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Aries Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams has prepared your monthly astrological forecast for May. Discover what the stars have in store for you this month including your Premium Extended Forecast

Aries Monthly Forecast

We are seeing the end (at last) of a very long cycle affecting your First House, ruled by your own zodiac sign, Aries the Ram. The First House in modern astrology is associated with personal appearance, first impressions, image, self-promotion and presentation. The Curriculum Vitae or professional resume – today a Linked In profile – is about showcasing and pushing oneself forward. This is a First House matter and March; April and May are all about that. The slowdown, stop-start and reversal of Mercury Retrograde ends on the 14th of May.

Vitamins of course make for a healthy appearance. Weight, body language and posture are linked to vitality and form the impression you make. Thus ‘vital’ first impressions are also linked to the First House. It can cross over into health issues, particularly involving your appearance – glasses, for example. When people tell you their life story, or their life is summed up in a biography, or even an obituary, it is often the First House that is expressed in words. So, Aries, the month of May is a huge catch-up for you.

An eclipse in Aries in April kept you in the dark, about yourself. Now you will realise that the jigsaw puzzle regarding your face, name and title is still missing two pieces. This classic period of misfired communication, missing links, waiting games and even scrapped plans, began with the shadow and does not end until mid-May. Thus, you will spend time going over old ground, and getting to ‘final’ with a matter concerning yourself, either in terms of your title, photographs, film clips, internet profile or portrait. Even then, some things will always be a mystery to you. For example, you will always be partially or wholly in the dark about matters of image.

Now, Aries, the new focus with Jupiter winding up in the finance zone of your chart, will be your money, house, business, charity, apartment or valuables. Now that the ‘me’ aspect of social me-me-media can be put behind you, you can move into one of the most important financial decision periods of the year. If you planted acorns in 2023, oaks grow now.

Sweeping solutions and genuinely big opportunities are here, so situations affecting everything you own, earn and owe – with your bank account or budget, will make a terrific difference to the month ahead.

I have left the best until last, Aries. From the final week of May, Jupiter changes signs to Gemini and a brother, sister and/or cousin will be at the heart of a long overdue answer for you, or a terrific new open door. By June, you’ll have made your first decision but in fact your luck is in with this person until June 2025.

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