Friday, March 7th, 2025: After May 2025 – with both finance and the property markets in the building industry, mortgages, business, charity, shopping, selling and banking – the walls come down. There are clues today. Jupiter is poised to go into your natal Fourth House of real estate from June. Cancer factors, Leo? I see a change of location for you and, at the very least, renovations.
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23 July – 23 August
Leo the lion is an ancient symbol of monarchy. At your best, you are born to rule, and have a natural ability to lead, set an example, guide and mentor. A special connection with the world of children or younger people is the shining badge of every successful Leo. The downside of your sign is arrogance and bossiness. The dark side of Leo is also snobbery – looking down on those below you. When in doubt remember The French Revolution and move on.