work and academic cycle in 12 years. Jupiter changes signs to Gemini and you will have been shown a new path by June on the New Moon. This really is quite a long cycle and sometimes Jupiter can deliver right at the end. So don’t discount June 2025 either, Virgo.

By June 2025, you may have had a huge hit; signed a very good deal; accepted a promotion; been accepted into a prestigious university; won an award; landed the job everyone else wants.

If you also have Capricorn natal chart factors then 2024 is an unforgettable year with so many deals, carve-ups, compromises and new agreements that your entire trajectory will be reshaped.

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